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HIMALAYA Test Review 16/12/2013 STI Deliverables: D4.1, D4.2 and D4.5.

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1 HIMALAYA Test Review 16/12/2013 STI Deliverables: D4.1, D4.2 and D4.5

2 Introduction and updates (1/2) ∙ The HIMALAYA GNSS receiver, codenamed Teseo III, is available as engineering samples for characterization and validation (started in second half of October). ∙ RF IP test chip also available (samples available from packaging sub- contractor by the end of November). ∙ Using the validation board with preliminary firmware (codenamed GNSS library Rel.8 beta version) the Teseo III GNSS receiver has achieved position fix with live signals using the following operating modes: GPS only, Galileo only, GPS+Galileo, GPS+GLONASS and BeiDou only (in this case signals has been recorded in Taiwanese offices). ∙ Galileo only fix performed also with signals from simulator due to the current Galileo constellation status. ∙ BeiDou only fix performed in Taiwan office 16/12/2013 2

3 Introduction and updates (1/2) ∙ Teseo II GNSS receiver with GNSS library Rel.8 beta version available on Evaluation Board and in the first version of the GNSS board for HIMALAYA demonstrator. ∙ A paper on the Teseo III RF IP has been accepted for IEEE/ION PLANS 2014 (May 5-8, Hyatt Regency, Monterey, California) ∙ It has been assigned to Session B5: Receiver and Antenna Technology, scheduled for Thursday, May 8, 2014. ∙ Extended abstract available on conference website ( ∙ A paper on quad-constellation receivers presenting Teseo III, also summarizing tests already performed on Teseo II with the GNSS rel.8 alpha version and preliminary tests on Teseo III has been accepted by GPSWorld (planned for January 2014 edition). ∙ Official launch of the Teseo III product in Q12014. 16/12/2013 3

4 D4.1 summary ∙ The document summarizes the work performed in the frame of WP4000 Test Plan for HIMALAYA solution. ∙ Main RF functionalities have been checked and are working properly. The SOC validation board achieved positioning fix in several operating modes. But full characterization of the RF IP developed in the HIMALAYA framework is still on going. For this reason this document contains only partial results. ∙ We plan to close characterization of the RF IP by the end of January 2014 ∙ As soon as the data will be available, a new document version will be released. 16/12/2013 4

5 5 D4.1 RID ∙ Description: Some of the tests are still to be completed. When is this foreseen? ∙ Answer: The characterization tests for the RF IP are running and will be completed by the end of January 2014. ∙ No major issues identified so far. Tests completed: ∙ Power consumption in different operating mode (GPS only; GPS/Galileo; GLONASS only; BeiDou only; GNSS) ∙ S11 measurements and input matching. ∙ NF at 25 0 C for GPS/Galileo, GLONASS and BeiDou2. ∙ AGC gain range, maximum and minimum gains. ∙ Phase noise tests using two TCXO (26MHz and 48MHz) each for two charge pump currents using both IF test point (GPS/Galileo chain and GLONASS/BeiDou2 chain) at 20dB of gain in the AGC.

6 D4.2 summary ∙ This document summarizes validation tests on the BB part of the new GNSS SoC developed in HIMALAYA project according to the test plan in the frame of WP4000 Test Plan for HIMALAYA solution. ∙ Main BB functionalities have been checked and are working properly. The SOC validation board achieved positioning fix in several operating modes. ∙ But full validation of the BB IP’s is still on going. ∙ No major issues identified so far for system integration. ∙ For this reason this document contains only partial results. As soon as the data will be available, a new document version will be released. 03/11/2009 6

7 Main BB functionality tests 16/13/2013 7 Functional TestResultsNote Acquisition engine Functional test passed for GPS, Galileo, GLONASS and BeiDou signals Satellites acquired with real signals. Code generation Functional test passed for GPS, Galileo, GLONASS and BeiDou signals Galileo code generation performed reading the Galileo OS codes from memory. Tracking engine Basic functionalities tested for GPS, Galileo, GLONASS and BeiDou Satellite tracked with real signals. G3BBIP_SRAM_ACCESS Preliminary results are good, test to be completed Check SRAM access RW in all addresses

8 16/12/2013 8 D4.2 ∙ Description: It would be interesting to have some more information on which are the minor issues identified in some of the tests (what are they related to? Can they be fixed?) ∙ Answer: These tests will be completed by the end of January 2014. Most of the minor issues identified have been already fixed. The other ones identified so far can be fixed (recovery already put in place). Description of some of these issues can be introduced in the final version.

9 D4.5 summary ∙ The document summarizes characterization tests and measurements on the new GNSS SoC and related GNSS library developed in HIMALAYA project according to the test plan (WP4000 activities) ∙ The main HIMALAYA SoC (Teseo III) functionalities such as acquiring and tracking signals from the desired Satellite Positioning Systems have been verified using the SOC validation board. ∙ Positioning fixes with real signals have been also obtained in several operating modes, such as: GPS only; Galileo only (but fix quality was impacted by the poor constellation geometry having only four satellites at best); GPS+Galileo; GPS+GLONASS; GPS+BeiDou2; and BeiDou2 only. 16/12/2013 9

10 Teseo III SoC and GNSS library examples 16/12/2013 10

11 16/12/2013 11 D4.5 ∙ Description: The test strategy for the SoC is well described. In this version of the document several test are still to be completed. It is suggested to include in the final version in the conclusions also a descriptive assessment of the results obtained ∙ Answer: Tests on the SoC will be completed in January 2014. Final version of the document will include a descriptive assessment of the results obtained.

12 16/12/2013 12 Conclusions ∙ GNSS board for HIMALAYA final demonstrator available with Teseo II SoC. ∙ No delay foreseen for the Test and Integration phase. ∙ Validation and characterization of Teseo III GNSS receiver will be completed by the end of January 2014.


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