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Image Recognition using Hierarchical Temporal Memory Radoslav Škoviera Ústav merania SAV Fakulta matematiky, fyziky a informatiky UK.

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Presentation on theme: "Image Recognition using Hierarchical Temporal Memory Radoslav Škoviera Ústav merania SAV Fakulta matematiky, fyziky a informatiky UK."— Presentation transcript:

1 Image Recognition using Hierarchical Temporal Memory Radoslav Škoviera Ústav merania SAV Fakulta matematiky, fyziky a informatiky UK

2 Image Recognition Applications: Digital image databases, surveillance, industry, medicine Tasks: Object recognition, automatic annotation, content based image search Input: Digital Image – Single object – Scene (multiple objects – clutter, occlusion, merging) Output: Description of the input image – Keywords, scene semantics, similar images Subtasks: image segmentation, feature extraction, classification

3 Motivation Image recognition – Very easy for us humans (and [other] animals) – Computers can‘t do it neither quickly, nor accurately enough, yet Good motivation for the researchers in the field of AI – bio-inspired models

4 Hierarchical Temporal Memory (HTM) Developed by Jeff Hawkins and Dileep George (Numenta) Hierarchical tree-shaped network Bio-inspired – based on large scale model of the neocortex Consists of basic operational units – nodes – Each node uses the same two-stage learning algorithm: 1) Spatial Learning (Pooling) 2) Temporal Learning (Pooling) – Learning is performed layer-by-layer – Nodes have receptive fields – each (except for the top node) can look only at a portion of the input image

5 Spatial Learning Observe common patterns in the input space (training images) Group them into clusters of spatially simillar patterns Use only one representative of each cluster – Generate „codebook“ Input space and spatial noise reduction

6 Temporal Learning Uses time sequences to learn correlations of spatial patterns

7 Temporal Learning


9 In each training step, TAM is increased at the locations corresponding with the co- occurring codebook patterns according to the update function defined as follows:

10 Inference & Classification Uses simlar dataflow as learning Two stages of inference in each node: – Spatial inference – find the closest pattern in the codebook – Temporal inference – calculate membership into temporal groups Classification – HTM itself does not classify images, it only transforms input space into another (hopefully more inviariant) space – External classifier must be used


12 ATM Security ATM (automatic teller machine) semiatomatic fraud detection system – Detection of masked individuals interacting with the ATM through the ATM‘s camera – possibility of illegal activity Pilot system implemented and tested in an experimental environment Using Kinect as an input device

13 Kinect RGB camera developed for the XBOX game console – Capable of providing depth image for the scene and a „skeleton“ if a person is detected on the scene

14 Experiment Setup

15 Face Image Segmentation using Kinect

16 Two image classes: normal and anomalous faces

17 ATM Security – Results Image set inflated with translated, rotated and mirrored copies of the original images k-NN classifier in the input space was compared with the combination of the HTM and k-NN and HTM and SVM classifier Scenario 1: The whole data set was used and Scenario 2: Translated images were excluded from the training set

18 New features and algorithms for the HTM New temporal pooler Images transformed to different image spaces – different image features Various settings for the temporal pooler SOM as spatial pooler

19 Testing of new image features Dataset: selected images from Caltech 256 – 10 classes, 30 testing and 30 training images per class Single layer network – With 1-NN classifier as top node – Image features extracted from image patches corresponding to the receptive fields of nodes

20 Results % TE window step size in pixels s1s2s4s8 RGB CA42,8741,6140,8638,00 med42,5041,3341,0038,17 Grey CA40,1339,6338,4134,68 med39,6739,3337,8335,67 Canny CA40,3542,3343,6643,55 med40,5041,8343,00 Lab CA44,9244,1744,2343,17 med44,8344,5043,67 GLD CA45,9546,0146,4346,10 med46,0046,1246,1746,00

21 problems - background





26 Thank you for your attention

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