Strategies & actions for macro-regions BSR INTERREG III B BARENTS 2010 STRATEGY AND FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF THE BARENTS REGION Esko Lotvonen Executive director.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategies & actions for macro-regions BSR INTERREG III B BARENTS 2010 STRATEGY AND FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF THE BARENTS REGION Esko Lotvonen Executive director."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategies & actions for macro-regions BSR INTERREG III B BARENTS 2010 STRATEGY AND FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF THE BARENTS REGION Esko Lotvonen Executive director Regional Council of Lapland

2 Strategies & actions for macro-regions BSR INTERREG III B Need for clear strategy and priorities First 10 years of Barents cooperation were making the basis for European northernmost cooperation region Barents region has been widening geographically During 10 years very much did changed in different regions of Barents There were also great changes in European and global perspectives

3 Strategies & actions for macro-regions BSR INTERREG III B Light from the North Barents region is abundant of natural resourcies Many of these are increasing there relevance and importance Energy, minerals, timber, fish,.. Arctic nature more attractive product for turism

4 Strategies & actions for macro-regions BSR INTERREG III B Growth possibilities in all regions good thing is that future possibilities covers the whole of Barents region North West Russia – oil and gas, minerals, forestry,.. North Sweden – minerals, commercial service (IKEA),.. North Finland – turism, ict, minerals,.. North Norway – oil and gas, fish,…

5 Strategies & actions for macro-regions BSR INTERREG III B Structures in chance globalisation has its impacts in Barents region modern technology gives possibilities for industry and service sector cold climate technology is a growth sector settlement structure is more centralized population has been decreasing

6 Strategies & actions for macro-regions BSR INTERREG III B Challencies for Barents region (1) creating a functional cooperation area is not an easy task wide area with unsufficient transport network is a problem different languages and cultures in practicalities create obstacles more bilateral than multilateral cooperation cooperation between different levels of national administrations

7 Strategies & actions for macro-regions BSR INTERREG III B Challencies for Barents region (2) engagement and support of national level cooperation between different levels of national adminstration cooperation between different sectors in national and regional level insufficient cooperation structures

8 Strategies & actions for macro-regions BSR INTERREG III B Challencies for Barents region (3) sustainable environmental development possibilities for private sector as a stakeholder the role of regional SMEs in development activities to secure and develop the culture of indegenious people development of social dimension

9 Strategies & actions for macro-regions BSR INTERREG III B Roadmap ahead prioritize – focus take use of strengtnesses - create special knowhow sector programmes under implementation (oil- and gas, turism, forestry, mining and minerals, ict, transport) effective, permanent organisational structures real engagement needed strong youth dimension

10 Strategies & actions for macro-regions BSR INTERREG III B Need for Northern policies national states should prepare their stronger strategies for northern regions EU together with different stakeholders should develop and implement active Northern Dimension –policy different national and international financing resources and programmes have to be develop and used to reach the goals of Barents region the new European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument is important for us

11 Strategies & actions for macro-regions BSR INTERREG III B Future has to be done Good future for Barents region will not come automatically It has to done ! Let us do it ! THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENSION !

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