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Presentation on theme: " Experiments in Policy Learning oKen Guy oWise Guys Ltd. oInnovation Policy Learning oSix Countries Programme oStockholm o23-24 May,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Experiments in Policy Learning oKen Guy oWise Guys Ltd. oInnovation Policy Learning oSix Countries Programme oStockholm o23-24 May, 2006

2 Road Map oFocus oExperiments in Policy Learning oBarriers to Learning oWays Forward

3 Focus oWhat? oPolicy learning oWhen? oLast 25 years or so oWhere? oMainly Europe

4 Why? oTheoretical acknowledgement that successful innovation systems are dependent on stakeholder interaction, communication (transmission and absorption) and response strategies oGeneral belief that knowledge and understanding of these systems and the ways in which policies affect them leads, inexorably, to better policy formulation and implementation oRecognition that theory alone cannot identify best practices and suggest optimal solutions oThus a need for experiments in policy learning

5 Who? Politicians Policy Implementers Policy Formulators Policy Advisers Stakeholders

6 Current Context Future Visions Past Actions Parallel Activities Policy Practice How? Policy Inputs

7 Experiments in Policy Learning oPast Actions oStatistical trends oProgramme evaluations oPortfolio evaluations oPolicy evaluations oImpact assessments oAdditionality

8 Experiments in Policy Learning oFuture Visions oStatistical projections oEx ante evaluations oForesight exercises oScenario building oRoad mapping oTechnology assessments oWhat if exercises o(SW)OT analyses

9 Experiments in Policy Learning oCurrent Context oSW(OT) analyses oPolitical analyses oInnovation policy reviews oStakeholder consultations oInter-ministerial communication oPolicy coherence and coordination

10 Experiments in Policy Learning oParallel Activities oPolicy intelligence oNaïve benchmarking oIntelligent benchmarking oPolicy networks oMutual learning oPeer reviews oPolicy coherence and coordination

11 Experiments in Policy Learning oPolicy Practice oLearning by doing oLearning by writing oLearning by fighting oLearning via training oLearning via recruitment oLearning via mobility

12 Barriers to Learning oPast Activities oStatistical data better… oBut still room for improvement oEvaluation systems more widespread…. oBut still underdeveloped oDanger of mechanistic evaluations oWeak transmission of results oProgramme rather than policy focus oLimited evaluation capability

13 Barriers to Learning oFuture Visions oInherent uncertainty oRoom for methodological improvement and experimentation oNon-inclusive involvement of stakeholders oLack of interest oDanger of hijack by lobby groups

14 Barriers to Learning oCurrent Context oTunnel vision oInstitutional isolationism oWeak communication mechanisms oLimited stakeholder involvement oGovernance failure

15 Barriers to Learning oParallel Contexts oLack of relevant data oLack of interest oInappropriate representation oWeak internal transmission and learning mechanisms oAbsence of knowledge management strategies

16 Barriers to Learning oPolicy Practice oLack of experimentation oLack of objectification oLack of adequate training and career development oLack of internal communication between policy formulators and policy implementers oLack of adequate knowledge management strategies

17 Ways Forward oMore systematic use of key strategic intelligence components (evaluation, foresight, benchmarking etc.) oContinued experimentation, methodological development and focus on key issues oBetter internal links between formulators and implementers and improved knowledge management and career development strategies oBetter external links between relevant indigenous and exogenous ministries oBetter external links between the political, policy and stakeholder communities

18 Ways Forward oGreater emphasis on educational strategies to nurture both specialists in innovation policy and generalists capable of appreciating the importance of science, technology and innovation in the development of knowledge economies and societies

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