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SUMMARY Stability and Trim.

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1 SUMMARY Stability and Trim

2 3 Summary 3.1 Introduction to Stability and Trim 3.2 Intact Stability
3.4 Damage Stability 3.5 Load Lines Title of the presentation - DD/MM/YY

3 Introduction to Stability and Trim
3.1 Introduction to Stability and Trim 3.1 Introduction to Stability and Trim “Stability is the ability to return to the original position of rest when disturbing forces are removed” Title of the presentation - DD/MM/YY

4 Stability 3.1 Introduction to Stability and Trim Stability When a vessel is inclined at a small angle from its position of rest; it returns to original position - positive stability it remains in displaced position - neutral equilibrium it moves further away from original position - negative stability Title of the presentation - DD/MM/YY

5 3.1 Stability Stability (continued…)
Introduction to Stability and Trim Stability (continued…) When a vessel is inclined: Inclination in transverse direction is the “heel” or “list” Inclination in longitudinal direction is the “trim” Weight of the vessel acts through “Centre of Gravity” (G) Buoyancy force acts vertically through “Centre of Buoyancy” (B) A vessel placed in water will settle until buoyancy equals weight rotate until B and G are in the same vertical line Title of the presentation - DD/MM/YY

6 3.1 Metacentre Metacentre Introduction to Stability and Trim
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7 Longitudinal stability
3.1 Introduction to Stability and Trim Longitudinal Stability Where IL = 2nd moment of area about a transverse axis through the centre of floatation F = Volume displacement = L I BM Title of the presentation - DD/MM/YY

8 Trim 3.1 Introduction to Stability and Trim Trim Trim is the difference between draught aft and draught forward A ship trims about centre of floatation F (i.e. centroid of waterplane) Moment to change trim 1 cm - this is the moment which must be imposed on a ship in order that the trim will be changed by 1 cm. It is plotted against draughts and used for calculating trim MCT 1cm = Where GML = Longitudinal Metacentric Height = mass displacement of the vessel in tonnes L = length between perpendiculars Title of the presentation - DD/MM/YY

9 3.1 Trim Trim (continued…) Moment to change trim 1cm (MCT 1cm) = Where
Introduction to Stability and Trim Trim (continued…) Moment to change trim 1cm (MCT 1cm) = Where GML = Longitudinal Metacentric Height = mass displacement of the vessel in tonnes L = length between perpendiculars Title of the presentation - DD/MM/YY

10 3.2 Intact Stability 3.2 Intact Stability Intact Stability
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11 Tranverse Intact Stability
3.2 Intact Stability Tranverse Intact Stability Vertical distance between G and M is the Metacentric Height GM. G and B1 form a couple called the Righting Lever GZ (can be called KN at keel level). GZ = GM sinθ Moment of the couple is GZ called Moment of Intact Stability Position of M is determined by Where IT = transverse moment of inertia V = Volume displacement Title of the presentation - DD/MM/YY

12 3.2 Characteristics of GM Characteristics of GM Heeling moment
Intact Stability Characteristics of GM Heeling moment Angle of loll Righting moment GM -ve = unstable GM 0 = neutral equilibrium GM +ve = stable Title of the presentation - DD/MM/YY

13 3.2 Characteristics of GM Characteristics of GM
Intact Stability Characteristics of GM A large GM value causes quick and violent rolling, “stiff” ship A small GM, easier to incline, slow rolling, “tender” ship [Typical values of GM : Passenger liners 0.6 – 1.2 m, Cargo vessels 0.3 – 1.0 m, Tugs 0.4 – 0.5 m, Sailing vessels 0.75 – 1.0 m] For large angle stability GM is not valid, righting lever GZ is used Title of the presentation - DD/MM/YY

14 Loss of GM depends on size of free surface not quantity of fluid!
Free surface effect 3.2 Intact Stability Free surface effect Virtual centre of gravity of the ballast water in the inclined position is m The centre of gravity of the ship raised to GO Loss of GM is: Where = moment of inertia of free surface =density of fluid in tank = density of seawater V = volume displacement of the ship Loss of GM depends on size of free surface not quantity of fluid! Title of the presentation - DD/MM/YY

15 3.2 Hydrostatic Curves Hydrostatic Curves Intact Stability
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16 3.2 GZ Curve GZ Curve Intact Stability
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17 Cross curves of stability
3.2 Intact Stability Cross curves of stability KN Curves Title of the presentation - DD/MM/YY

