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1 Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles – Second level Third level – Fourth level » Fifth level 9/13/2015VER062509ELR1 1 Post – 9/11 GI Bill Financial Aid Presentation

2 22 Training Objectives At the conclusion of this training, you will be able to: Understand the provisions of the Post- 9/11 GI Bill Explain the application process and reporting requirements for the Post-9/11 GI Bill Provide training on the Post-9/11 GI Bill to Financial Aid Personnel

3 Post-9/11 GI Bill Overview Eligibility and Entitlement Elections Benefit Payments Transfer of Entitlement Yellow Ribbon Program Agreements Application Procedures Reporting Procedures Payments and Overpayments Student Timeline Questions 3


5 5 Eligibility & Entitlement Individuals eligible for ch33 must have served on active duty after 09/10/01 for: A minimum of 90 aggregate days (excluding entry level and skill training); At least 30 continuous days if discharged for a service-connected disability. Active duty members eligible on 90th day after completion of entry level training. 5

6 6 At least 36 months (1) 100 At least 30 continuous days on active duty (Must be discharged due to service-connected disability) 100 At least 30 months, but less than 36 months (1) 90 At least 24 months, but less than 30 months (1) 80 (3) At least 18 months, but less than 24 months (2) 70 (3) At least 12 months, but less than 18 months (2) 60 At least 6 months, but less than 12 months (2) 50 At least 90 days, but less than 6 months (2) 40 Service Requirements (after 9/10/01 an individual must serve an aggregate of) % of Maximum Benefit Payable Eligibility & Entitlement (1)Includes entry level and skill training (2) Excludes entry level and skill training (3) If the service requirements are met at both the 80 and 70 percentage level, the maximum percentage of 70 must be applied to amounts payable 6

7 7 Eligibility & Entitlement Excluded Service: Initial entry level and skill training must be considered when an individual has less than 30 months of active duty service unless: All service is identified as Title 10 call-up service The individual has at least 12 months of active duty service before 09/11/01 Exclude initial entry level and skill training when applicable

8 8 Eligibility & Entitlement Generally, individuals will remain eligible for benefits for 15 years from: Date of last discharge; or Release from active duty service of at least 90 continuous days. If eligibility is based on aggregate service of less than 90 consecutive days, the individual will have 15 years from the last period of service used to meet the minimum service requirements for eligibility. 8

9 9 Eligibility & Entitlement Individuals are generally entitled to 36 months of benefits. Individual may not use more than 48 months of entitlement under two or more programs. Individuals eligible for ch30, ch1606, or ch1607, on or after 08/01/09, must relinquish a benefit to receive ch33. Individuals eligible for more than one benefit only have to relinquish one benefit to receive ch33. 9

10 10 Exception Individuals who have used ch30 entitlement and elect to relinquish ch30 to receive ch33 are only entitled to the number of remaining months of ch30 benefits. This provision applies when an individual: ― Is eligible for ch33 and ch30 on August 1, 2009 ― Elects to receive ch33 benefits in lieu of ch30 benefits 10 Eligibility & Entitlement

11 11 An individual who exhausts ch30 prior to electing ch33 may receive up to 12 months of additional benefits. Ch30 entitlement must be exhausted prior to the effective date of the election. 11 Eligibility & Entitlement

12 12 Eligibility & Entitlement Individuals are only limited to their remaining ch30 entitlement if they have used entitlement. Individuals who have not used entitlement may receive up to 36 months under ch33. 12


14 14 Elections Individuals eligible for one of the following benefits on or after 08/01/09 may be required to make an irrevocable election to receive benefits under ch33: ch30-Montgomery GI Bill ch1606-Montgomery GI Bill-Selected Reserve ch1607-Reserve Educational Assistance Program 14

15 15 Election Decisions Individuals need to determine which VA benefit is more advantageous to them? ― Eligibility for other VA benefits ― Benefit Level ― Other Financial Assistance  State  Will entitlement to that aid change Type of training they intend to pursue? ― Exclusively on-line ― Covered under ch33

16 16 Election Decisions Delimiting Date In the Armed Forces on 08-01-09 ― Eligibility to TOE ― Remaining entitlement under other VA Benefits ― Want to use that entitlement before using Post-9/11 GI Bill Desire to attend school at half-time or less

17 17 Elections Individuals electing ch33 benefits will begin receiving payment the later of: August 1, 2009 (when an earlier date or no date is elected) Effective date of eligibility Effective date of election 17

18 18 An individual who relinquishes eligibility under ch30, ch1606, or ch1607 may receive benefits for approved programs not offered by IHLs (i.e. flight, correspondence, Apprenticeship/On-the-Job Training, preparatory courses, national tests, and accelerated payments at an IHL) Individuals will be paid as if they are still receiving benefits under the relinquished benefit, however, their entitlement will be charged under ch33. The monthly housing allowance and the books and supplies stipend are not payable Elections 18

