Dr. Chen, Management Information Systems (Web#2) Web2 and WEB/HTML Introduction Dr. Jason C. H. Chen Professor of MIS School of Business Administration.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Chen, Management Information Systems (Web#2) Web2 and WEB/HTML Introduction Dr. Jason C. H. Chen Professor of MIS School of Business Administration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Chen, Management Information Systems (Web#2) Web2 and WEB/HTML Introduction Dr. Jason C. H. Chen Professor of MIS School of Business Administration Gonzaga University Spokane, WA 99258 chen@jepson.gonzaga.edu

2 Dr. Chen, Management Information Systems (Web#2) Web#1 and Web#2 Web#1 –You will learn the “process” of creating your first personal web page –How to submit it directly from Bb. Web#2 –You will improve your personal web page using your “logical reasoning” and “intelligence” html01thru html04 –Learn more from html text book and complete four additional assignments

3 Dr. Chen, Management Information Systems (Web#2) What is Technology and Why Technology? Technology is not only considered simply as an asset or a capability to manage but also as a factor that has an impact on almost every management method and practice.

4 Dr. Chen, Management Information Systems (Web#2) Drives on Local PC

5 Dr. Chen, Management Information Systems (Web#2) Introducing the World Wide Web A network is a structure linking computers together for the purpose of sharing resources such as printers and files Users typically access a network through a computer called a host or node A computer that makes a service available to a network is called a server

6 Dr. Chen, Management Information Systems (Web#2) Introducing the World Wide Web A computer or other device that requests services from a server is called a client One of the most common network structures is the client-server network If the computers that make up a network are close together (within a single department or building), then the network is referred to as a local area network (LAN) MAN? WAN?

7 Dr. Chen, Management Information Systems (Web#2) Introducing the World Wide Web A network that covers a wide area, such as several buildings or cities, is called a wide area network (WAN) The largest WAN in existence is the Internet In its early days, the Internet was called ARPANET and consisted of two network nodes located at UCLA and Stanford, connected by a phone line

8 Dr. Chen, Management Information Systems (Web#2) Introducing the World Wide Web Today the Internet has grown to include hundreds of millions of interconnected computers, cell phones, PDAs, televisions, and networks The physical structure of the Internet uses fiber-optic cables, satellites, phone lines, and other telecommunications media

9 Dr. Chen, Management Information Systems (Web#2) Structure of the Internet

10 Dr. Chen, Management Information Systems (Web#2) The Development of the Word Wide Web Timothy Berners-Lee and other researchers at the CERN nuclear research facility near Geneva, Switzerland laid the foundations for the World Wide Web, or the Web, in 1989 They developed a system of interconnected hypertext documents that allowed their users to easily navigate from one topic to another Hypertext is a method of organizing information that gives the reader control over the order in which the information is presented

11 Dr. Chen, Management Information Systems (Web#2) Hypertext Documents When you read a book, you follow a linear progression, reading one page after another With hypertext, you progress through pages in whatever way is best suited to you and your objectives Hypertext lets you skip from one topic to another

12 Dr. Chen, Management Information Systems (Web#2) Linear versus hypertext documents

13 Dr. Chen, Management Information Systems (Web#2) Hypertext Documents The key to hypertext is the use of hyperlinks (or links) which are the elements in a hypertext document that allow you to jump from one topic to another A link may point to another section of the same document, or to another document entirely A link can open a document on your computer, or through the Internet, a document on a computer anywhere in the world

14 Dr. Chen, Management Information Systems (Web#2) Hypertext Documents, Web Servers and Web Browsers An entire collection of linked documents is referred to as a Web site The hypertext documents within a Web site are known as Web pages Individual pages can contain text, audio, video, and even programs that can be run remotely A Web page is stored on a Web server, which in turn makes it available to the network To view a Web page, a client runs a software program called a Web browser, which retrieves the page from the server and displays it

15 Dr. Chen, Management Information Systems (Web#2) Using a browser to view a Web document from a Web server

16 Dr. Chen, Management Information Systems (Web#2) HTML: The Language of the Web A Web page is a text file written in a language called Hypertext Markup Language A markup language is a language that describes a document’s structure and content HTML is not a programming language or a formatting language Styles are format descriptions written in a separate language from HTML that tell browsers how to render each element. Styles are used to format your document

17 Dr. Chen, Management Information Systems (Web#2) Type in the following URLs http://barney.gonzaga.edu/~your_userID http://barney.gonzaga.edu/~chenta http://barney.gonzaga.edu/~chenta2 http://barney.gonzaga.edu/~chen

18 Dr. Chen, Management Information Systems (Web#2) Figure 1. index.html <!-- ************************************************************** Author: Jason Chen; File name: index.html Date: 5/25/2012 BMIS235-01 ROW: 1 This portion shows COMMENTS ********************************************************** --> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> Home Page for Jason Chen <!-- css codes to be added here --> Welcome to JASON CHEN's Home Page! Know more about me with PowerPoint presentation Visit my resume (MS-WORD format) For comments about my web site, please e mail me at: your actual email address This document was last updated on May 21, 2012 one word From now on, it (your personal information) is required for ALL assignments to be added. How to improve it? CSS code

