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The Houdini Box Vocabulary Fourth Grade Unit 4 Week 1.

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2 The Houdini Box Vocabulary Fourth Grade Unit 4 Week 1

3 Words to Know appeared bustling crumbled escape magician monument vanished

4 person who entertains by art or skill of creating illusions, especially a sleight of hand magician appeared bustling crumbled escape magician monument vanished

5 disappeared, especially suddenly vanished appeared bustling crumbled escape magician monument vanished

6 fell to pieces; decayed crumbled appeared bustling crumbled escape magician monument vanished

7 being noisily busy and in a hurry bustling appeared bustling crumbled escape magician monument vanished

8 was seen; came in sight appeared bustling crumbled escape magician monument vanished

9 to get out and away; to get free escape appeared bustling crumbled escape magician monument vanished

10 something set up to honor a person or an event. A monument may be a building, pillar, arch, statue, tomb, or stone. monument appeared bustling crumbled escape magician monument vanished

11 Which means the same thing as the underlined word? We were eager to see the magician. person at a concert person who performs tricks

12 Which means the same thing as the underlined word? Can you escape your house tonight to go with us? come in break loose

13 Which means the same thing as the underlined word? People began bustling through the doors as soon as the shop opened. arriving scurrying

14 Which means the same thing as the underlined word? The puppy appeared on our doorstep last night. came into view stayed in one place

15 Which means the same thing as the underlined word? We planned to tour the monument on Tuesday. memorial museum

16 Which means the same thing as the underlined word? The cookie crumbled inside my bag. burnt to a crisp fell to pieces

17 Which means the same thing as the underlined word? The dessert vanished quickly in front of the football team. descended disappeared

18 Youve got it!

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