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EInclusion Action Line at Northen eDimension Linas Pečiūra Information Society Development Committee Under the Government of the Republic of Lithuania.

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Presentation on theme: "EInclusion Action Line at Northen eDimension Linas Pečiūra Information Society Development Committee Under the Government of the Republic of Lithuania."— Presentation transcript:

1 eInclusion Action Line at Northen eDimension Linas Pečiūra Information Society Development Committee Under the Government of the Republic of Lithuania

2 e-inclusion means new 'digital opportunities' Access to information and communication resources (not only the internet, but also telephone or TV) is increasingly considered as a basic social need in modern, highly developed societies. When, for any reason, a category of people are excluded from such access, the term 'digital divide' is often used.

3 Digital divide initiatives The main activities to promote using ITT can be distinguished aiming in two directions: ensuring availability of Internet access;ensuring availability of Internet access; and organisation of training.and organisation of training.

4 Internet access points are being widely established AustriaAustria Luxembourg (public access terminals)Luxembourg (public access terminals) DenmarkDenmark FinlandFinland FranceFrance Sweden (in libraries, specialised centres) Holland (in bookshops) Spain (at institutions of regional and local authorities)

5 Financial initiatives European Union states apply tax relieves for different products related to the use of new communications and information services (for computers, the Internet, etc.).

6 Educational initiatives Intensive various teaching campaigns are carried out at schools, PIAP’s as well as teaching initiatives intended for the disabled and elderly people are being implemented in different countries.

7 The main factors driving people out the information society are: Poverty and social exclusion;Poverty and social exclusion; Education and skills gap in ICT (digital literacy);Education and skills gap in ICT (digital literacy); Poor or no access to the internet in remote areas or regions;Poor or no access to the internet in remote areas or regions; Personal factors such as age, gender or disability;Personal factors such as age, gender or disability;

8 NeDAP 2005-2006 agreed by the Heads of Government on 21 June 2004 The NeDAP 2005-2006 was agreed by the Heads of Government on the 5th Baltic Sea States Summit in Laulasmaa, Estonia, 21 June 2004.

9 The main objectives of NeDAP 2005- 2006 are as follows: To accelerate the Northern Dimension region’s development of the Information SocietyTo accelerate the Northern Dimension region’s development of the Information Society To ensure closer cooperation between the countries involved, taking into account the need for improved co- operation between the EU and RussiaTo ensure closer cooperation between the countries involved, taking into account the need for improved co- operation between the EU and Russia To improve the environment for ICT initiatives and investments.To improve the environment for ICT initiatives and investments.

10 Action Line 8: eInclusion (Lithuania) Focus areas: Facilitating Internet access and promoting e- literacy of digital divide part of societyFacilitating Internet access and promoting e- literacy of digital divide part of society Making sure that services, especially online public services, are available over different terminals such as TV sets or mobile phonesMaking sure that services, especially online public services, are available over different terminals such as TV sets or mobile phones Digital content developmentDigital content development Website accessibility issuesWebsite accessibility issues Promoting services to the elderly and disabled through the use of call centre technology.Promoting services to the elderly and disabled through the use of call centre technology.

11 Scope of the eInclusion AL The eInclusion AL is complicated and complex issue based on three pillars: Access to infrastructure;Access to infrastructure; Competence development;Competence development; Digital content (e-Government services) development;Digital content (e-Government services) development;

12 Directions for further developments Promotion of e-literacy;Promotion of e-literacy; Encourage of development of local communities network;Encourage of development of local communities network; Closer collaboration on Website accessibility issues;Closer collaboration on Website accessibility issues; Dissemination of good practice;Dissemination of good practice;

13 Basis for further collaboration at Northern eDimention format European Computer Literacy Programme (ECDL);European Computer Literacy Programme (ECDL); Towards Digital Communities;Towards Digital Communities; Web Accessibility Initiative;Web Accessibility Initiative; Private initiative “Window to the Future”.Private initiative “Window to the Future”.

14 European Computer Literacy Programme (ECDL) The ECDL initiative is accessible for all Lithuanian residents via Internet. There are 71 authorised ECDL testing centres in Lithuania.The ECDL initiative is accessible for all Lithuanian residents via Internet. There are 71 authorised ECDL testing centres in Lithuania. Cooperation with ECDL representatives in Latvia, Poland, Finland, Norway, and Germany.Cooperation with ECDL representatives in Latvia, Poland, Finland, Norway, and Germany. Lithuanian ECDL TestEngine translated into Russian language.Lithuanian ECDL TestEngine translated into Russian language. e-Citizen - specifically developed to cater for those with a limited knowledge of computers and the Internet.e-Citizen - specifically developed to cater for those with a limited knowledge of computers and the Internet.

15 Digital communities Initiative of Open Society Fund Lithuania “Towards Digital Communities”;Initiative of Open Society Fund Lithuania “Towards Digital Communities”; –The main objective of the project “Toward Digital Communities” is to stimulate digital human capacity development and to foster usage of ICT in rural areas of Lithuania for economical, social, cultural and civic activities. –The national network of rural communities, actively using ICT, has been formed. The Internet portal for the communities has been launched and series of initiatives were provided in order to strengthen the relations between communities, local media, and communities support organisations.

16 Web Accessibility Initiative The goal is to increase accessibility of the Web for people with disabilities in Lithuania.The goal is to increase accessibility of the Web for people with disabilities in Lithuania. At least 15 central Government Web Sites are designed for people with special needs.At least 15 central Government Web Sites are designed for people with special needs. March 2004 by Committee Director’s Order “On adoption of methodology and recommendations for creating, testing and assessing Web Sites designed for disabled persons”.March 2004 by Committee Director’s Order “On adoption of methodology and recommendations for creating, testing and assessing Web Sites designed for disabled persons”.

17 Private initiative “Window to the Future” In cooperation with central and local government institutions all over Lithuania 175 public Internet access points have been established;In cooperation with central and local government institutions all over Lithuania 175 public Internet access points have been established; 20.000 people were trained in 9 months;20.000 people were trained in 9 months;

18 Next steps for the implementation of the eInclusion AL Working Group for eInclusion AL everybody are welcomeWorking Group for eInclusion AL everybody are welcome 1st Meeting of the WG could be held in Vilnius on mid June of 20051st Meeting of the WG could be held in Vilnius on mid June of 2005 Projects drafting till October 2005;Projects drafting till October 2005; 2nd Meeting of the WG could be held in Vilnius Last decade of October 2005.2nd Meeting of the WG could be held in Vilnius Last decade of October 2005.

19 All stakeholders of the Northern eDimention are invited to participate in eInclusion AL. Paldies!

20 Linas Peciura Information Society Development Committee under the Government of the Republic of Lithuania Address: Gedimino ave 56, LT- 01110, Vilnius Tel: +370 5 2665 161 Fax: +370 5 2665 180 E-mail

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