18 3.2 IMO Res A.749(18) + BV Rules IMO Res A.749(18) + BV Rules
Intact Stability IMO Res A.749(18) + BV Rules Intact Stability for All Types of Ships over 24m Design criteria (based on GZ curve): GM  0.15 M Area (0-30°)  m.rd Area (0-40°)  m.rd (or angle of flooding if < 40°) Area (30-40°)  m.rd GZ (30°)  0.20 m  (GZMAX)  25° Requirements on free surface effects, timber deck cargoes, icing, and ship types (incld. cargo, fishing, offshore, MODU, container) Severe wind and rolling criterion (weather criterion): Title of the presentation - DD/MM/YY

19 Trim and Stability booklet
3.2 Intact Stability Trim and Stability booklet Contains data as specified in IMO Res.749(18) + BV Rules General description of the ship Instructions on the use of the booklet General arrangement and capacity plans Position of the draught marks Hydrostatic curves, Cross curves Tank sounding tables Lightship data from the inclining test - approval details Standard loading conditions Intact stability results Information on loading restrictions, openings, crossflooding fittings Any other guidance Table of contents and index Title of the presentation - DD/MM/YY

20 3.2 Inclining experiment Inclining experiment
Intact Stability Inclining experiment To determine lightship weight and locate G to calculate GM Consists of a draught survey and shifting of weights, requirements outlined in IMO Res. 749(18) and BV Rules Experiment performed for new ships, weighing test acceptable for sister vessels Displacement determined with draught mark readings aft, midship and fwd The incline employs eight distinct weight movements, weights transversally shifted. Resultant tangents after each weight movement plotted on graph Title of the presentation - DD/MM/YY

21 3.3 Damage Stability 3.3 Damage Stability Damage Stability
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22 3.3 Damage Stability Damage Stability (continued…)
When a vessel is damaged, aim is to: minimise loss of transverse and longitudinal stability minimise damage to cargo minimise loss of reserve buoyancy Ideally, sustain continuous flooding without loss of stability, consequential sinking is due to loss of reserve buoyancy (“foundering”) At design stage, define to what extent vessel can withstand damage, normally defined by regulations “Damage Stability” - calculations of draft, trim, heel and stability following a damage to one or more compartments of a ship. Title of the presentation - DD/MM/YY

23 3.3 Damage Stability Damage Stability (continued…)
There are two methods: Added weight method i.e. displacement of ship in undamaged condition + weight of water admitted, or Lost buoyancy method i.e. volume displacement of undamaged ship - flooded volume Flooded compartments do not fill up 100%. Ratio of floodable volume to total volume is called permeability. Typical permeability values: Machinery spaces : 0.85 Tanks : 0 or 0.95 Void / Other spaces except tanks : 0.95 Cargo holds : 0.95 / 0.70 Title of the presentation - DD/MM/YY

24 Applicable regulations for damage stability
3.3 Damage Stability Applicable regulations for damage stability Two approaches to calculations in regulations: Deterministic (Oil, Chemical & Gas Tankers, Passenger Vessels and for Reduced Freeboard) Probabilistic (Cargo Ships, Bulk Carriers, Container Vessels, Ro-Ro,...) The following regulations apply for main ship types: Passenger vessels : SOLAS 90, Res A.265 Oil Tankers : MARPOL, ILLC Chemical Tankers : IBC CODE, ILLC Gas Tankers : IGC CODE, ILLC Dry Cargo : SOLAS 92, Res A.320 BV Rules - SDS notation Title of the presentation - DD/MM/YY

25 Deterministic Approach
3.3 Damage Stability Deterministic Approach Based on standard dimensions of damage extending anywhere along the ship’s length or between transverse bulkheads Consequence of such a standard damage is the creation of “group of damage cases”, number of cases and compartments involved depends on ship’s dimensions and internal subdivision For each loading condition, each damage case is considered, and criteria applied Different deterministic methods in damage stability developed depending on ship type, freeboard reduction, kind of cargo carried Future - this approach likely to be replaced by probabilistic approach Title of the presentation - DD/MM/YY

26 Example of Deterministic Approach
3.3 Damage Stability Example of Deterministic Approach – Gas Tankers - IGC Code Extent of damage assumptions (also depends on tanker type and length) Side damage: longitudinal extent - 1/3 L2/3 or 14.5 m transverse extent - B/5 or 11.5 m vertical extent - no limitation Bottom damage: For 0.3L from FP transverse extent - B/6 or 10 m vertical extent – B/15 or 2 m Any other part longitudinal extent - 1/3 L2/3 or 5 m transverse extent - B/6 or 5 m Title of the presentation - DD/MM/YY

