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Classroom Management in a 1:1 Learner-Centered Environment Cristo Rey Professional Development With Dr. Sonnenberg and Rockhurst University Department.

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Presentation on theme: "Classroom Management in a 1:1 Learner-Centered Environment Cristo Rey Professional Development With Dr. Sonnenberg and Rockhurst University Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classroom Management in a 1:1 Learner-Centered Environment Cristo Rey Professional Development With Dr. Sonnenberg and Rockhurst University Department of Education graduate students Presenters: Chris Casali and Charissa Musembi

2 As we get started:  Technology is a tool  Student centered classrooms engage students  Curriculum drives the tool  Planning with purpose  Students as producers not solely consumers of content  YOU must exhibit digital citizenship  Adding technology always increase engagement “…not empty vessels to be filled but makers of meaning…” DOE conceptual framework

3 ISTE Standards (international society for technology in education)  Creativity and Innovation  Communication and Collaboration  Research and Information Fluency  Critical Thinking, Problem Solving,  and Decision Making  Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical behavior.  Technology Operations and Concepts

4 Three approaches  Rejecting  Banning=perception of mistrust  Ignoring  Human attention span is about 10 minutes. Learn less  Accepting  Structured Use supports positive student attitudes Short lectures followed by: small group exercises, active use of course related software, case students, completing real world projects together

5 CLEAR EXPECTATIONS  What are your expectations?

6  Exploration:  Students must experiment with computer tools, keywords, searches, solving problems  Collaboration:  Students must help each other  Teacher can’t be at every computer all the time  Movement:  Movement is necessary  Printers jam and students need to help each other Why Teaching with Tech is Different:

7  Students approach computer lessons with high spirits  Don’t fight them  Computer lessons require more direction, explanation and individual support  Takes away from instructional time  Creative Anarchy can be a good thing

8 Preparation:  Computer lab staff  Role?  Check computer lab rules already in place  Add your own rules if necessary  Computer use is a privilege  A time out from computer use is often enough punishment  Partner tech-experts with tech- beginners

9 Rules (better known as Expectations)  …you can live by  Tops down when requested to do so  Or ‘fist size space’  RATS (read all the screen)  MBWA (Management by Walking Around)  Students should be willing to help  Ask three then me  Allow time to boot up/set up  Distracting=discontinue use for that students  Students communicate to others who are off task  Grades 7-12:  Informal seating, encourage group work  … you cannot  Touching a student’s property  Take away the device  Penalize a student for being off task when you have not set expectations  Continue use when data shows negative impact on a learning activity

10 Additional Classroom Management Suggestions  Hands behind back  Signal for help  Mice away during instruction (if applicable)  Save often  Approved internet sites only  Internet use with teacher approval  Downloading/installing/changing settings only with permission

11 What’s your plan?

12 Resources:  Young, J. R. (2006). The Fight for Classroom Attention: Professor vs. Laptop. Chronicle Of Higher Education, 52(39), A27-A29.  Kraushaar, J. M., & Novak, D. C. (2010). Examining the Affects of Student Multitasking With Laptops During the Lecture. Journal Of Information Systems Education, 21(2), 241-251  MacKinnon, G., & Williams, P. (2006). Models for Integrating Technology in Higher Education. Journal Of College Science Teaching, 35(7), 22-25.  Kay, R. H., & Lauricella, S. (2011). Unstructured vs. Structured Use of Laptops in Higher Education. Journal Of Information Technology Education, 10IIP33-IIP42.  tual_framework.pdf tual_framework.pdf    closing-students-laptop-in-class/ closing-students-laptop-in-class/ 

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