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Word Ladder Jury…. Fourth Grade Phonics Unit 1 Week 5.

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Presentation on theme: "Word Ladder Jury…. Fourth Grade Phonics Unit 1 Week 5."— Presentation transcript:

1 Word Ladder Jury…. Fourth Grade Phonics Unit 1 Week 5

2 On the bottom rung of your word ladder, write the word: jury

3 Add the letters i, c, and e to the green letters from jury and make a word for the liquid part of a plant that can be extracted. jury

4 You should have spelled… juice

5 Add the letters r and s to the green letters in juice to make a word for travel at a moderate speed. juice

6 You should have spelled… cruise

7 Change the beginning letter in cruise to make a word for an injury in the soft tissue or bone. cruise

8 You should have spelled… bruise

9 Use the green letters from bruise and the letters e, x, and c to make a word for a reason, cause, or justification for an action. bruise

10 You should have spelled… excuse

11 Add the letters o, n, and f to the green letters in excuse to make a word for jumble or unclear. excuse

12 You should have spelled… confuse

13 Use the green letters from confuse and the letters l and t to make a word for a musical instrument. confuse

14 You should have spelled… flute

15 Use the green letters from flute and the letter h to make a word for color. flute

16 You should have spelled… hue

17 Add one letter to hue to make a word that means very large, enormous. hue

18 You should have spelled… huge

19 Change the ending of huge to make a word for a small crude shelter. huge

20 You should have spelled… hut

21 Add the letters r and t to the letters in hut and use the letters to make an antonym of lie. hut

22 You should have spelled… truth

23 Use the green letters from truth and the letters d and y to make a word for work you are obligated to perform. truth

24 You should have spelled… duty

25 You just went from jury to duty in twelve words.

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