19 19 The highest in-state tuition for Georgia is $203 per credit hour The maximum fees per term for Georgia is $15,401 The housing allowance based on the school’s zip code is $1,208 The Fall term is from August 15, 2009 – December 22, 2009 Peter was certified as follows: # Credit hoursTuition ChargedFees charged 12 credit hours $1,200$400 The charged tuition is $100 per credit hour, which is less than the in-state maximum. The charged fees are also less than the in-state maximum. Peter is entitled to the applicable percentage of his total charges. Elections Example 1 19

20 20 Ch33 Payment Tuition and fees 50% X ($1,200 + 400) $800.00 Housing allowance 50% X ($1,208 /30) X 127 $2,556.93 Books and supplies 50% X (12 X $41.67) $250.02 3,606.95 Ch30 Payment ($1,321/30) X 127 $5,592.23 Peter will receive more money for his enrollment if he continues to use his ch30 benefits. 20 Elections Calculation 1


22 22 Benefit Payments Individuals eligible at the maximum benefit level may receive 100% of the benefits payable All others receive a percentage based on their length of service An individual enrolled at a public institution will be responsible for the difference between actual charges and the percentage of benefits due based on their length of service 22

23 23 Tuition and Fees Yellow Ribbon Monthly Housing Allowance Books and Supplies Stipend College Fund “Kickers” and Buy-up Licensing and Certification Tests Rural Benefit Other Benefits Benefit Payments 23

24 24 Individuals eligible for ch33 may be entitled to multiple payment types; Each payment type will be calculated and issued separately; An individual’s rate of pursuit may be considered to determine eligibility and/or payment amounts; Payments for tuition and fees and the Yellow Ribbon Program will be issued to the school on behalf of the eligible individual; All other payments will be issued directly to the eligible individual. 24 Benefit Payments

25 25 Rate of Pursuit The measurement obtained by dividing the number of credit hours pursued (including distance learning, refresher, remedial and deficiency hours) by the number of credit hours considered to be full-time training at the institution the individual is enrolled Equivalent credit hours (ECH) must be calculated prior to determining rate of pursuit Institution must specify the full-time measurement for all graduate level training Benefit Payments 25

26 26 Rate of Pursuit Example Standard term: Full time is 12 credit hours Student is pursuing 8 credit hours 8 ÷12 = 0.66667 Rate of pursuit is 67% 26 Benefit Payments

27 27 Rate of Pursuit Non-standard term: Equivalent Credit Hours (ECH) must be computed first ECH will be divided by the number of credit hours considered to be full time at the institution to determine the rate of pursuit. 27 Benefit Payments

28 28 Rate of Pursuit Example Non-standard term: Full time is 12 credit hours Student is pursuing 3 credit hours over an 8-week semester ECH = 6.75 6.75 ÷ 12 = 0.56000 Rate of pursuit is 56% 28 Benefit Payments

29 29 Rate of Pursuit Conversion of clock hours to credit hours Step 1:Divide the number of semester or quarter hours required for full-time attendance by the number of clock hours required for full- time attendance Step 2:Multiply the result by the number of clock hours in which the student is enrolled 29 Benefit Payments

30 30 Rate of Pursuit Example Conversion of clock hours to credit hours Full time is 12 credit hours or 22 clock hours Student is pursuing 6 clock hours Step 1:12 ÷ 22 = 0.54545 Step 2:0.54545 X 6 = 3.27270 Credit hour conversion = 3.3 30 Benefit Payments


32 32 Individuals on active duty are eligible for the lesser of: –Tuition and fees charged; or –The amount of charges that exceed the amount paid by the military’s federal tuition assistance Individuals not on active duty are eligible for the applicable percentage (based on aggregate active duty service) or the lesser of: –Tuition and fees charged; or –Highest amount of tuition and fees charged for full-time, undergraduate training at a public institution of higher learning in the state the individual is enrolled. Tuition and Fees 32

33 33 Tuition and Fees Tuition is the actual established charges for tuition that similarly circumstanced non-veterans enrolled in a program of education are required to pay. 33

34 34 Fees are defined as mandatory charges (other than tuition, room, and board) that are applied by the institution of higher learning for pursuit of an approved program of education and include, but are not limited to: Health premiums Freshman fees Graduation fees Lab fees Does not include study abroad course(s) unless the course(s) is a mandatory requirement for completion of the approved program of education. Tuition and Fees 34

35 35 Institutions must report tuition and fees separately on VA Form 22-1999, Enrollment Certification A spreadsheet containing the highest in state tuition per credit hour and the highest fees per term is posted on the GI Bill website Tuition and fees payable are calculated separately VA compares actual tuition charged per credit hour vs. maximum in-State tuition per credit hour and then pays the lesser amount Tuition and Fees 35

36 36 Tuition and Fees 36

37 37 To calculate tuition payable: Tuition – Step 1 Multiply the highest public in state tuition charged per credit hour (obtained from the GI Bill website) by the number of credit hours enrolled This provides the maximum tuition amount payable for that term, quarter, or semester Tuition and Fees 37

38 38 Tuition and Fees Tuition – Step 2 Compare the result from Tuition – Step 1 with the tuition reported by the institution on the enrollment certification Pay the lesser of tuition reported by the institution or the maximum rate payable calculated in Tuition – Step 1 38

