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I only eat food that tastes good. by Liu Liyan Zhaihao Middle School.

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2 I only eat food that tastes good. by Liu Liyan Zhaihao Middle School

3 What do you prefer to eat/ drink? Why? fried food fruit juice meatfish vegetables coffee ice cream

4 Jack’s diet He prefers: to drink coffee to eat white bread and rice to eat sweet desserts Which diet is healthier? Why? Linda’s diet She prefers: to drink water to eat brown bread and rice to eat fruit and fish I think …Because … I (don’t )agree with him/her. I think … Because … Maybe the food itself is not bad for you, but too much of it is not good.

5 Are the following statements true or false? 1. Peter only eats tasty food. 2. Tony prefers to eat much fried food. 3. Laura never eats sugar. 4. Peter loves to eat meat that’s well cooked. 5. Laura eats meat and fried food. 6. Tony thinks having a good balance is very important. T F T F T T

6 Read through carefully, then find out Peter’s, Tony’s and Laura’s ideas about the food that they prefer. Peter’s: Tony’s: Laura’s: I only eat food that tastes good! I love to eat meat that’s well cooked. I prefer not to eat too much food that is fried. It’s also fine to eat some meat or fish. I agree it’s good to eat lots of fruit and vegetables. I prefer to only eat food that I like. I love to eat food that is healthy. I never eat meat. I stay away from sugar. He doesn’t mind eating burnt food. She is a vegetarian. Having a balanced diet is important.

7 To be healthy, write down your own diet now. I prefer :

8 An exclamation ( 感叹的词 / 句子 ) A sound made to show you are thinking A tag question ( 反意疑问句 ) A contraction ( 缩略词 ) Really! er, isn’t it? don’t, Never! Oh! Yes, it is! Well, Hm, um don’t you? is it? shouldn’t they? Here’s, I’d, it’s, isn’t, that’s, I’ve, shouldn’t In the conversation you can find the language that is only used when speaking. Can you find some more?

9 Do a class survey about your classmates’ diets using spoken English. food drink fruit other things names diets A: What kind of food/ drinks/fruit do you prefer? B: Er, I prefer … A: Really? What other things do you like? B: Um, I like …

10 Report your results of the survey by using written English. ( 运用书面语汇报调查结果 ) Try to “write” English __________ prefers to eat __________. He/She prefers to drink_________. He/ She likes __________ and __________. He/She prefers food that … Whose diet is the healthiest? I think __________________. Because ___________________________________________.

11 Please look after your health for yourself, for your family, for the people who love you.


13 Homework Make a survey about your family or friend’s diet, then report it in next class.

14 Thank you

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