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Kentchoices4u briefing for schools term 6 - 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Kentchoices4u briefing for schools term 6 - 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kentchoices4u briefing for schools term 6 - 2012

2 Agenda 1.Landscape 2012/13 2.How KC4U will run 2012/13? –KC4U protocol 3.What will KC4U look like next year? 4.How learners will search next year 5.Raising the Participation Age 6.How to update the website 7.Next steps

3 2012/13 Landscape Significant change –No universal service from CXK –CEIAG responsibilities taken over by schools –Raising the Participation Age –Destination Measures –New software to support KC4U –New Skills and Employability Team

4 How is KC4U going to run next year? Role of schools supporting learners - Taking control –Schools will have freedom to choose how to introduce KC4U to their learners and support their continued use –Schools will have access to the information that was previously monitored by Connexions –Schools will be able to identify and target learners who need support applying and choosing post 16 options –Schools will need to sign the kentchoices4u protocol to have access to the system

5 How is KC4U going to run next year? Role of schools – maintaining the prospectus and receiving/processing applications –No change to responsibilities –New software

6 How is KC4U going to run next year? Role of CXK –Supporting vulnerable learners use KC4U –Supporting schools who have contracted with them to provide KC4U support (this could apply to other private providers) –Tracking the September Guarantee –Will be given access to data to help them track learners (KCC will continue to contract with CXK to track learners)

7 How is KC4U going to run next year? Role of the Skills & Employability Team – Increased capacity to support schools –District teams –Training and materials –Telephone and online support –Visits to schools to support use of website –In this first year of new software it may be possible to assist with some initial briefings – this will be subject to demand

8 How is KC4U going to run next year? Training Term 6 –How to update your entry on the prospectus Term 1 –How to support learners make applications –How to receive and process applications Launch –1 st November

9 What will KC4U look like next year? For learners –There will continue to be two linked websites –Both website accessed by –Information portal – Information for learners, parents/carers and professionals, including services to help decision making –Area prospectus and application software – where learners logon, search and apply for courses

10 2011-2012

11 2012 -2013

12 Kentchoices4u Services – –Kentchoices magazine –Kentchoices live –Kentchoices radio road show –My kentchoices – online portfolio –Kentchoices masterclasses

13 Raising the Participation Age in Kent First RPA cohort Year 12 November 2011 Year 13 November 2011 NEET6771233 In employment not meeting learning requirement 4041430 Not known117361 September 2013 (Current Year 10) September 2015 (Current Year 9) Cohort size16,47016,704 Activities of 16-18 cohort November 2011

14 RPA key issues The Skills and Employability Team has undertaken a detailed analysis of the 16-8 cohort and identified barriers to participation. The initialfindings have identified a number of key issues: Early intervention Tracking young people Supporting vulnerable learners Raising Aspiration, Achievement and Attitude through CEIAG Realigning the post 16 offer Improving engagement in the Year 13 age group Employer engagement Communication with young people, parents, carers and employers

15 Raising the Participation Age Current activities of Skills & Employability Team RPA pilots Develop employability programmes Reviewing the flow of learner data Converting jobs without training Risk of NEET indicators RPA week in November What are colleges doing?

16 How learners will search on KC4U? Access website via

17 2012 -2013

18 Searching 2012/13

19 When searching for courses or Providers you can filter your results by: Location How far away from your location you would be prepared to travel. The age range of the courses you are searching for. The name of a course. The name of a provider.

20 From this page you can see a list of courses searched for and then click through to the details of the course. You can add courses to your favourites page by clicking the button. Course results page

21 Course detail page

22 Provider Results Page

23 Provider details page

24 Map View

25 How schools will update their offer on KC4U Access Access codes will be emailed to your accounts tomorrow All your current data has already been transferred to this site. All future updating MUST be done in this website Make sure you give us your email address before you leave

26 The Administration Homepage

27 Administration roles Provider Manager Manages the provider descriptions Course Manager Manages/updates the courses Learner Manager (Not covered today) Manages/monitors the learners

28 Editing your provider details

29 What makes a good provider entry? A unique and engaging description Provides information about facilities available Includes details about what they can do next and how to get there Lists venues that courses can be offered through

30 The Administration Homepage – Edit details

31 Edit details page Ensure all mandatory fields are completed Provide as much information as possible to enable learners to make informed choices

32 Edit details page Add as much information as possible to ensure learners find out enough about your provider. Copy and paste information that you already have available Use the additional functionality to add bullet points and change the font.

33 Venues As a Provider manager you have the ability to Add, Edit and Delete venues Venues must be added to the provider details in order for the Course Manager to add the courses Venues have previously been called campuses or delivery locations. A Provider is able to have multiple associated venues.

34 The Administration Homepage – Create venues

35 Creating/Editing a venue From this page you are able to Create a venue, Edit an existing venue or delete a venue

36 Creating/Editing a Venue When Editing or adding a venue, you will be presented with the same template to complete. Ensure all mandatory fields are completed before saving

37 Contacts A Provider Manager and Course Manager has the ability to Add, Edit and Delete contacts Contacts need to be added for each provider There may be multiple contacts or one contact for the whole provider and courses Contacts are important for adding courses

38 Contacts


40 Adding and Editing a contact You can create contact, edit existing contacts and delete contacts.

41 Adding and Editing a contact

42 Uploading a logo A provider manager has the ability to add a new logo and edit the existing one The logo size needs to be 192 x 192 pixels and saved in either JPEG, GIF, or PNG files

43 Uploading a logo


45 Adding a new course

46 What makes a good course entry? A unique and engaging description Provides information on qualification achievement Includes details about what they can do next and how to get there Comprehensive information about the course details including, duration, delivery style and assessment

47 Naming Qualifications Subject; qualification type; level Examples  Motor Vehicle subsidiary diploma level 3 Maths AS/A level 3 Geography AS level 3 Music GCSE level 2

48 Adding a new course


50 Ensure that all mandatory information is completed Ensure there is a venue attached to the provider Ensure there is a contact related to the provider The information is divided into 3 sections, Key information, Additional Information and Extended information

51 Adding a new course Additional Extended information fields Entry Requirements Assessment Financial information Future Opportunities Further Information

52 Adding a new course: Accredited Qualifications


54 Adding a new course - Accredited Qualifications

55 Adding a new course – Accredited Qualifications

56 Adding a new course: Non-accredited Qualifications

57 Adding a new course – Non accredited Qualifications

58 Course details – Edit courses


60 Exporting and Importing Courses




64 Next Steps Ensure we have your email address Download screenshots of training from kentchoices (professionals/resources) Start editing your 2012/13 offer Plan how you will support your Year 11 next year Attend training in term 6 Launch 1 st November

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