39 39 To calculate fees payable: Fees – Step 1 Determine the highest public in state fees charged (obtained from the GI Bill website) This provides the maximum fees payable Tuition and Fees 39

40 40 Fees – Step 2 Compare the result from Fees – Step 1 with the fees reported on the enrollment certification Pay the lesser of fees reported by the institution or the maximum rate payable calculated in Fees – Step 1 Tuition and Fees 40

41 41 To calculate tuition and fees payable: Add the tuition payable and the fees payable Multiply the total tuition and fees payable by the individual’s benefit level The result is the amount of tuition and fees payable to the institution Tuition and Fees 41

42 42 Tuition and Fees Example 2 Status : Active duty Benefit Level : N/A Highest in state maximum charged per credit hour : N/A Tuition Charged : $25,000 Fees Charged: $0 Number of hours enrolled : 12 Tuition Assistance : $0 Result: Tuition and fee payment to the institution is $25,000 because the individual is on active duty. 42

43 43 Tuition and Fees Example 3 Status : Active duty Benefit Level : N/A Highest in state maximum charged per credit hour : N/A Tuition charged : $25,000 Fees charged: $0 Number of hours enrolled : 10 Tuition Assistance : $2,500 Result: ($25,000 - $2,500 = $22,500) Tuition and fee payment to the institution is $22,500 tion and 43

44 44 Tuition and Fees Example 4 Status : Veteran Benefit Level : 100% Highest in state maximum charged per credit hour : $300 Highest in state fees : $3,000 Tuition charged : $18,000 Fees charged: $2,000 Number of hours enrolled : 12 44

45 45 Tuition and Fees Calculation 4 45 Calculation: Step 1 - Determine tuition cap $300 X 12 = $3,600 Step 2 - Compare tuition $3,600 vs. $18,000 pay the lesser: $3,600 Step 3 - Determine fee cap $3,000 (Highest in state fees) Step 4 - Compare fees $3,000 vs. $2,000 pay the lesser: $2,000 Step 5 - Add and multiply by benefit level $3,600 + $2,000 = $5,600 $5,600 x 100% = $5,600 RESULT: Tuition and fee payment to school is $5,600.

46 46 Tuition and Fees Example 5 Status: Veteran Eligibility Percentage : 60% Highest in state maximum charged per credit hour : $500 Highest in state fees : $200 Tuition charged : $5,000 Fees charged : $350 Number of hours enrolled : 12 46

47 47 Tuition and Fees Calculation 5 47 Calculation: Step 1 - Determine tuition cap $500 X 12 = $6,000 Step 2 - Compare tuition $6,000 vs. $5,000 pay the lesser: $5,000 Step 3 - Determine fee cap $200 (Highest in state fees) Step 4 - Compare fees $200 vs. $350 pay the lesser: $200 Step 5 - Add and multiply by benefit level $5,000 + $200 = $5,200 $5,200 x 60% = $3,120 RESULT: Tuition and fee payment to school is $3,120.


49 49 Yellow Ribbon Program Institutions within the U.S. may voluntarily enter into an agreement with VA to fund tuition and fee costs that exceed the highest public in-state undergraduate tuition and fees Provides additional funding for: –Training at private institutions –Graduate training –Out-of-state tuition 49

50 50 Yellow Ribbon Program Only individuals (including transferees) entitled at the 100% benefit level may receive this funding Individuals who served at least 30 continuous days on active duty, and discharged due to service-connected disability Individuals who served at least 36 months or more on active duty 50

51 51 Yellow Ribbon Program VA will match each additional dollar that an institution contributes, up to 50% of the difference between the student’s tuition benefit and the total cost of tuition and fees The combined amounts may not exceed the full cost of the school’s established charges Yellow Ribbon payments will be issued to the school on behalf of each student via EFT Payments will include student identification information and the semester, quarter or term the payment is covering 51

52 CHAPTER 33 52 Monthly Housing Allowance 52

53 53 Monthly Housing Allowance A monthly payment equivalent to the military Basic Allowance for Housing for a servicemember in pay grade E-5 with dependents Individuals on active duty are not eligible for the monthly housing allowance 53

54 54 Monthly Housing Allowance To be eligible for the monthly housing allowance, individuals must be: –Pursuing training at a rate of more than 50% –Enrolled in at least 1 in-residence course Based on the school’s zip code: –Primary institution if concurrently enrolled –In-residence institution if program pursued online Note: In-residence training is defined in 38 CFR 21.4267(d) and (e) 54

55 55 Monthly Housing Allowance In-residence training for under graduate students defined in 38 CFR 21.4267(d) as: Undergraduate resident training. VA considers the following undergraduate courses to be resident training. (1)A course which meets the requirements for resident institutional training found in §21.4265(f); (2) A course which requires regularly scheduled, standard class sessions at least once every two weeks and which has a total number of class sessions equal to the number of credit hours awarded for the course, times the number of weeks in a standard quarter or semester, as applicable. 55

