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Muscular System.

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1 Muscular System

2 Functions of Muscular System
Stabilizes Joints Movement Heat Production Posture

3 Types of Muscle Skeletal Smooth Cardiac Striated Voluntary
Connect by tendons Smooth Nonstriated Involuntary double layered digestive track Cardiac Wrap around heart

4 Posture Good Posture Poor Posture Maintenance
body alignment that favors function with least work Standing Position Head and chest held high Chin, abdomen, buttocks pulled in Knees slightly bent Feet firmly on ground 6 in. apart Poor Posture puts abnormal strain on ligaments and bones Maintenance Tonicity (muscle tone): muscles exert a pull against gravity

5 Tonicity Continual, partial contraction of a muscle Flaccid Spastic
Muscles with less tone than normal Spastic Muscles with more tone than normal

6 Change in Muscle Size Atrophy – decrease in muscle size
Bed Rest: lose 1% muscle strength/day Hypertrophy – increase in muscle size

7 Muscles & Age Infancy & Childhood Aging
Muscle coordination and control allows developmental sequences to occur Aging Muscles degenerate with age

8 Characteristics of all Muscle
Excitability Respond to stimuli Contractility Actively shorten to exert a pull Tension that can be harnessed by CT Extensibility Continue to contract over range of resting lengths Ex: smooth muscle can be stretched to several times its original length and still contract on stimulation Elasticity Return to original length after contraction

9 Types of Body Movement Origin-attachment to a immovable bone
Insertion- attachment to an movable bone Muscles are always attached to at least 2 points Movement is attained due to a muscle moving an attached bone

10 Muscle Attachment Does NOT move when muscle contracts Does move when

11 Classification of Muscle Group Actions
Agonist (Prime Mover) Muscle most responsible for movement Antagonist Opposes prime mover Provides precision and control during prime mover contraction Relaxes when prime mover contracts Synergist Aid prime mover Contract at same time as prime mover Fixator Joint stabilizer Maintains posture/balance during prime mover contraction

12 Types of Musculo-Skeletal Movemen
Flexion You will need to know the action or movement performed for each of the muscles we study. The first type of movement is called flexion. Note the lower leg is being flexed in this diagram. During flexion the angle of joint is decreased. As the knee is flexed, the angle between the lower leg and the thigh is decreased. Flexion of the upper arm is also illustrated in this diagram. Here the angle between the arm and the frontal plane is decreased.

13 Extension Extension is the opposite of flexion. In extension the angle of a joint is increased. Extension of the lower leg causes an increased angle between the lower leg and the thigh.

14 Hyperextension Flexion and extension also apply to the neck. When a joint is extended past the anatomical position the movement is called hyperextension.

15 Abduction, Adduction & Circumduction
Abduction refers to moving away from the median plane of the body. Adduction is the opposite movement to abduction. It is moving toward the medial plane. Circumduction refers to inscribing a circle while moving a limb.

16 Rotation Rotation is turning a bone on its own axis. Moving the head back and forth to indicate “no” is an example of rotation. Note the difference between medial and lateral rotation. In lateral rotation the limb is rotated the lateral side of the body. Medial rotation rotates the limb toward the medial side of the body.

17 More Types of Movement……
Inversion- turn sole of foot medially Eversion- turn sole of foot laterally Pronation- palm facing down Supination- palm facing up Opposition- thumb touches tips of fingers on the same hand

18 The Skeletal Muscles There are about 650 muscles in the human body
The Skeletal Muscles There are about 650 muscles in the human body. They enable us to move, maintain posture and generate heat. In this section we will only study a sample of the major muscles. There are about 650 muscles in the human body. They enable us to move, maintain posture and generate heat. In this unit will only study a sample of the major muscles.

19 Naming Muscles Location Function Shape Fiber direction
Number of heads/divisions Points of attachment Muscle size

20 Location Function Fiber Direction Shape Frontalis Frontal bone Femoris
Femur Gluteus Posterior of hip/thigh Oculi Eye Oris Mouth Radialis Radius Ulnaris Ulna Brachialis Arm Abductor Moves part away from body Adductor Moves part toward body Depressor Lowers a part Extensor Extends a part Flexor Flexes a part Levator Elevates a part Rotator Rotates a part Fiber Direction Shape Oblique Diagonal to midline Rectus Parallel to midline Sphincter Circling an opening Transversus Right angle to midline Deltoid Shaped like delta ∆ Orbicularis Circular Platy Flattened; platelike Quadratus Square Rhomboideus Diamond-shaped Trapezius Trapezoidal

21 Muscle Fiber Arrangement
Parallel Convergent Pennate Bipennate Sphincter

22 Number of divisions Size Bicep Two heads Tricep Three heads Quadricep
Four heads Size Brevis Short Longus Long Magnus Large Maximus Largest Medius Moderately sized Minimus Smaller



25 Raises eyebrows Frowning Mastication Blinking Laughing Whistling, smiling Puckering Mastication Flexes head

26 Moves head Moves head Flexes head

27 Superficial Back Muscles
Large, fan-shaped muscles provide force in a wide range of body positions -EX: leaning back to straight vertical and all points in between. Shrugging, pulling scapulas together and down Rotator cuff muscles Stabilize shoulder joint, pull arm back Shoulder movement Pull the arm down, Stabilize torso during many movements (EX: bench press)

