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Extending the National Hydrography Dataset: A Spatial Framework for Water Resources Applications in West Virginia Jackie Strager Natural Resource Analysis.

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Presentation on theme: "Extending the National Hydrography Dataset: A Spatial Framework for Water Resources Applications in West Virginia Jackie Strager Natural Resource Analysis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Extending the National Hydrography Dataset: A Spatial Framework for Water Resources Applications in West Virginia Jackie Strager Natural Resource Analysis Center Mike Strager Division of Resource Management West Virginia University

2 WV GIS Conference June 2008 Introduction NHD as a foundation for water resources analysis in GIS NHD overview Applications Adding information to NHD Deriving additional data using NHD framework Additional related datasets

3 WV GIS Conference June 2008 What is the NHD? National Hydrography Dataset Nationwide, consistent format WV NHD includes: –Medium resolution (1:100,000) –High resolution (1:24,000) –Local resolution pilots (1:4,800) * Seminar Thursday AM

4 WV GIS Conference June 2008 NHD includes: –Surface water features –Flow model –Route measure model Extending NHD and related applications: –Adding info: WV state stream codes and names –Derived data: WV segment-level watersheds –Additional data: NHD Plus Properties of the NHD Direction of flow 1 mile 2 miles Route measures

5 WV GIS Conference June 2008 Extending the NHD Extending NHD and related applications: 1.Adding info: WV state stream codes and names 2.Derived data: WV segment-level watersheds 3.Additional data: NHD Plus Used in applied projects in fisheries, ecological assessments

6 WV GIS Conference June 2008 1. Adding info to the NHD NHD 1:24,000 flowlines Added WV state stream names and codes (WVDEP) –Unique reference for each stream as a whole –References state data to streams –All streams have some name, even if NHD has none –Unnamed tributaries named using reference point (River Mile) along mainstem stream

7 WV GIS Conference June 2008 1. Applications: Adding info to the NHD Mapping WV trout streams Applying WV codes & NHD stream measures:

8 WV GIS Conference June 2008 1. Applications: Adding info to the NHD Stream segmenting for crayfish project 150m segments needed Statewide, on stream by stream basis Strader Run, South Branch Potomac

9 WV GIS Conference June 2008 2. Derived data from NHD Segment-level watersheds for WV Statewide coverage for 24K NHD Custom tools developed: –Determine upstream watersheds –Cumulatively total watershed variables –Determine distance to upstream features

10 WV GIS Conference June 2008 2. Applications: Derived data Big sandy examples Upper Little Sandy Cumulative area upstream of abandoned minelands Upper Little Sandy Distance to closest upstream mine permit

11 WV GIS Conference June 2008 2. Applications: Derived data Application: Mining intensity index (0-100) Lower Cheat river basin Function of: Cumulative area of mining features Cumulative area of coal seam outcrops

12 WV GIS Conference June 2008 2. Applications: Derived data WVU Research Fisheries Management –Mussel distribution modeling (Alison Mynsberge) –Dr. Todd Petty and students Brook trout conservation (Jason Clingerman) Landscape-water quality interactions (Eric Merriam) Temperature model, swim distances (Roy Martin) Water Quality –Water Research Institute, WVU –Mass-balance water quality model using linked watersheds, cumulative analysis

13 WV GIS Conference June 2008 3. Additional NHD related data: NHD Plus NHD Plus Available nationwide at 1:100,000 scale Includes: –New value-added attributes for streams Thinner code Flow Stream order Path length –Segment level catchments –Modeling tools (software)

14 WV GIS Conference June 2008 3. Applications: NHD Plus

15 WV GIS Conference June 2008 3. Applications: NHD Plus Catchments

16 WV GIS Conference June 2008 Summary Described in this talk: –NHD, plus WV stream codes, route measures –WV segment-level watersheds –NHD Plus Allows us to assess the influence of landscape factors on instream water quality and biota Datasets used in current ecological studies in Cheat, Tygart, Ohio River basins NHD and segment-based watershed data models provide useful framework for many present and future activities

17 WV GIS Conference June 2008 Related links Jackie Strager Natural Resource Analysis Center West Virginia University (304) 293-4832 ext.4455

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