56 56 Monthly Housing Allowance In-residence training for graduate students is defined in 38 CFR 21.4267 (e) as: Graduate resident training. VA considers a graduate course to be resident training if the course: (1) Is offered through regularly scheduled, conventional classroom or laboratory sessions; or (2) Consists of research (either on campus or in absentia) necessary for the preparation of the student’s: (i) Master’s thesis, (ii) Doctoral dissertation, or (iii) Similar treatise which is prerequisite to the degree being pursued; or (3) Consists of a combination of training as described in paragraphs (e)(1) and (e)(2) of this section. 56

57 57 Monthly Housing Allowance Other courses not approved as in- residence training (including independent study) are considered distance learning. 57

58 58 Monthly Housing Allowance Based on the ZIP code of the institution certifying the individual if the individual is attending a branch campus that does not have a separate facility code Concurrent Enrollment: If the individual is enrolled in two or more institutions, the monthly housing allowance will be based on the primary institution’s ZIP code If the student is enrolled solely in distance learning at the primary institution and is pursuing in- residence training at the supplemental institution, the monthly housing allowance will be paid based upon the supplemental institution's ZIP code 58

59 59 Monthly Housing Allowance Calculated by multiplying the individual’s benefit level by the full monthly housing allowance For individuals in foreign institutions, calculated by multiplying the individual’s ch33 benefit level by the average monthly housing allowance Note: The average Foreign rate is supplied by DoD 59

60 60 Monthly Housing Allowance Paid on the first of each month for training completed the prior month. 60

61 61 Monthly Housing Allowance Housing Allowance information is available in WEAMS on the “Issue and Remarks” tab 61


63 63 Books and Supplies Stipend Up to $1,000 per academic year –$41.67 per credit hour –Up to 24 credit hours in a single academic year –Lump sum payment (each quarter, semester or term attended) paid directly to the individual Prorated based on benefit level If the enrollment begins before 08/01/09, it is not reduced based on a partial enrollment period Active duty members are not eligible 63


65 65 College Fund Kickers MGIB-AD and MGIB-SR kickers Individuals eligible for a kicker under another benefit may receive the kicker under the Post-9/11 GI Bill Monthly kicker amount will be prorated based on the individual’s rate of pursuit Payment issued in a lump sum directly to the student 65

66 66 Ch33 kickers −Only payable if individual is entitled to a monthly housing allowance −Payment will be issued directly to the student with the monthly housing allowance DoD has not begun offering ch33 kickers 66 College Fund Kickers

67 CHAPTER 33 67 Licensing and Certification Tests 67

68 68 Licensing and Certification Tests Eligible individuals may be reimbursed for one licensing or certification test Test must be approved for VA benefits Test must be taken on or after August 1, 2009 Reimbursement may not exceed $2,000 68


70 70 One-time payment of $500 for individuals who reside in a county with six persons or fewer per square mile –Physically relocates at least 500 miles, or –Travels by air to attend school if no other transportation exist Payments issued directly to the student in a lump sum Rural Benefit 70


72 72 Other Payments Interval Payments Payment of the monthly housing allowance may be authorized during intervals Follows current interval payment rules Entitlement charged for interval payments Students may request not to receive interval payment to preserve entitlement 72

73 73 Other Payments Work-study ― Individuals training at a rate of pursuit of at least 75% may receive work-study  Federal minimum wage, unless State wage is higher Tutorial Assistance ― Individuals training at a rate of pursuit of at least 50% may receive tutorial assistance ― Amount payable cannot exceed $100 per month ― Total amount payable cannot exceed $1,200 73


75 75 Relinquished Benefits Individuals who relinquish ch30, ch1606, or ch1607 to elect ch33 are eligible to receive payment under the relinquished benefit for certain programs that are not approved under ch33. 75

76 76 Relinquished Benefits 76 The following programs of education are not payable under ch33: NCD programs not offered at an IHL Correspondence training programs not offered at an IHL Flight training Apprenticeship and On-the-Job training National tests not offered by an IHL Note: Accelerated payments are available for programs at NCD institutions if they were payable under the relinquished benefit

77 77 Relinquished Benefits 77 Benefits payable under this provision are paid at the same rate as they would have been paid under the relinquished benefit. Rates include: -Kickers -$600 Buy-up Entitlement will be charged under ch33; however, it will be calculated in the same manner as it was under the relinquished benefit.


79 79 Transfer of Entitlement Only the following entities may authorize transfer of benefits: ― Secretary of Defense (when the Coast Guard is operating as a service of the Navy) ― Secretaries of Army, Navy, or Air Force ― Secretary of Homeland Security (for Coast Guard) PHS/NOAA members are not eligible to transfer benefits as only the Secretaries above may offer transfer of benefits 79

80 80 Transfer of Entitlement Criteria required to transfer benefits: ― Be in Armed Forces on 08/01/09, and ― Have completed 6 years in the Armed Forces, and ― Agree to serve 4 more years DoD/DHS rules to address situations when individuals cannot (by military rules or retirement) serve 4 more years after 08/01/09. 80

81 81 Transfer of Entitlement An individual approved to transfer benefits may: Transfer up to 36 months of benefits (unless DoD/DHS restricts number of months an individual may transfer). Transfer to spouse, child, or children in any amount up to amount transferor has available or amount approved by DoD/DHS. Revoke or modify a transfer request of any unused benefits unless the transferor’s 15-year eligibility period has ended. 81

