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The Challenge From Australia National Metropolis Conference Vancouver, 2006 Professor Sue Richardson Flinders University, Australia National Metropolis.

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Presentation on theme: "The Challenge From Australia National Metropolis Conference Vancouver, 2006 Professor Sue Richardson Flinders University, Australia National Metropolis."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Challenge From Australia National Metropolis Conference Vancouver, 2006 Professor Sue Richardson Flinders University, Australia National Metropolis Conference Vancouver, 2006 Professor Sue Richardson Flinders University, Australia

2 2 The Australian Migration Program 2005-6 Skilled (97,500 places) Strengthen and augment the labour force Assist in dealing with low birth rate (1.77) Contribute skilled labour to regions Family re-union (25,500 places) Humanitarian (12,000 places) Skilled (97,500 places) Strengthen and augment the labour force Assist in dealing with low birth rate (1.77) Contribute skilled labour to regions Family re-union (25,500 places) Humanitarian (12,000 places)

3 3 Why Choose Australia? Like Canada, have a long and successful history of immigration Including active multicultural policies Unbroken record of economic growth over past 14 years Lowest unemployment (5.1%) for 30 years Proximity to two large source countries China India Streamlined and efficient selection processes Like Canada, have a long and successful history of immigration Including active multicultural policies Unbroken record of economic growth over past 14 years Lowest unemployment (5.1%) for 30 years Proximity to two large source countries China India Streamlined and efficient selection processes

4 4 What migrants liked about Australia, 18 months after arrival Country/environment 49% Lifestyle/social 47 Friendly people 41 Quiet, peaceful and safe 39 Education/employment 36 Political freedom/no war 33 Better place and opportunities 24 Standard of living/living costs/economy 11

5 5 Some distinctive features Centralized, onshore selection of all migrants Can now apply online Enhanced detection of fraud Pre-migration evaluation of qualifications, experience and English Contracted out Identification of skills in demand Including priority to employer nominations Centralized, onshore selection of all migrants Can now apply online Enhanced detection of fraud Pre-migration evaluation of qualifications, experience and English Contracted out Identification of skills in demand Including priority to employer nominations

6 6 Some distinctive features Visas for former students (apply within 6 months of graduating) 2 years study in Australia Can be vocational and private Rapid growth of courses to meet study-for-migration Quality can be problematic (low cost, 2 years, tailor made, no local students, do not learn English or culture) 13,000 in 2004-5 (half the skilled independent PA intake) 2655 from China 2433 from India 1408 from Indonesia Highly concentrated: 4000 accountants and 5000 computing professionals Visas for former students (apply within 6 months of graduating) 2 years study in Australia Can be vocational and private Rapid growth of courses to meet study-for-migration Quality can be problematic (low cost, 2 years, tailor made, no local students, do not learn English or culture) 13,000 in 2004-5 (half the skilled independent PA intake) 2655 from China 2433 from India 1408 from Indonesia Highly concentrated: 4000 accountants and 5000 computing professionals

7 7 Labour Force Status of Skilled PAs at 6 months :% of cohort, 2005

8 8 Occupation in Australia 6 months after arrival: 2005 Managers and administrators7% Professionals41 Associate professionals10 Trades8 Advanced clerical and service2 Intermediate service and production18 Elementary service and labourer12

9 NOT the Australian policy Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!, cries she With silent lips. Give me your tired, your poor Your huddled masses yearning to breath free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless tempest tossed to me. Emma Lazarus Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!, cries she With silent lips. Give me your tired, your poor Your huddled masses yearning to breath free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless tempest tossed to me. Emma Lazarus

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