27 Example of Deterministic Approach
3.3 Damage Stability Example of Deterministic Approach – Gas Tankers - IGC Code (continued) Local side damages anywhere in cargo area - extent inboard 760 mm Survival requirements at final equilibrium after flooding : righting lever curve range  20° GZ max  0.1 m within the range of 20° area under the curve  m. rd within the range of 20° unprotected openings not immersed emergency source of power capable of operating Title of the presentation - DD/MM/YY

28 Example of Deterministic Approach
3.3 Damage Stability Example of Deterministic Approach - Passenger Ships - SOLAS 90 Subdivision factor and floodable length (margin line-now outdated) Extent of damage assumptions longitudinal extent - 3m + 3%L or 11m for subdivision factor > 0.33 transverse extent - B/5 vertical no limit flooding 2 or 3 adjacent compartments, depending on subdivision Survival requirements: area under GZ curve  0.015mrd positive residual GZ range 15° beyond angle of equilibrium residual GZ(m)= (heeling moment/displacement) + 4 , min. value > 0.1 m Additional survival requirements for ships carrying more than 400 passengers Title of the presentation - DD/MM/YY

29 Probabilistic Approach
3.3 Damage Stability Probabilistic Approach Ship safety in damaged condition based on probability of survival after collision - referred to as the attained subdivision index A Calculations performed for a limited number of draughts and GM values, to draw a min. GM curve where the attained subdivision index A achieves the minimum required level of safety R For cargo ships, each case of damage is not required to comply with applicable criteria, but the attained index A. This is the sum of the contribution of all damage cases, equal to or greater than R This method applies to “cargo ships” (SOLAS definition) > 80 m, and for which no deterministic methods apply Title of the presentation - DD/MM/YY

30 Example of Deterministic Approach
3.3 Damage Stability Example of a Probabilistic Approach - Cargo ships SOLAS Ch II-1 & BV Rules Attained subdivision index A : A = Σ pisi pi : probability of compartment or group of compartments i flooded si : probability of survival after flooding of compartments i Extent of damage limited vertically by the deck defining the subdivision length Ls - used for determination of R factor Calculations made for two draughts with even keel - Summer load line draught and partial load line draught “si” depends on loading condition, “pi” does not Main stability information supplied to the master: Curve of min. GM v Draught or allowable KG v Draught Damage control plan (or Loading instrument with same info.) Title of the presentation - DD/MM/YY

31 3.3 Ro-Ro Stability Ro-Ro Stability
Damage Stability Ro-Ro Stability Ro-Ro vessels are vulnerable if water enters vehicle decks, there is rapid loss of stability due to free surface effect on a large area Until 1990,stability in damaged condition was as for vessel with conventional dimensions. Since 1990, criteria for passenger Ro-Ro’s considers larger angle of heel, vehicle deck immersed, calculations must consider flooding, residual righting moment requirement applicable to all passenger vessels has to be met In 1992 some flag administrations introduced A/Amax for existing passenger Ro-Ro’s, eventually implemented in SOLAS As from July 1997, all Ro-Ro passenger vessels with more than 400 passengers to comply with two adjacent compartment flooding Additional measures introduced for all existing Ro-Ro passenger vessels in NW Europe and Baltic sea (Stockholm agreement) Title of the presentation - DD/MM/YY

32 3.4 Load Lines 3.4 Load Lines Load Lines
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33 3.4 History of Load Lines History of Load Lines
19th century, increase in trade, many overloaded ships lost, some sailors refused to go to sea 1870, Samuel Plimsoll in UK wrote a book on the disastrous effects of overloading ships. Campaigned for improving safety at sea In 1872, a Royal Commission on Unseaworthy Ships was set up to look at evidence and recommend changes Merchant Shipping Act of 1876 made load lines compulsory May 1930, International Load Line Convention convened in London 1966 Convention followed - origin of the Regulations applicable today Title of the presentation - DD/MM/YY

34 3.4 Definitions Definitions
Load Lines Definitions Conditions of Assignment – Conditions to meet for assignment of a load line Freeboard – Vertical distance downward amidships from upper edge of deck line to upper edge of the related waterline New ship – Keel laid, or at similar stage of construction, on or after 21/7/1968 Superstructure – Decked structure on FB Dk. Extending side to side, or not inboard of shell plating more than 4% of ship’s beam Bridge – superstructure which does not extend to either FP or AP Forecastle – superstructure which extends from FP to fwd of AP Full superstructure – extends as a minimum, from FP to AP Poop - superstructure which extends from AP fwd to aft of FP Watertight – No passage of water in any direction, under a head of water for which the surrounding structure is designed Weathertight – In any sea conditions water will not penetrate Title of the presentation - DD/MM/YY