82 82 Transfer of Entitlement An individual approved to transfer benefits may: ― Not transfer benefits to a new dependent once the transferor is no longer a member of Armed Forces. – Modify the number of months transferred amongst dependents Liability ― Transferor and individual using transferred entitlement are jointly liable to VA for any overpayment of chapter 33 benefits 82

83 83 Transfer of Entitlement Spouses: May use after transferor completes 6 years in Armed Forces Paid at transferor’s rate - Cannot be paid monthly housing allowance or books and supplies stipend if the transferor is on active duty when the spouse is receiving benefits Can continue to use benefits if divorced, unless the transferor revokes remaining entitlement Can use benefits up to transferor’s 15-year eligibility period, unless transferor specifies an earlier ending date Not limited to highest in-State tuition and fee rates while transferor in on active duty 83

84 84 Transfer of Entitlement Children: Entitlement must be transferred to an unmarried child who has not reached the age of 18 or, if in school, before child is 23 years of age May use benefits after transferor completes 10 years in Armed Forces Must have: ―reached age 18; or ―completed requirements of secondary school diploma ― (or equivalency certificate) Receives veteran rate, including housing allowance & book stipend, even if transferor is on active duty May use until 26 years old even if transferor’s 15-year eligibility period ended May continue to use benefits after marriage 84


86 86 Institutions entering into a Yellow Ribbon Program Agreement with VA are agreeing to: Provide contributions to eligible individuals on a first-come, first-served basis for the current academic year Provide contributions to eligible individuals for the current academic year and all subsequent years the individual is enrolled if the: −Institution continues to participate in the Yellow Ribbon Program −Student maintains satisfactory progress Yellow Ribbon Program 86

87 87 Limit contributions to funds under the unrestricted control of the institution and specify the manner in which contributions will be granted which may include: ―Direct grant ―Scholarship The following cannot be used as the institution’s contribution toward the Yellow Ribbon Program: ―Third party funds ―Title IV funds Yellow Ribbon Program 87

88 88 State the maximum number of individuals to whom Yellow Ribbon Program contributions will be provided in item 6 Yellow Ribbon Program 88

89 89 State the maximum annual dollar amount that will be contributed per individual in item 7 Yellow Ribbon Program 89

90 90 Item 7a – Institution agrees to contribute up to the same maximum annual dollar amount for all individuals Yellow Ribbon Program 90

91 91 Item 7b Institutions may limit contribution amounts and totals by education level and may offer to contribute: To individuals at any or all education levels Different maximum annual amounts at any or all education levels Different maximum number of individuals at any or all education levels Yellow Ribbon Program 91

92 92 Yellow Ribbon Program Item 7b 92

93 93 Gulf Shores University intends to offer Yellow Ribbon Program benefits to graduate and doctoral students. They intend to contribute Yellow Ribbon Program benefits to up to 500 students as follows: Up to $2,000 per year for each graduate student Up to $4,000 per year for each doctoral student How should they complete their Yellow Ribbon Program Agreement? Yellow Ribbon Program Example 6 93

94 94 To offer Yellow Ribbon Program contributions to all graduate and doctoral students on a first come, first served basis, they should report: 500 in item 6 0 or blank for each undergraduate student $2,000 for each graduate student $4,000 for each doctoral student 500 4,000.00 2,000.00 94 Yellow Ribbon Program Answer 6

95 95 To offer Yellow Ribbon Program contributions to 400 graduate and 100 doctoral students on a first come, first served basis, they should report: 500 in item 6 0 or blank for each undergraduate student $2,000 for each graduate student and 400 in the blank area next to graduate student $4,000 for each doctoral student and 100 in the blank area next to each doctoral student Yellow Ribbon Program Answer 6 500 2,000.00 100 400 4,000.00 95

96 96 Item 7c Institutions may limit contribution amounts and totals to specific colleges and/or professional schools Yellow Ribbon Program 96

97 97 Pensacola College intends to offer Yellow Ribbon Program benefits to all students enrolled in the School of Law and the School of Pharmacy. They intend to contribute Yellow Ribbon Program benefits to up to 100 students as follows: Up to $7,000 per year for each Law student Up to $15,000 per year for Pharmacy student How should they complete their Yellow Ribbon Program Agreement? 97 Yellow Ribbon Program Example 7

98 98 To offer Yellow Ribbon Program contributions to all students in the School of Law and the School of Pharmacy on a first come, first served basis, they should report: 100 in item 6 $7,000 for each student enrolled in the School of Law $15,000 for each student enrolled in the School of Pharmacy 100 7,000.00 15,000.00 School of Law School of Pharmacy 98 Yellow Ribbon Program Answer 7

99 99 To offer Yellow Ribbon Program contributions to 75 students in the School of Law and 25 students in the School of Pharmacy on a first come, first served basis, they should report: 100 in item 6 $7,000 for each student enrolled in the School of Law/75 $15,000 for each student enrolled in the School of Pharmacy/25 100 7,000.00 15,000.00 School of Law/75 School of Pharmacy/25 99 Yellow Ribbon Program Answer 7

