Kindergarten Unit 5 Week 1

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1 Kindergarten Unit 5 Week 1
Word Ladder Kindergarten Unit 5 Week 1

2 Teacher Directions Have the students spell the words on dry-erase boards or paper. You can keep a recording of the words by sketching a ladder and writing the words from the bottom up. Read the clues to the children as you go. Feel free to provide more hints if the children can’t figure out the word with only the given clue.

3 The first word for your word ladder is…

4 Change the first letter in jet
Change the first letter in jet. Make a word for what you get when water gets on you. jet

5 The word is… wet

6 Change the first letter in wet. Make a word for an animal friend.

7 The word is… pet

8 Change the vowel in pet. Make a word for something that you use for cooking.

9 The word is… pot

10 Change the first letter in pot
Change the first letter in pot. Make a word for writing down a note really quickly. pot

11 The word is… jot

12 Change the last letter in jot. Make a word for slow running.

13 The word is… jog

14 Change the first letter in jog
Change the first letter in jog. Make a word for what you can call a tree part after it’s cut down. jog

15 The word is… log

16 Change the vowel in log. Make a word for hanging back, being behind.

17 The word is… lag

18 Way to Climb the Word Ladder!
You went from jet to lag! Way to Climb the Word Ladder!

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