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Budgeting & Saving hUxttPh7_XQ.

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Presentation on theme: "Budgeting & Saving hUxttPh7_XQ."— Presentation transcript:

1 Budgeting & Saving hUxttPh7_XQ

2 Review Terms Budget Deficit Expenditure Fixed Expense Flexible Expense Income Savings Surplus Take-Home Pay Unexpected Expense

3 Managing Your Money How you direct, control, & handle your money Figure out: – How much you currently have – Where it comes from – Where it goes – How much more you expect to receive in future Can make decisions on how to spend it

4 Budget Tool to help plan where available money goes Itemized summary of probable expenditures and income for a given period (month, week, etc.)

5 Preparing a Budget

6 Step 1: Forecast Your Income Forecast all possible sources of income – Job – Allowance – Gift – Interest on savings – Tax refunds – Etc. Can look at old pay stubs, bank statements, etc.

7 How to Estimate Gross Pay & Net Pay (will do in Computer Exercise) Step 1: Estimate Gross Pay Multiply your hourly wage by the number of hours worked each week (40, etc.) & the number of weeks in a month (4) Gross Pay = $7.25 x 40 hrs/wk x 4 wks/mo $1,160.00 Step 2: Estimate Deductions Multiply your Gross Pay by the estimated percentage of your pay taken out in taxes (18%) Deductions = $1,160.00 x.18 $208.80 Step 3: Calculate Net Pay Subtract the Deductions from your Gross Pay Net Pay = $1,160.00 - $208.80 $951.20

8 Example BudgetedActual Income Job (Take-Home Pay)$900.00 Other$0.00 Total Income$900.00

9 Step 2: Forecast Expenses Forecast fixed expenses – Expenses you must pay & have little or no control over Housing (rent, mortgage) Taxes Insurance Plan for savings – How much you need to set aside to achieve financial goals

10 Example BudgetedActual Income Job (Take-Home Pay)$900.00 Other0.00 Total Income$900.00 Fixed Expenses Rent$360.00 Charitable Donations15.00 Renter’s Insurance50.00 Bus Fare20.00 Telephone30.00 Savings100.00 Total Fixed Expenses$575.00

11 Plan for living expenses – Expenses for your lifestyle – Variable Can change month-to-month You have some control over – You can adjust any of these to help meet your goals

12 Example BudgetedActual Income Job (Take-Home Pay)$900.00 Other0.00 Total Income$900.00 Fixed Expenses Rent$360.00 Charitable Donations15.00 Renter’s Insurance50.00 Bus Fare20.00 Telephone30.00 Savings100.00 Total Fixed Expenses$575.00 Flexible Living Expenses Household$30.00 Groceries150.00 Clothing35.00 Entertainment75.00 Dining Out25.00 Total Flexible Expenses$325.00

13 Step 3: Balance Income & Expenses Review expenses to ensure your income covers them – May need to revise expenses (primarily living expenses) if you cannot adjust income – May need to try to adjust income to help cover expenses

14 Example BudgetedActual Total Income$900.00 Total Expenses Total Fixed Expenses$575.00 Total Flexible Living Expenses$325.00 Total Expenses$900.00 Income Less Expenses$0.00

15 Step 4: Spend According to your Plan Stick to your budget Avoid “impulse spending”

16 Step 5: Compare Actual Earning & Expenses with Targets At end of time period, evaluate if you met your income and expense targets Analyze areas for shortfalls – Did you not budget enough? – Did you not stick to budget? – Did you stay focused on your goal?

17 Example BudgetedActual Income Job (Take-Home Pay)$900.00 Other0.0050.00 Total Income$900.00$950.00 Fixed Expenses Rent$360.00 Charitable Donations15.00 Renter’s Insurance50.00 Bus Fare20.00 Telephone30.00 Savings100.00 Total Fixed Expenses$575.00 Flexible Living Expenses Household$30.00$25.00 Groceries150.00175.00 Clothing35.0025.00 Entertainment75.0050.00 Dining Out25.00 Total Flexible Expenses$325.00$300.00

18 Example BudgetedActual Total Income$900.00$950.00 Total Expenses Total Fixed Expenses$575.00 Total Flexible Living Expenses325.00300.00 Total Expenses$900.00$875.00 Income Less Expenses$0.00$75.00

19 Step 6: Repeat the Process Using info from budget analysis, prepare new budget for new time period – Forecast income – Forecast expenses – Evaluate at end of next time period

20 Reaching Your Financial Goals Establish financial goal – Ensure it’s: – Realistic – Measurable (specific) – Time-limited (a “by” date) – Affordable (set $$ goal) – Ex: “Save $4,800 to buy a car within 24 months.” Break down goal into realistic steps to reach goal – Ex: “Save $200 per month from my paycheck.”

21 Saving for the Unexpected Unexpected expenses may arise – Car breaks down – Unexpected illness/injury with out-of-pocket medical expenses Recommend you save 10% of your income to cover unexpected expenses – 3 – 6 months of expenses should be in savings in case of an emergency

22 Saving for the Future Important to keep money in savings account – Can’t get stolen – Earns interest (money paid to you for depositing the money there) Bank account may have monthly fee if you don’t have minimum balance – Find out if it does; you may want to find a different type of account or different bank

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