100 100 Items 7b and 7c Institutions may limit contribution amounts and totals by education level and may further limit to specific colleges and/or professional schools Institutions should use separate Yellow Ribbon Program Agreements to report this to VA Yellow Ribbon Program 100

101 101 May denote all students by indicating “ALL” “UNLIMITED” or 99999 101 Yellow Ribbon Program

102 102 VA-ONCE modifications will allow institutions to certify Yellow Ribbon Program information on an Enrollment Certification (VA Form 22-1999) Institutions should report tuition charged, fees charged, and the maximum amount they are willing to contribute per term VA will pay the lesser of: –The amount of Yellow Ribbon certified –The difference between the amount certified and 50% of the individual’s unmet tuition and fee charges Yellow Ribbon Program 102

103 103 When submitting Yellow Ribbon Program Agreements, institutions cannot: Report contributions per credit hour Limit contributions based on student status –Part-time –Traditional or non-traditional –Day or evening Limit contributions based on degree program/college major Yellow Ribbon Program 103

104 104 Upon receipt of a valid Yellow Ribbon Program Agreement (VA Form 22-0839), VA: –Documented agreement information for posting on GI Bill website –Signed and returned agreement to institution VA had to receive signed agreements from interested institutions by June 15, 2009 Final list of participating institutions was posted on June 30, 2009 Participating institutions should review and verify information reported on their Yellow Ribbon Program Yellow Ribbon Program 104


106 106 Application Procedures Individuals are encouraged to apply using VA Form 22-1990, Application for Education Benefits The paper application and VONAPP forms available on the GI Bill website contain ch33 information Individuals who previously applied for benefits may use VA Form 22-1995, Request for Change of Program or Place of Training A signature is not required in support of applications for education benefits or applications for a change of program or place of training 106

107 107 Application Procedures Individuals should fully complete the application, and provide election information if applicable Elections must include: – The effective date of the election, which must be on or after August 1, 2009; – The benefit the individual is relinquishing to receive ch33 benefits; and – Acknowledgement that the election is irrevocable. 107

108 108 Application Procedures 108

109 109 VA began accepting applications for Certificates of Eligibility beginning May 1, 2009 − For Veterans and servicemembers enrolling for Fall 2009 − VA is currently accepting applications for TOE from spouses and dependents Certificates of Eligibility −Benefit level based on length of service, including Yellow Ribbon for individuals at the maximum benefit level −15-year eligibility date for individuals not on active duty −Number of months of entitlement Application Procedures

110 110 Application Procedures Relinquished benefit information

111 111 1461 111 Entitlement and delimiting date Benefit level Active duty service period used to establish eligibility Yellow Ribbon, if benefit level is 100% and not on active duty Application Procedures

112 112 Claimant is responsible for overpayment of tuition and fees and Yellow Ribbon Program payments sent to the school You are responsible for ALL debts resulting from reductions or terminations of your enrollment even if the payment was submitted directly to the school on your behalf. Application Procedures


114 114 Reporting Procedures VA benefits are considered an entitlement and are not reduced based on financial aid. Consider VA payments of tuition and fees and Yellow Ribbon as if the student paid them to the institution.

115 115 Amounts reported to VA should be actual charges prior to any reductions or financial aid Financial Aid offices are responsible for determining if an individual remains entitled to state aid, scholarships or other financial assistance based on receipt of VA benefits – If a state prohibits a public IHL from charging a student tuition (and/or fees), no charges should be reported to VA – Initial charges of tuition and fees needs to be reported to the VA on the VA Form-1999 even if a state waives any portion of the tuition (and/or fees). (credits should be refunded directly to the student by the school) Reporting Procedures 115

116 116 Reporting Procedures 116 Revisions to the VA Form 22-1999, Enrollment Certification, allow schools to report additional information for ch33 Yellow Ribbon Program information The number of credit hours taken via distance learning Tuition Fees

117 117 Reporting Procedures 117 Yellow Ribbon Program amounts certified should be the maximum amount the institution is willing to contribute per term VA will pay the lesser of the amount certified or 50% of the unmet charges Institutions will track annual amounts based on Yellow Ribbon Program agreements

118 118 Reporting Procedures Existing procedures for certifying enrollments for individuals on active duty in receipt of Tuition Assistance apply to ch33 Enrollment certifications should not be submitted for courses paid in whole or in part by federal military tuition assistance Individuals will submit Tuition Assistance forms directly to VA Payment will be issued directly to the eligible individual

119 119 Reporting Procedures Indicate individual will be certified for the Yellow Ribbon Program

120 120 Reporting Procedures Indicate the number of credit/clock hours pursued Hours should be entered separately based on the type of hours

121 121 Reporting Procedures Enter total charged tuition and total charged fees

122 122 Reporting Procedures Enter the maximum amount the school is willing to contribute for the period certified

123 123 Reporting Procedures Indicate full-time measurement for graduate level training

124 124 Reporting Procedures 124 Currently, tuition and fees are required fields in VA Once for all education benefit programs Schools should report the full-time measurement for all graduate level training in the “Remarks” section Additional changes to VA Once are scheduled for a subsequent release: – Tuition and fees will no longer be required for all education benefit programs – Schools will be able to report the full-time measurement for ch33 graduate level training in the existing graduate level training time field

125 125 Reporting Procedures 125 VA Once and other software applications is able to accept ch33 enrollment certifications as of July 6, 2009 VA is currently accepting enrollment certifications.

