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Marshall Grimm Anna Vigil Jillian Wright.  Why Some Do Not Seek Help  Medicinal Treatments  Psychotherapy Treatments  Effectiveness Of Treatments.

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Presentation on theme: "Marshall Grimm Anna Vigil Jillian Wright.  Why Some Do Not Seek Help  Medicinal Treatments  Psychotherapy Treatments  Effectiveness Of Treatments."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marshall Grimm Anna Vigil Jillian Wright

2  Why Some Do Not Seek Help  Medicinal Treatments  Psychotherapy Treatments  Effectiveness Of Treatments

3  People do not realize that their disorder needs to be treated.  There are barriers that stop people from seeking help.  Many do not know where to go for help.

4  Cultural Stigmas  Many psychological disorders are not taken seriously. “Mind over matter” Origin of psychological disorders are “hidden”  Psychological disorders are signs of personal weakness.

5  They should be able to handle the problem by themselves  In a study printed in Cambridge Journals by many psychologists from various universities surveyed those with mental illnesses and found that most desired to handle the problem on their own(42.2%). Attitudinal factors were much more important than structural factors(97.4% v. 22.2%).  Fear of embarrassment for family  Financial obstacles  Lack of medical insurance for mental health  Treatment providers themselves provide obstacles  Long wait lists  Lack of funding for sufficient staffing  Staff lacks proper education  Cultural and gender factors  A study of college students found that being male predicted negative attitudes towards seeking psychological help.

6  Finding the right psychologist is just like trying to find any professional.  There are many different kinds of treatments, each with its own pros and cons.  There are many different types of psychotherapists.  Psychologists  Psychiatrists  Social Workers  Counselors

7 Early Treatments of Psychological Disorders  Trepanation This was “release the evil spirits” taken literally. The town’s physician would drill a hole in the sick person’s skull to release the demons. Consequently, the person often died shortly afterward, or they suffered such brain damage that they remained in a vegetative state for the rest of their lives.  Exorcism Various religious rituals were performed to rid the victim of his demons.  Hydrotherapy Was another form of treating “possessed” patients: they were shocked “back to their senses” by being submerged in ice-cold water.  Shaving Shaving the pattern of a cross in the hair of the victim’s head  Binding Securing sufferers to a wall near the front of a church so that they might benefit from hearing the Mass.

8  Antipsychotics Used to treat schizophrenia  Antianxiety Most antianxiety medications are benzodiazepines a form of tranquilizer. Doctors are relatively cauties when prescribing, due to the potential for abuse.  Antidepressants and Mood Stabilizers MAOI ’ s (monoamine oxidase inhibitor) – Introduced in the 1950 ’ s, rarely prescribed due to side effects. Tricyclic Andtipderessants – also introduced in the 1950 ’ s, used much less frequently because of side effects. SSRI ’ s (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) – One of the most common antidepressant SNRI ’ s (serotonin and norepineprhine reuptake inhibitor) – newly introduced with fewer side effects.  Herbal and Natural Products Easily available over the counter, less expensive and are perceived as “ natural ” alternatives to “ drugs. ” Used by those whom medications do not work or the side effects are intolerable.

9 Used by some people for whom medications do not work or side effects are intolerable.  Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) AKA shock therapy. Involves inducing a mild seizure by delivering an electric shock to the brain.  Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Placing powerful pulsed magnet over a person’s scalp which alters neuronal activity in the brain.  Psychosurgery Surgical destruction of specific brain areas.

10 26.2% or 1 in 4 adults suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in any given year  Mood Disorders20.9 million adults or 9.5%  Anxiety Disorders40 million adults or 18.1%  Phobias Social 8.9% Specific 8.7% Agoraphobia 0.8%  Personality Disorders6 million adults or 2.7%  Bipolar Disorder 5.7 million adults or 2.6%  ADHD4.1%  Eating Disorders Anorexia 0.6% Bulimia 1% Binge eating 2.8%  Schizophrenia2.4 million adults or 9.5%  Autism Spectrum Disorders 8 year olds 1 in 10

11 Psycho Dynamic Therapy Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Humanistic and Existential Therapies Groups in Therapy Interaction between a therapist and someone with psychological problems.

12  seeks to increase a client's self-awareness and understanding of how the past has influenced present thoughts and behaviors, by exploring their unconscious patterns.  Psychoanalysis  Aggressive and sexual urges presented from childhood  Focus on early childhood events  Takes 2 to 3 years to complete therapy  Transference can occur

13  Behavioral Therapy is effective for individuals who require treatment for some sort of behavior change, such as addictions, phobias and anxiety disorders  Concentrates on the “here” and “now”  Eliminates unwanted behavior  Promotes desired behaviors  Reducing unwanted emotional responses

14  Cognitive Therapy involves learning how to identify and replace distorted thoughts and beliefs  Concentrates on the clients thinking about self, others, or the world  Cognitive restructuring  Turns the way you think into a positive more realistic way  Mindfulness meditation  To be fully present in each moment  Detects symptoms before they become a problem  To be aware of all feelings, and sensations

15  involves changing the way you think (cognitive) and how you respond to these thoughts (behavior).  Usually used with anxiety and depression  “problem focused”  Reduces panic attack  “action oriented”  You must do things to face your phobias

16  This approach focuses on recognizing human capabilities in areas such as creativity, personal growth and choice.  Humanistic therapy focuses on how a person sees themselves  Helps them to recognize their strengths  Person-centered therapy  Existential therapy focuses on increasing self awareness and broaden their views on the world  Gestalt therapy all of us have had to repress or suppress aspects of ourselves because they were not accepted or supported.

17  Multiple participants work on their individual problems in a group atmosphere.  For people who have a common problem, such as substance abuse.  Forced to get along with their peers in the group  Helps those that are socially awkward  Shows clients that they are not alone with with their problems

18  Like physical health, mental health is dependent on the person.  Each treatment has its pros and cons.  Many psychologists believe that each treatment may be more effective for specific disorders.

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