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Presentation on theme: "STRENGTHENING TEACHER EFFECTIVENESS: ACTION RESEARCH AS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Using Formative Assessment to Meet Common Core Standards Central Square."— Presentation transcript:

1 STRENGTHENING TEACHER EFFECTIVENESS: ACTION RESEARCH AS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Using Formative Assessment to Meet Common Core Standards Central Square Central School District

2 A New Partnership CSQ SUNY Oswego How can Oswego State meet their needs for student teaching and practicum placements? How can we provide meaningful, differentiated professional development here at CSQ?

3 Participants

4 Collaboration

5 Number of Student Involved

6 Goals

7 Data Collection

8 Types of Data Collected (Evidence of Student Learning)  Performance vs multiple choice assessment  DIBELS  Warm-up SMART response data  Teacher Observation of student participation  Progress monitoring tools  Accuracy with new vocabulary  Close observation of at-risk readers  Running records  Student progress in Listening and reading in target languages (Modern Languages)  Quizlet- mastery of concepts  Student reflections (oral and written) on their own learning, goals, beliefs, suggestions  Test scores, unit exams, parallel assessments, quizzes  Student questionnaires  Student participation in discussions: posing questions, asking for help  Star Math and Reading/ELA scores  Homework completion: quantity and quality  Information on best teaching strategies  Student self-assessments  Rubrics

9 Motivation

10 How has your teaching changed as a result of taking this course?  This is where our ten or so volunteers will stand and read quotes. We can put them on index cards so it will be more like watching a performance than reading a slide or two.

11 Our Formative Assessment: Planning for 2014-15  Q3: If you were to speak to a colleague who might be interested in taking a similar course next year, what would you say? Please give pros and cons.  Results: 100% of the teachers surveyed would recommend this graduate course to a colleague.

12 Cons/Suggestions for the Action Research Course  Added extra pressure to my already full schedule  Class length should be half a year rather than a full year  Need a better tutorial for the wiki  Expectations for the final project need to be clear from the start of the course  Can be difficult to manage  Be prepared to monitor and adjust during the process  Use what you already are doing in your classroom  Limit the number of things you want to change  You have to be self-motivated and organized  Somewhat trial and error-it takes awhile to figure out what to study  Scary to return to college after 20+ years!

13 Three Categories of Benefits of the Action Research Course I. Practical Benefits - immediately applicable to the classroom, location, convenience, pay increase, manageable workload (“totally worth it”), not overwhelming, laid back II. Collaboration with instructor, outside school, with teachers from other schools 

14 Three Categories of Benefits of the Action Research Course III. Professional Growth and Empowerment  Forces me to try new things  Meets your individual needs as a teacher  Decide for yourself what to work on  Helped me explore strategies  Leads to change and improvement  You take an in-depth look at one particular aspect of your teaching  Focuses your instruction; gives it purpose  I was in charge and vested in the results  I learned a lot from my project, the instructor and my fellow teachers  I remembered how much I love learning!  Teaches you to look at your data to see what it is telling you  “Opened my eyes to the fact that students can be motivated”  “Fun, interesting, just enough to kick start your professional growth journey” 

15 Q and A?

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