126 126 Reporting Procedures Options for ch33 have been added to the benefit type drop down menu –“33” should be used for ch33 individuals –“33YELLOW” should be used if institution is participating in the Yellow Ribbon Program and individual is being certified for the Yellow Ribbon Program If “33YELLOW” is the benefit type, Yellow Ribbon fields are available

127 127 Reporting Procedures Enter the number of credit hours pursued via distance learning Hours can be “0” Do not include hours reported under “Credit”

128 128 Enter total charged tuition and total charged fees 128 Reporting Procedures

129 129 Reporting Procedures Field is required for benefit type “33YELLOW” Entry must be greater than zero Indicate the maximum amount the school is willing to contribute for the term certified NOTE: Modify benefit type on BIO page to “33” when maximum annual contribution amount has been certified

130 130 Indicate the full-time measurement for graduate level training 130 Reporting Procedures

131 131 Reporting Procedures The certifications printed from VA-ONCE will include new fields for distance learning, tuition, fees and the Yellow Ribbon Program.

132 132 Revisions to the VA Form 22-1999b, Notice of Change in Student Status, allow schools to report additional information for changes under ch33 Schools should report ch33 changes involving no training time change Schools should report the revised maximum amount the institution is willing to contribute toward the Yellow Ribbon Program for the period certified For reductions, amount should be proportionate to original amount certified Reporting Procedures

133 133 Reporting Procedures Indicate the number of credit hours before and after the adjustment Specify distance learning hours, if applicable

134 134 Reporting Procedures Indicate the charged tuition and fees for the courses remaining after the reduction

135 135 Reporting Procedures Indicate the revised maximum amount the school is willing to contribute for the term certified Reduced amounts should be proportionate to the originally certified contribution amount

136 136 Reporting Procedures Field is required for benefit type “33YELLOW” and must be greater than zero Indicate the revised maximum amount the school is willing to contribute for the term certified

137 137 The printed form will include the new fields and the revised Yellow Ribbon amount 137 Reporting Procedures

138 138 Reporting Procedures VA is accepting enrollment (1999’s) −Advance payment is currently not be available VA issued payment transactions to the Department of Treasury on August 1, 2009 for: −Tuition and fees −Yellow Ribbon, if applicable −Books and supplies stipend −College fund “kickers” Payments for the monthly housing allowance will be issued beginning September 1, 2009


140 140 Payments & Overpayments How will payments be sent? ― Automated Clearing House (ACH) deposit for each certified chapter 33 student  One for Tuition and Fees  One for Yellow Ribbon (if applicable) ― Each payment will include an addenda field with student’s identifying information  VA File Number  Student Name (up to 20 characters)  Term dates for the payment

141 141 Payments & Overpayments - To receive addenda information  Must be requested from your Financial Institution  Ask that it be provided in a readable format ― If VA does not have active direct deposit information  Payments will be made by paper check to the address on file in WEAMS  Stub containing student’s identifying information attached to each check

142 142 Payments & Overpayments “Vet Report Listing” ― Will be mailed to the School Certifying Official weekly ― Lists ch33 payments for your students Tuition and Fees (33T) Yellow Ribbon (33Y) Schools will receive the listing for ch33 students even if they previously elected not to receive the report.

143 Payment and Overpayments Facility Code IHL Name and address VER070909SAA 143

144 Payment and Overpayments Abbreviated RPO station number 07 = Buffalo 16 = Atlanta 31 = St. Louis 51 = Muskogee VER070909SAA 144

145 Payment and Overpayments Claimant’s VA file number (8- digit file number or social security number) VER070909SAA 145

146 Payment and Overpayments Amount of payment issued Enrollment period covered by payment VER070909SAA 146

147 Payment amounts are based on treasury records Amounts reflected are actual payment amounts after any overpayments have been withheld If amounts reflected are less than tuition and fees, schools should – Review claimant’s benefit level – Verify if overpayment exists NOTE: School may contact VA or review VA Once for VA Form 22-1999b to determine if an overpayment exists. 147 Payments & Overpayments VER070909SAA 147

148 Payment and Overpayments Claimant’s address Benefit payment type 33T = Tuition and fees 33Y = Yellow Ribbon Program VER070909SAA 148

149 149 Payments & Overpayments How to refund VA ― Send a check payable to “VA Agent Cashier” to the Regional Processing Office  Include Student’s Name and VA File Number Atlanta RPO Muskogee RPO P O Box 100022 PO Box 8888 Decatur, GA 30031-7022 Muskogee, OK 74402-8888 Buffalo RPO St. Louis RPO P O Box 4616 PO Box 66830 Buffalo, NY 14240-4616 St. Louis, MO 63166-6830

