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Strengthening Our Collective Impact: Developing A Strategic Plan for CMHA National Conference Workshop Materials Kelowna, British Columbia September, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Strengthening Our Collective Impact: Developing A Strategic Plan for CMHA National Conference Workshop Materials Kelowna, British Columbia September, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strengthening Our Collective Impact: Developing A Strategic Plan for CMHA National Conference Workshop Materials Kelowna, British Columbia September, 2011 Michael Rowland Partner The Randolph Group t/ 647.345.8825 Peter Coleridge National Chief Executive Officer Canadian Mental Health Association t/ 613.745.7750 ext. 221

2 1 Today’s objectives ● Set the scene for today’s session Overview of strategic planning process Key findings from consultations to date Objectives, agenda and process for today ● Seek your input on potential areas for nation-wide collaboration aimed at strengthening CMHA’s collective impact Potential areas for collaboration and related strategies Relative priorities among these areas ● Discuss roles and mechanisms for moving priority areas and strategies forward Leadership and contributing roles Approach to funding collaborative initiatives ● Outline next steps in the planning process Draft plan development Consultation and refinement Approval, endorsement and implementation

3 2 TimeItemFormat 15 minutes1. IntroductionPresentation 45 minutes2. Input on Potential Areas for Collaboration and Related Strategies Overview and Table Discussions 30 minutes3. Roles and Mechanisms for Moving Forward Overview and Table Discussions 5 minutes4. Next Steps and AdjournPresentation Agenda

4 3 Objective of the plan is to strengthen CMHA’s collective impact Implications for Plan’s Content Plan will propose refinements to CMHA’s vision, mission, and values Plan will identify priority areas for nation-wide collaboration and related strategies that will strengthen our collective impact as an organization Objective is to have CMHA family agree to actively collaborate on these areas across the organization Collaborations would be led and contributed to by different parts of the organization Plan must be relevant for all of CMHA Local innovation and flexibility to respond to unique needs will continue Note: Focus of today’s discussions Note: Will be in draft plan for consultation in fall

5 4 Plan development involves extensive consultation 1.Getting Ready (April/May) Phases and TimingDeliverables Project Charter and Resource Plan Communication/Engagem ent Strategy 2.Environmental Scan and (June/July) Scan of CMHA and external partners plans Strategy Workbook Consultation with CMHA 3.Potential Areas for Collaboration and Related Strategies (August/September) Potential Areas for Collaboration, Strategies and Roles Refinement and Priority Setting with CMHA at National Conference 4.Plan Development (October/November) Draft Strategic Plan Review and Refinement with CMHA

6 5 Project governance Serve as Project Steering Committee Provide input to the plan Prime points of coordination for communications and issue management in divisions and branches/regions Help to collect and synthesize information Encourage and support CMHA engagement (boards and staff) Recommend the plan to the National Board and seek Divisional Board endorsement Senior Management Team, CMHA Sponsor of the plan Provide input to the plan Encourage and support CMHA engagement (boards and staff) Approve the plan and seek broader CMHA endorsement CMHA National Board Project director Chair the Steering Committee Lead communication and issue management National Chief Executive Officer

7 6 Summary of conclusions from consultations to date ● Strong commitment to promoting mental health and supporting resilience and recovery from mental illness ● Recognition of and pride in CMHA’s strengths and unique potential ● Many needs and opportunities for promoting mental health and supporting resilience and recovery from mental illness ● Recognition of need for differentiation, clarification of CMHA mission and core functions (the four pillars), and for focus in a changing strategic environment ● Desire for greater collaboration across CMHA and a stronger national voice, without losing local flexibility ● Many pressures and concerns identified with respect to the capacity and sustainability of CMHA across the country ● Support for this kind of national planning process focused on areas for nation-wide collaboration

8 7 Consultations identified five potential areas for nation- wide collaboration and related strategies for discussion Potential AreasDesired ImpactPotential Strategies 1. Strengthening Our Voice Heightened awareness and value of CMHA brand Increased influence over national, provincial and local policies 1.1 Develop a brand strategy for CMHA 1.2 Coordinate CMHA participation in key policy initiatives across the country 1.3 Promote key policy positions across Canada 1.4 Ensure engagement of individuals with lived experience as full partners in influencing national, provincial and local policies 2. Ensuring Quality Services High quality, evidence-based CMHA services which improve people’s lives Widely recognized, flagship programs and services that reinforce CMHA’s national brand 2.1.Develop and support a common quality management system 2.2 Invest in the development and implementation of identified “flagship” programs across the country 2.3 Support nation-wide communities of practice related to program and service delivery

9 8 Consultations identified five potential areas for nation- wide collaboration and related strategies for discussion Potential AreaDesired ImpactPotential Strategies 3. Extending Our Reach Increased access to our programs, services and messages across the country Broadened base of contact with and impact on the lives of Canadians 3.1 Develop enhanced web site and social media capabilities nation- wide 3.2 Enhance profile and impact of Mental Health week as a flagship, nation-wide CMHA event 4. Raising New Monies New monies acquired for CMHA and mental health Increased fundraising capacity nationally within an agreed upon framework 4.1 Develop a nationally coordinated fundraising strategy 4.2 Formalize the fundraising policy framework, roles and protocols within CMHA 5. Enhancing Our Organizational Health Strengthened CMHA governance, organizational framework, and financial sustainability Improved communication systems and capacity Improved recruitment, development and retention of staff and volunteers 5.1 Review CMHA’s governance and organizational model 5.2 Develop an internal communication strategy 5.3 Develop nation-wide communities of practice to support staff and volunteer recruitment and retention

10 9 Want to get your input on three questions through table discussions TimeQuestionsProcess 15 minutes 1. What do you like about each area for collaboration and the related strategies? Record table comments on each area and the related strategies using the table sheet provided 15 minutes 2. What changes or additions would you suggest for each area and the related strategies? Record table comments on each area and related strategies using the table sheet provided 10 minutes 3. How would you rank the relative importance importance of these five areas to the future success and collective impact of CMHA across Canada? Rank order the goals as a table using the cards provided from 1 = most important to 5 = least important (no ties) and record on the table sheet provided

11 10 Finally, would you like your quick ideas on how to move these areas and related strategies forward TimeQuestionsProcess 10 minutes 1.How should these CMHA-wide collaborative initiatives be funded? Record table suggestions on the sheet provided 10 minutes 2.What role should divisions and branches/regions play in moving these areas and related strategies forward? Record table suggestions on sheet provided 10 minutes 3.What role should National play in moving these areas and related strategies forward? Record table suggestions on sheet provided

12 11 Outline of next steps Next Steps Consolidation and analysis of the input from all of these sessions Development of a draft strategic plan to strengthen CMHA’s collective impact, including refined statements of CMHA vision, mission and values, areas for collaboration, related strategies, and an implementation framework Communication and electronic consultation with all CMHA branches/regions/divisions on draft strategic plan Discussion of draft plan with national system partners Presentation of plan to CMHA National Board for approval Seek endorsement of plan and support for implementation from CMHA branches/regions/divisions On behalf of the Steering Committee, thank you for your input today. Follow-up comments can be provided via email to Michael Rowland and Peter Coleridge.

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