RIMS Chapter Presidents Webinar February 14, 2012 Presented by: Deborah M. Luthi, ARM President, RIMS Richard W. Johanson, MBA, ARM Past President, Director.

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Presentation on theme: "RIMS Chapter Presidents Webinar February 14, 2012 Presented by: Deborah M. Luthi, ARM President, RIMS Richard W. Johanson, MBA, ARM Past President, Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 RIMS Chapter Presidents Webinar February 14, 2012 Presented by: Deborah M. Luthi, ARM President, RIMS Richard W. Johanson, MBA, ARM Past President, Director at Large, Chapter Delegate: RIMS San Diego Chapter 1

2 RIMS Updates  Deborah M. Luthi Introduction  Board of Directors and Chapter Acknowledgements  Executive Reports & Thought Leadership  RIMS on the Hill  RIMS Annual Conference  No Boundaries  What’s New  Key Events for Chapter Leaders  Presentation by San Diego Chapter 2

3 Deborah M. Luthi, ARM President, Risk and Insurance Management Society, Inc. (RIMS) www.RIMS.org dluthi@RIMS.org Enterprise Risk Manager, San Francisco Public Utilities Commission @RIMSorg Risk and Insurance Management Society RIMSorg


5 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Leslie Lamb Global Risk Manager Cisco Systems, Inc. Al Gorski Chief Risk Officer Orange County Transportation Authority Janet Barnes Risk Manager Snohomish County PUD No.1 Director, Div. of Risk Management Montgomery County, Maryland



8 8 EXTERNAL AFFAIRS Next Regional RIMS on the Hill: March 13 -14 in Sacramento June 3 – 5, 2012 Park Hyatt Washington 24 th and M Streets, NW Washington, D.C.

9 9 ***Early Bird Discount Ends: February 17, 2012*** www.RIMS.org/RIMS12 “NO BOUNDARIES”

10 10 WHAT’S NEW…  CEU INSTITUTE  Earn CE/CPE  CONFERENCE MOBILE APP  Event Updates  Interactive Floor/City Maps  Exhibitor Materials  Session Descriptions  Session Agenda Builder  Links to RIMS Social Media  COMMUNITY SERVICE DAY  Pre-Conference Chapter Collection  March 13th to April 6 th

11 11 KEY EVENTS FOR CHAPTER OFFICERS: Saturday, April 14 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. RIMS CHAPTER OFFICERS FORUM Sunday, April 15 8:30 – 11:00 a.m. HOUSE OF DELEGATES MEETING Sunday, April 15 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. CHAPTER LEADER NETWORKING HOUR

12 RIMS SAN DIEGO Presented by: Richard W. Johanson, MBA, ARM Past President, Director at Large, Chapter Delegate: RIMS San Diego Chapter

13 13 RIMS SAN DIEGO VISION: San Diego RIMS will be the primary resource for risk professionals in the region. MISSION: To promote and improve Risk Management by furthering the professional development of our members.


15 15 QUESTIONS? If you have any questions, please e-mail them to ChapterServices@RIMS.org ChapterServices@RIMS.org Conference Website: www.RIMS.org/RIMS12www.RIMS.org/RIMS12 RIMS Website: www.RIMS.orgwww.RIMS.org NEXT PRESIDENTS WEBINAR: Wednesday, May 16, 2012

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