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U2-Pride(In the Name of Love). BGY.

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1 U2-Pride(In the Name of Love)


3 What is the song about? This song is about Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK) MLK was born Tuesday January 15, 1929 at the family home in Atlanta. He later moved to Alabama and married Coretta Scott. In December 1955 when Montgomery's black leaders formed the Montgomery improvement association to protest the arrest of Rosa Parks for refusing to give up her seat on a Montgomery bus.


5 Continued.. They selected MLK to lead the new group. He was the spokesman for the year-long Montgomery bus boycott. He later became a firm advocate of Mohandas Gandhi’s precepts of non-violence. Which he combined with Christian social gospel ideas. on august 28 th,1960 MLK gave his “I have a dream” speech at the Lincoln memorial. At age 35 MLK was the youngest man to receive the Nobel peace prize for his actions. 5 years later MLK was assassinated on his hotel room balcony in Memphis, Tennessee.

6 Conclusion In my conclusion Martin Luther King Jr. helped dismantle segregation throughout the U.S.A.

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