19 Dr. Chen, Management Information Systems (Web#2) document.write(Date()) Welcome to JASON CHEN's Home Page! Know more about me with PowerPoint presentation Visit my resume (MS-WORD format) ******************************************************* © (your name here)... (your add any appropriate information here)... ******************************************************* Go to the Top of the Page! For comments about my web site, please e-mail me at: chen@jepson.gonzaga.edu This document was last updated on: document.write(document.lastModified); Anything Else? Figure 1. revised partially index.html (for Web2)

20 Dr. Chen, Management Information Systems (Web#2) Creating Links Within a Document To create a link within a document, you enclose the content that you want to format as a link in an tag, and use the href attribute to identify the link target A link’s content is not limited to text Know more about me with PowerPoint presentation Visit my resume (MS-WORD format)

21 Dr. Chen, Management Information Systems (Web#2) Creating Element Ids for Linking Documents One way to identify elements in an HTML document is to use the id attribute Id names must be unique Id names are not case sensitive In web#2 … Go to the Top of the Page!

22 Dr. Chen, Management Information Systems (Web#2) What you should do on Web#2 Your job in Web#2 is to figure out ALL differences between Web#1 and Web#2 and update the existing index.html with the version of Web#2. How? –1) Open index.html using NotePad or NotePad++ –2) Update index.html with A)LL changes in Web#2 –3) Use your intelligence to find their differences

23 Dr. Chen, Management Information Systems (Web#2) Figure 2. updated index.html (for Web2) <!-- ******************************************************************************* Author: Jason Chen; File name: index.html Date: 5/25/2012 BMIS235-01 ROW: 1 Note that there is an image folder (images) created in this version This portion shows COMMENTS ********************************************************************************** --> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> Home Page for Jason Chen <!-- css codes to be added here --> document.write(Date()) Welcome to JASON CHEN's Home Page! link (Unvisited color) vlink (previously linked color) alink (activated link color) See Appendix B for Color Names and Color Values Why “images/…” is added? CSS code

24 Dr. Chen, Management Information Systems (Web#2) This is required for all HTML HW Know more about me with PowerPoint presentation Visit my resume (MS-WORD format). … For comments about my web site, please e-mail me at: chen@jepson.gonzaga.edu

25 Dr. Chen, Management Information Systems (Web#2) This document was last updated on: document.write(document.lastModified); … Gonzaga This is required for all HTML HW

26 Dr. Chen, Management Information Systems (Web#2) 1. Create an ‘images’ folder and copy image files (see Figure 1 for your web structure). You should copy required six image files from my images folder to your Web source. They are available for you to download from the Blackboard (under either Course Documents or Assignments). Follow the instruction below to complete the task: From within H: Drive, a) create a new folder of images (lower case) under public_html From within Blackboard b) right click an image file (e.g., book.gif) select “Save Target As or Save Link As” from the pop-up menu save the book.gif in the folder of images that you just created in step a) Please note that i) if you do not have images folder in the H: drive, you should create it before you save the image file ii) if you are working your assignment off campus, you should first save ALL image files on your local PC, you then upload (FTP) them to your Web source. iii) repeat steps b) c) d) for the remaining image files. Two major tasks for completing the Web#2

27 Dr. Chen, Management Information Systems (Web#2) images [images folder] H: [root directory] | public_html [web folder] index.html myself.pptx myresume.docx gook.gif, events.gif gcan.gif, wall.gif mailbox.gif, worm.gif Figure 1. Web Strructure

28 Dr. Chen, Management Information Systems (Web#2) 4. It is required to “Validate” and “View” your HTML code and debug/correct the code before you submit the assignment (see HTML p.73-77 or a pdf file for Validating HTML code for details) 5. What/How you should turn in: email me with the following information (Fail to provide me with ALL information, you will lose major points) a) To: chen@jepson.gonzaga.edu b) Subject: BMIS235-03 Web#2 c) Message : Dr. Chen, Here is my Web#2 assignment. http://barney.gonzaga.edu/~your_userID at the end of the message line so that I can record/grade your homework

29 Dr. Chen, Management Information Systems (Web#2) What/How you should turn in 6. What/How you should turn in: email me with the following information (Fail to provide me with ALL information, you will lose major points) Submit the Web#2 via Blackboard. Message : Dr. Chen This is my Web#2assignment http://barney.gonzaga.edu/~your_userID : BMIS235-03 (or BMIS235-04/05) so that your grade will be posted correctly.. Make the URL linkable

30 Dr. Chen, Management Information Systems (Web#2) What happen if you are working your web assignments off campus? FTP

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