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Sculpture Review Pay attention!.

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Presentation on theme: "Sculpture Review Pay attention!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sculpture Review Pay attention!

2 Discobolus Classical Myron Marble

3 David Michelangelo Renaissance Marble

4 Terms Library Life? Cure Inhibition? Pot life? Mobile? Relief?
Freestanding? Assemblage?

5 Abduction of Persephone
Bernini Marble Baroque

6 Dying Gaul Hellenistic

7 Know your Styles! Match the Styles and what the characteristics of each are
Archaic Classical Hellenistic Middle ages Renaissance Baroque

8 Alexander Calder Mobile Red and Black with blue Sheet metal (steel)

9 Brunelleschi Ghiberti
Renaissance High Relief Baptistery Doors (gates of paradise)

10 Equestrian monument of Gattamelata
Donatello Renaissance Bronze

11 Kouros Archaic

12 Rubber molds Advantages and Disadvantages
Polysulfide? Latex? Polyurethane? Tin cure Silicone? Platinum cure Silicone? Sorry… look up the answers yourself! You have a handout.

13 David Donatello Bronze 1st to do…. Since…?

14 Medieval (middle age) Jamb figures

15 Renaissance Leonardo (da Vinci) Student of?.....

16 Pieta Michelangelo Renaissance Only one he…?

17 Stone Mountain Gutzon Borglum (Georgia)

18 Abu Simbal Egyptian Ramses II

19 Claus Oldenburg Modern (pop art)

20 Aphrodite of Melos (Venus de Milo)
Hellenistic (some classic) Marble

21 Bernini Apollo and Daphne Marble Baroque (Mr. Larsen’s Favorite)

22 Ways to apply rubber molds?
Pour (on the object) Spray on… Brush on… Press on… (putty)

23 Henri Moore Modern Various Media

24 Baldachinno Bernini Bronze & Gold Baroque In St. Peters Basilica

25 Dying (Gaul) Chieftain
Hellenistic Marble

26 Auguste Bartholdi & Gustav Eiffel
Statue of Liberty From France to New York City

27 Rodin The Kiss Impressionism

28 Kore Archaic Religious Purpose?

29 Verrocchio Apprentice to…? Master of…?

30 Copy of what it may have looked like
Laocoon Hellenistic

31 The Piazza (plaza) Bernini Vatican City (in Rome)

32 The Thinker Rodin Impressionism (various casts made)

33 Stone Carving Which chisel used first? Second? For “clean-up”?
What are the “files” called? What is veining?

34 Mount Rushmore Gutzon Borglum South Dakota Granite

35 Moses Michelangelo Renaissance Marble (for Julius II)

36 David Bernini Baroque Marble

37 Nike of Samothrace Hellenistic (Wet Drapery)

38 Know Styles Archaic Classical Hellenistic Roman
Middle ages (same as Archaic) Renaissance (Same as Classical) Baroque (Same as Hellenistic) Neoclassical (new, but classical-like) Impressionism Modern

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