How INTENT fits with the European developments Pauline van den Bosch EVTA 11 december 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "How INTENT fits with the European developments Pauline van den Bosch EVTA 11 december 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 How INTENT fits with the European developments Pauline van den Bosch EVTA 11 december 2009

2 Global developments Risks and opportunities rise from: Globalisation, technological change, shift to low carbon economy, demographic developments. Economic crisis: stronger policies and innovations to improve employability.

3 What recently happened in Europe.. Upgrading skills Match labour market needs

4 One of the initiatives Dec. 2008: New skills for new jobs New skills for new jobs Sectoral approach: studies in 19 sectors; Resulting in a guide for actors at different levels; Scenarios, implications and options (2020); To improve the capacity to anticipate and match labour market skills need in the EU

5 Distribution and trade Open and internationalized sector: Sensitive for developments and changes in economy and society; In size, employment and turn over the largest sector; A great number of drivers do impact the sector;

6 SWOT analysis To define key internal and external factors which can destroy or create values: : internal Strengths and weaknesses: internal factors Skills, resources, location; external Opportunities and Threats: external factors Market dynamics, demographic, economic, political, technical, social, legal or cultural;

7 Some examples…Opportunities: Competition based on services and customer relations; E-commerce: multichannel strategies and sophisticated websites; Green retailing, Lifestyle changes; Ageing society: different shopping demands;Challenges: Price competition: race to the bottom; International competition: firms from China, India; Cultural differences in barriers to global expansion; E-commerce: trust, delivery etc.

8 Drivers of changeEconomic: Competition on the global market; Economic development; Social & political: Lifestyle changes; Regulations: climate, health, safety and security; Ageing; Market segmentation; Technical & natural: ICT and e-commerce; Oil and energy resources; R&D: new marketing concepts, materials, processes


10 Emerging skills and competences Social/ cultural Intercultural skills; Team work; Self management; Entrepreneurship and innovativeness; Technical ICT and e-skills; Skills/knowledge related to new materials and processes; Health and green skills; Managerial Intercultural management; International management Green management + multiskilling and new combination of skills

11 Emerging skills and competences: per sector Service sectors Intercultural skills; Conflict solution; Multiskilling ; All sectors ICT and e-skills; Health and green skills; Entrepreneurship and innovativeness; Team work; Self management; New combination of skills and competences; Production sectors Skills/knowledge related to new materials and processes; International

12 Recommendations Adapt and modernise VET at national level; Intensify collaboration with all relevant stakeholders; Preparing for re-training, upskilling, multiskilling; Enhance flexibility abd modularisation; E-learning, blended learning, EU wide recognition of skills; Joint training networks to foster apprenticeships in the sector; Training offers for SMEs (invest in human capital); Adressing the demand of business run by migrants; Foster sector specific skills at an early stage;

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