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Regional Knowledge Management: focus on Tuscany Paolo Federighi Florence University ( professor ) Tuscany Region ( consultant )

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Presentation on theme: "Regional Knowledge Management: focus on Tuscany Paolo Federighi Florence University ( professor ) Tuscany Region ( consultant )"— Presentation transcript:

1 Regional Knowledge Management: focus on Tuscany Paolo Federighi Florence University ( professor ) Tuscany Region ( consultant )

2 The question How Tuscany Regional Government try to support the HRD and to reinforce the governance of transfer and absorption of knowledge

3 GDP per inhabitant, in PPS 2001 — NUTS 2

4 Employment rate of age group 15–64 Percentage Annual average 2002 NUTS 2

5 Unemployment rate Percentage Annual average 2002 NUTS 2


7 Objects and subjects Regional policies (education, training, job, innovation, etc.) Supply of research, education and training Demand of research and learning Regional Governements Research centresCitizens, individuals, entrepreneurs

8 Institutional Competences of TR Institutional competences 1. Vertical subsidiarity (devolution and complementary regulative power shared with national State) 2. Economical power ( fiscal power, direct management of Structural funds, etc. /for training –not education- regional investments reach 100 M of € per year) Political options ( or institutional building at regional level ) 1. Horizontal subsidiarity: - decentralisation of competences and resources (counties and communes) - regional round tables - public/private cooperation 2. Coordination and integration of public policies: - simplification: one general regional law on HRD substituting previous 17

9 A problematic context Within Regional Gov. Self legitimating institutional culture Administration prevail on policy making Lack of coherence among regional Departments responsible for different policies Society Weak investments in research (around 1%) Weak investments in HRD less than 5 days x worker x year 5 minutes a day x person

10 Participation in Education

11 Local policies on supply side (1) Context: a basic supply of research and learning exist (problem of quality and distribution) Focus: better connection with local demand and future perspectives of the region

12 Local policies on supply side: Goals and measures implemented Social productivity of training and research : - partnership ( compulsory ) - new learning subsystems ( post secondary and study circle ) - supply of competences ( regional system of competences ) Quality and competition for consumers protection and transparency in public money distribution: - compulsory certification of suppliers and operators ( specific regional service) Services and learning infrastructures for individual needs - open network of local job services - public and free distance learning regional system - local or specialised brokers for innovation and research Learning environments in firms (systems and informal learning) - mainly under the responsibility of social partners and problematic in a context of SMEs

13 Local policies on demand side Context: weak demand and unsustainable potential expansion Focus: how to increase the propension to the consumption of research and training among citizens and firms to make them more autonomous

14 Local policies on demand side: Goals and measures Access- Vouchers: - for learning (till 15.000 € per person, or ILA till 3.000 pp) - for entrepreneurship (till 150.000 pp) - for young researches working in a firm (voucher/wage for 2 years) Power of decision - individual have the right to select content, level, time, place, suppliers of education (from apprenticeship till continuous training: f.i. Study circle) Networking among producers (associations) with suppliers of research (still a goal) Mobility for learning -local: among systems and work experiences - national and international: to select the best and work experiences abroad (integration with Leonardo, etc.)

15 A step ahead Regional knowledge management (Reknoma) within three economical districts (textile, motorbike,navy) based on: Integration of HRD policies and Research and innovation policies at regional level ( Regional pact, Common procedures, 6 M of € to finance the process ) Integration of public and private resources ( waiting for additional money from local authorities and from private actors: banks, chamber of commerce, etc.)

16 Implementing Reknoma Decision making process based on: Institutional decisions ( needed even if the lack of consensus can block the process, involving local authorities ) Concertation with social partners ( external control on institutions but risks of contamination concertation/management) Partnership among real actors (function of public real leadership, real interest of partners: local firms, associations of E/E, banks, centres of research)

17 Partnership as goal for Reknoma To find right goals To guarantee complementarity of resources To define an effective process

18 A European research on Reknoma To understand better the possible answers Tuscany Region Vastra Gotaland Region (Sweden) Vejle Region (Denmark) Are working together on a European research project (DG Research Knoreg program) open to a new partner from Eastern European countries

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