28 Trunk Muscles - Thorax Elevate ribs

29 Trunk Muscles Abdomen Flexes trunk Stabilizes Lower back Compresses

30 Upper Arm Flexes Upper arm Extends forearm

31 Flexors

32 Extensors

33 Upper Leg Deep muscle Vastus intermedius Biceps femoris
Semimembranosus Quadricep Femoris Semitendinosus

34 Lower Leg Plantar flexion

35 Foot

36 Anal and Urogenital Muscles

37 Lever Systems 2nd Class 1st Class 3rd Class P = Force (push or pull)
Contracting Muscle F = Fulcrum Joint L = Load Weights, etc

38 -mysium=CT membrane and tendon sheath Myofilaments


40 H zone Z line Z line I band A band Sarcoplasm Space between actin
Muscle cell (fiber) cytoplasm H zone Basic contractile unit of muscle fiber Sarcoplasm Z line Z line Muscle fiber membrane I band A band Bundle of microfilaments; almost fill sarcoplasm Length of myosin heads (wide, dark stripes) Length of actin (thin, light stripes) Allows impulses to travel along sarcolemma deeper into muscle cell (fiber) Network of tubules and sacs: pumps calcium ions in from sarcoplasm to store in sacs Allows impulse traveling down T tubule to stimulate adjacent sacs


42 http://highered. mcgraw-hill

43 Myofilaments Attracted to actin and forms crossbridge
protein molecules Holds tropomyosin in place Covers active site on actin Attracted to actin and forms crossbridge

44 Contraction tropomyosin troponin Synaptic vesicle travels down motor neuron and binds to motor endplate Acetylcholine released into synaptic cleft Ach binds to receptor on sarcolemma Impulse travels along sarcolemma and down t-tubules Calcium released from sarcoplasmic reticulum Calcium binds to troponin causing conformation change tropomyosin shifts to expose active site on actin myosin heads bind to actin actin filaments are pulled past the myosin head; head unattaches and reattaches to a new site….repeat Sliding Filament Theory - sliding of thin filaments toward center of each sarcomere shortens the myofibril and muscle fiber.

45 Excitation & Contraction
Impulse sent to muscle fiber Muscle fiber creates movement Synaptic cleft Motor endplate Neuromuscular junction Synaptic vesicle (neurotransmitter)

46 Motor Unit Smaller # fibers – more precise movement
Larger # fibers – more powerful contraction

47 All or NONE Quick jerk due to brief threshold stimulus
SR releasing Ca+2 All or NONE Ca+2 bind to troponin; Cross-bridging Quick jerk due to brief threshold stimulus One twitch – 1/10 sec Rarely occur Gradual, step-like increase in contraction strength Series of twitch contractions 1 sec apart Muscle contracts more forcefully after it has contracted a few times, then when it first contracts Warm-up before exercise Smooth, sustained contractions Coordinated contractions of different motor units Multiple twitch waves add together to sustain muscle tension for longer time Very short periods of relaxation between peaks of tension Twitch waves fused into a single, sustained peak

48 Length-tension Relationship
Optimal length Strongest max contraction possible Overstretched Muscle can’t develop tension due to filaments too far apart Sarcomere compressed Muscle can’t develop tension

49 Energy Sources ATP Hydrolysis into ADP yields energy required for contraction ATP binds to myosin head in order to pull actin Fibers continually resynthesize ATP from breaking down creatine phosphate (requires glucose and oxygen) Glucose & oxygen Hemoglobin transfers O2 to muscle fiber Fiber stores glucose as glycogen At rest: Excess O2 in sarcoplasm is bound to myoglobin temporarily Exercise: O2 concen. Decreases in muscle, so myoglobin resupplies muscle with O2

50 Respiration Aerobic Respiration Anaerobic Respiration Requires O2
Produces max amount of energy available from each glucose molecule Anaerobic Respiration Occurs when lack of O2 Forms lactic acid During exercise Muscles “burn” O2 debt Heavy breathing during exercise in order to process lactic acid

51 Muscle Fatigue Muscles loses ability to contract due to lack of ATP
Lactic acid build up Cramp – muscle contracts spasmodically, but does not relax completely

52 Most body movements are a result of both types

53 Myopathies Myalgia - muscle pain due to overstretching/tearing of muscle fibers Fibromyalgia – widespread muscle and CT pain Strain – caused by overexertion/trauma and can lead to muscle tear Myositis - any muscle inflammation Fibromyositis - tendon inflammation along with myositis Cramps Painful muscle spasms Due to mild myositis, fibromyositis, irritation, iron, and water imbalance Charley Horse Intense muscle spasms Last few seconds to few hours Caused by injury or overuse Dehydration Low K+ or Ca+2 Nerve irritated Treatment Stop activity Stretch and massage Heat to relax muscle Ice when spasm is over

54 Myopathies Contusion Poliomyelitis (Poilio) Muscular Dystrophy
Muscle bruise, local internal bleeding and inflammation Crush injury: severe trauma to muscle, releasing fibers into bloodstream (life threatening) Poliomyelitis (Poilio) Viral infection of nerves controlling skeletal movement Causes partial or full paralysis and death Vaccine created in US in 1950s, but not everywhere Muscular Dystrophy Genetic disease caused by muscle atrophy Some forms are fatal Most common form is Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) Myasthenia Gravis Autoimmune disease that attacks muscle cells at NM junction Muscle weakness Can become a crisis and affect all four limbs Could die of respiratory failure

55 Myopathies Hernias “protrusion”
Reducible – can manipulate protruding organ back into abdominal cavity Strangulated – blood flow to organ is stopped; obstruction, gangrene, pain. Vomiting, emergency surgery Types Inguinal – hernia extends into inguinal canal into scrotum or labia; affects more males Femoral – affects more women below groin area due to pregnancy

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