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Fifth Grade Scott Foresman Reading Street Unit 3 Week 1

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1 Fifth Grade Scott Foresman Reading Street Unit 3 Week 1
Daily Fix-Its Fifth Grade Scott Foresman Reading Street Unit 3 Week 1

2 1. Once I write a story about a king?
2. King wrong was a funny ferry tale.

3 1. Once I write a story about a king?
2. King wrong was a funny ferry tale.

4 1. Once I wrote a story about a king.
2. King Wrong was a funny fairy tale.

5 3. In this kingdem, the king surved everyone.
4. He payed taxes to his loyel subjects.

6 3. In this kingdem, the king surved everyone.
4. He payed taxes to his loyel subjects.

7 3. In this kingdom, the king served everyone.
4. He paid taxes to his loyal subjects.

8 5. Everyone will celebrat the queens’ birthday.
6. A carnivle of actors performed tomorrow.

9 5. Everyone will celebrat the queens’ birthday.
6. A carnivle of actors performed tomorrow.

10 5. Everyone will celebrate the queen’s birthday.
6. A carnival of actors will perform tomorrow.

11 7. What book is you reading.
8. Alice In Wonderland is about a girls wild dream.

12 7. What book is you reading.
8. Alice In Wonderland is about a girls wild dream.

13 7. What book are you reading?
8. Alice in Wonderland is about a girl’s wild dream.

14 9. Spence don’t want a speeking part in the play.
10. The stage directions say to set on the throne and rise the scepter.

15 9. Spence don’t want a speeking part in the play.
10. The stage directions say to set on the throne and rise the scepter.

16 9. Spence doesn’t want a speaking part in the play.
10. The stage directions say to sit on the throne and raise the scepter.

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