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FLAVIUS Presentation of Softissimo WP1 Project Management.

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Presentation on theme: "FLAVIUS Presentation of Softissimo WP1 Project Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 FLAVIUS Presentation of Softissimo WP1 Project Management

2 FLAVIUS  Presentation of Softissimo  Reverso Intranet  Lexibase Intranet  Presentation of WP1  WP1’s tasks details

3 Softissimo FLAVIUS  SOFTISSIMO designs, publishes and integrates language technologies for large corporations, institutions, education and the consumer market.  We help our customer to share information, automate translation process with a range of complementary solutions :  Reverso Intranet : an instant translation portal (text, web pages, documents)  Lexibase Intranet : electronic dictionaries  Toolbars (aka Reverso powertools) : access to the functions of translation from automation applications from MS Office type, Internet browser (IE, Firefox) etc  Web Services : integrate translation features in your favorite applications!  A unique assessment : more 200 major customers and so many projects of integration or linguistic adaptation.  Key figures: + 8 millions users, + 100 millions of translations a month, + 200 languages combinations

4 Softissimo FLAVIUS  Key dates :  1988 : first grammar checker for French - Hugo  1989 : first electronic dictionaries - Collins Online 1989  1995 : first « reasonable quality » translator for an affordable price  1997 : first PC translation software for non-English pair : French-German  1998 : first high quality translation software : Reverso Pro English-French  1998 : first translation solution for Intranet with large deployment : EADS, Thales  2004 : first portal combining translation and dictionary  2008 : first offer combining instant translation solution, collaborative dictionary for Intranet, translation workflow tool

5 Softissimo Reverso Intranet FLAVIUS  Reverso Intranet is an instant translation portal :  Text translation, files, emails  Navigate and Translate : browsing in other languages (source text in tooltip).  Enriched access to dictionaries  Natural pronunciation of the original’s text and its translation  User-friendliness and the speed of a local application (AJAX)

6 Softissimo Reverso Intranet FLAVIUS  Value for customers :  communicate effectively with foreign speakers customers, prospects, counterparts, partners, suppliers oral or written  understand the information immediately, whatever the language  translate and transmit the information in a foreign language  respect the terminology of the company for a better coherence and cohesion  Reduces the costs of translation Documents not intended to be published  Keeps information confidential (no use of internet sites, non secured)

7 Softissimo Lexibase Intranet FLAVIUS  Lexibase Intranet : electronic dictionaries  Rich and friendly (voice, conjugor, …)  Collins,  Specialized dictionaries (business/finance, industry/technical, medical/pharmacy…)  Collaborative dictionary (web 2.0)  Glossaries and company’s lexicons with a unique interface for the consultation of all the dictionaries and the groups of dictionaries.  Natural pronunciation

8 FLAVIUS  is the reference site for online translation:  Texts translations : quality, easiness, speed in more than 35 language pairs  Bilingual Dictionaries ( famous Collins dictionaries publishing), specialized dictionaries (medical, business, computer, …) and monolingual dictionaries (english, french)  Conjugator (english, french, spanish, german), interactive Grammar)  Popular and user-friendly Site  Also used for research purpose

9 Softissimo Customers FLAVIUS :

10 WP1 : Project Management (1) FLAVIUS  Main objectives of WP1: establish planning, coordination of partners’s work and facilitate communication between partners  WP1 is composed of 5 tasks aiming to reach this objective :  Task 1.1 : project coordination  Task 1.2 : quality and risk management  Task 1.3 : administrative and financial management  Task 1.4 : implementation and reporting  Task 1.5 : project web site  A document template will be sent to partners  Establish a mailing list for project internal communication (along with project web site)

11 WP1 : Project Management (1) FLAVIUS  Task 1.1 : project coordination  Organisation of regular meeting with partners :  use of Skype software  frequency and time of call meeting  duration  meeting agenda  writing of minutes  comments on minutes  Designing of a project website (see Task 1.5)  Provide partners with an up-to-date planning when required

12 WP1 : Project Management (2) FLAVIUS  Task 1.2 : quality and risk management  Discuss its challenges during each call meeting  Plan a dedicated full-meeting if needed (phone call, email)  Inform partners (phone call, email) about possible risks, delay s as soon as possible  Assess FLAVIUS platform (see WP 5)  Task 1.3 : administrative and financial management  Pre-financing received  Will be sent to partners eligible to pre-financing in the following days

13 WP1 : Project Management (2) FLAVIUS  Task 1.4 : implementation and reporting  Produce regular reporting to European Commission  Internal report :  Work Package Leaders to report during meetings  Partner to Coordinator when risk, delay is detected (phone call, email)  Project Manager to inform about milestone, … to warn partners when risk, delay issue is raised by a partner

14 WP1 : Project Management (3) FLAVIUS  Task 1.5 : project web site  URL :, hosted by  Available by the end of June (?)  Use of Wikipedia software as CMS. Each partner will have a login/password to access the secure section of this website.  Content:  Presentation of FLAVIUS project (home page)  Presentation of each partner involved in FLAVIUS project.  Partner login section (secure section for internal use only): Schedule of meeting Name, email, Skype identifier, … of partner’s staff involved in FLAVIUS project Documents (technicals documents, images, …)  Partners will be responsible for writing their presentation.  Partners are free to suggest/propose any relevant content  And any other relevant matter

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