35 3.4 Definitions Definitions (continued…)
Load Lines Definitions (continued…) Freeboard deck – uppermost complete deck exposed to weather and sea Type A vessel –carry liquid cargoes in bulk, cargo tanks with, small access openings closed by watertight gasketed steel covers Type B vessel – All vessels which do not qualify as a Type A Type B with reduced Freeboard – Based on damage stability analysis, must be over 100m in length B-60 – FB reduced up to 60% of the total difference between the tabular Freeboard for a Type A and a Type B vessel B-100 – FB reduced up to total difference between the tabular Freeboard for a Type A and a Type B vessel Increased Freeboard – Greater than the minimum Type A or Type B Freeboard. Freeboards may be increased due to strength, stability, deficient hatch covers, location of shell doors Title of the presentation - DD/MM/YY

36 Freeboard Calculations
3.4 Load Lines Freeboard Calculations Tabular Freeboard - This is the starting point to determine min. geometric Freeboard. Tables give values as a function of length Corrections - Tabular values are corrected for the following: Block coefficient - Applied when actual CB is above 0.68 Depth correction - Based on standard Depth of L/15. If actual Depth is above this value, vessel assumed to have more draft and therefore less buoyancy, therefore vessel is penalised with a greater Freeboard Deckline correction - Not always possible to find the deckline (camber, radiused plating, tumblehome etc). The edge in this case has to be plotted as an imaginary deck edge Title of the presentation - DD/MM/YY

37 Freeboard Calculations
3.4 Load Lines Freeboard Calculations (continued…) Corrections – continued… Superstructure (always deducted) - contributes to some extent in resisting large rolling angles. Mean length (S) determined (considering any recesses, curved end bulkheads etc.). This is corrected for breadth and height to give effective length (E). Sum of all E values used in the table to find % deduction from FB Sheer - superimpose actual sheer profile with the standard sheer profile. Depending on larger or smaller area, FB is either penalised or credited Minimum bow height - vertical distance between the summer load waterline (including trim) and top of the exposed deck at side. To ensure that vessel has reserve buoyancy at the bow to resist pitching and minimise bow immersion in rough weather Title of the presentation - DD/MM/YY

38 3.4 Load Line Marks Load Line Marks
Load Lines Load Line Marks In case of All Seasons Freeboard (i.e. centre of the ring below lowest seasonal load line mark), only the Fresh Water Load Line need be marked Density allowances Deck line Seasonal allowances Load Line mark Title of the presentation - DD/MM/YY

39 Conditions of Assignment
3.4 Load Lines Conditions of Assignment Strength and stability requirements Strength must be to the Flag Administration. This is satisfied for classed vessels by meeting Rule requirements. If vessel approved to a lesser scantling draught than the draught corresponding to summer load line, the Freeboard must be assigned at the scantling draught Approved Loading Manuals must be provided, to ensure hull is not over stressed Must meet all applicable Stability regulations and must have approved stability information on board covering all loading conditions, maximum draught within the allowable Load Line draught assigned Title of the presentation - DD/MM/YY

40 Conditions of Assignment
3.4 Load Lines Conditions of Assignment (continued…) Position requirements Title of the presentation - DD/MM/YY

41 Conditions of Assignment
3.4 Load Lines Conditions of Assignment (continued…) Vertical access openings - sill height requirements Doors - superstructures fitted with permanently attached doors Machinery casings - must be framed and have covers Cargo ports - watertight below FB deck, strength considerations Horizontal access openings - coaming height requirements Must be protected by superstructure, deckhouse or companionway – equivalent strength Hatchcovers – strength criteria, approved securing Title of the presentation - DD/MM/YY

42 Conditions of Assignment
3.4 Load Lines Conditions of Assignment (continued…) Ventilators and airpipes - substantially constructed and connected, sill height requirements Scuppers, inlets and discharges - requirements consider spaces penetrated and possibility of flooding Side scuttles and windows - No window below Freeboard deck, side scuttle sill height requirements, deadlight requirements below Freeboard deck and 1st tier deck of superstructures Freeing ports - necessity to quickly drain water from exposed decks, minimum size requirement Crew protection – minimum height of bulwarks and hand rails, protected access to and from crew quarters, strength of deckhouses for accommodation and means of protection and access around deck cargo Title of the presentation - DD/MM/YY

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