150 150 Payments & Overpayments If you received a paper check, the un-cashed paper check can be returned to  U.S. Department of the Treasury Financial Management Service PO Box 51318 Philadelphia, PA 19115-6316 ― If you received payment via EFT, the refund may be made through the ACH  Request the bank return the full payment using an R31 ACH return code

151 151 Payments & Overpayments Schools should submit a refund to VA if; ­Student dies during the term, and a refund is due ­Student is enrolled, but never attended ­Payment sent to the wrong school

152 152 Payments & Overpayments If a student never attends any portion of the certified enrollment period, schools should follow their established student refund policy If a refund of a student’s out-of-pocket expenses is due, it should be issued to the student The school is obligated to refund payments to the VA for a student’s non-attendance (regardless of the established student refund policy) Payments returned to VA must include the student identification information as well as the quarter, term or semester for which the payment was made

153 153 If a student attends a portion of the certified enrollment period, yet does not complete training, schools should follow their established student refund policy If a refund is due, it should be issued to the student Refunds for partial attendance should not be returned to VA The student is responsible for any overpayment of VA benefits incurred as a result of a change in enrollment 153 Payments & Overpayments

154 154 Six credit hour exclusion still applies to first withdrawal or drop If mitigating circumstances exist, student may be due partial payment ―Tuition and fees (and Yellow Ribbon) prorated through the last date of attendance for complete withdrawals and end of the month for reductions ―Housing allowance paid until end of month in which drop or withdrawal occurred VA will calculate the amount of the overpayment of ch33 benefits based on existing procedures for reductions and terminations as well as notify the student 154 Payments & Overpayments

155 155 If a student does not complete a certified enrollment period, the school may or may not issue a refund, depending on their refund policy. If an overpayment is created, the student will be responsible for making repayment arrangements with VA’s Debt Management Center (DMC) regardless of whether or not a refund was received from the school 155 Payments & Overpayments

156 156 If an individual is “called up” to active duty, VA will restore entitlement if veteran does not receive credit for course and will: ― Not charge an overpayment for chapter 33 tuition and fees payment or Yellow Ribbon benefits for the certified enrollment period ― Not charge an overpayment of books and supplies stipend for the enrollment period ― Discontinue the monthly housing allowance at the end of the month during which the individual last attended 156 Payments & Overpayments

157 157 VA will notify student about overpayment Notifications will inform student of the overpayment amount and whom to contact to establish a repayment schedule DMC will also send notification of the overpayment amount and provide due process rights Overpayments are collected by DMC 157 Payments & Overpayments

158 158 In most cases, overpayments will not be collected during the due process period, which is 30 days from the day of notification Students with existing overpayments may attend school; however, their benefit payments will be withheld until the overpayment is collected Overpayments will be collected from the “next” payment, including tuition and fees and Yellow Ribbon Program payments 158 Payments & Overpayments


160 160 Student Experience Timeline July 6 th – VA accepted chapter 33 enrollment certifications and began processing claims August 1 st – Begin issuing payment to Treasury Tuition and fees payments ― Books and supplies stipend ― College fund “kickers” August 3rd- First payments released by Treasury September 1 st – Payments of housing allowance for individuals who attended school in August

161 161 References GI Bill Website ( -Sign up for FAQ updates! GI Bill Hotline: 1-888-GIBILL-1 Questions regarding Yellow Ribbon Program Agreements should be submitted to the Yellow Ribbon mailbox at

162 Questions 1.If the student is receiving Chapter 33 through transfer of entitlement, are they eligible for the book stipend? Answer: Yes, however, if the transferor is on active duty the spouses are not eligible for the books and supplies, and monthly housing allowance. 2. How does a school know the true percentage of eligibility without the Certificate of Eligibility? Answer: Benefit level (percentage) is based on the individuals service periods. 162

163 3. How will our school know if there is an overpayment from the student's attendance in a prior term or at another school that will hold up payments to our school? The school is going out on a limb to allow these students to enroll with expectations of receiving payments that may not occur. Answer: Students with existing overpayments may attend school; however, their benefit payments will be withheld until the overpayment is collected. Overpayments will be collected from the “next” payment, including tuition and fees and Yellow Ribbon Program payments. Schools may view VA once for changes in enrollments (1999b’s). Questions 163

164 4. We were told that students who are using Post 9/11 under Transfer of Entitlement need to give us a form called a TBE. What is this form and how/where would the student obtain this form? Answer: DoD determines eligibility for TOE. Individuals should submit their application to DoD via the TEB website, however, individuals are not required to submit the TEB form. If individuals would like to receive a copy of the TEB, they should print it upon submission for their records. DoD will not send any written notification of their eligibility status to the individual. To Apply for TEB use the following: EB%2F EB%2F For General Information regarding TEB: Questions 164

165 5. Are Hybrid classes (combination internet and classroom) considered the same as distance education when determining whether a student will receive the monthly stipend? Answer: Yes, courses that do not meet the requirements for in-residence training (including independent study, hybrid and blended courses) are considered distance learning. Questions 165

166 CHAPTER 33 166

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