Swede Midge Invasion in North America Christy Hoepting Cornell Cooperative Extension Vegetable Program Cornell Cooperative Extension.

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1 Swede Midge Invasion in North America Christy Hoepting Cornell Cooperative Extension Vegetable Program Cornell Cooperative Extension

2 Swede Midge Distribution 2009 CANADA Ontario Quebec New Jersey Massachusetts New York Pennsylvania Vermont Connecticut Ohio UNITED STATES LEGEND: = location of first detection of swede midge in North America in 2000 = county in which swede midge has been detected *Not all counties have been surveyed for swede midge. For example, in New York, detection survey work was discontinued after 2007. It is very likely that swede midge occurs in other counties within these states and within other states. *Swede midge has also been detected in other Canadian provinces beyond the boundary of this map.

3 British Columbi a Alberta Saskatchewan Manitoba Ontario Quebec Prince Edward Island Nova Scotia New Brunswick Swede Midge Distribution 2009 For the latest information on swede midge distribution in Canada, visit http://www.inspection.gc.ca/english/plaveg/pestrava/connas/connase.sht ml USA Counties where swede midge has been detected Legend


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