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Creating Entrepreneurship: entrepreneurship education for the creative industries David Clews Subject Centre Manager Higher Education Academy Art | Design.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating Entrepreneurship: entrepreneurship education for the creative industries David Clews Subject Centre Manager Higher Education Academy Art | Design."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating Entrepreneurship: entrepreneurship education for the creative industries David Clews Subject Centre Manager Higher Education Academy Art | Design | Media Subject Centre

2 Creating Entrepreneurship: entrepreneurship education for the creative industries The key research question informing this work is: How can UK Higher Education in art, design and media enhance its contributions to the continuous growth in quality and activity of the UK creative industries?

3 Creating Entrepreneurship: entrepreneurship education for the creative industries The key research question informing this work is: How can UK Higher Education in art, design and media enhance its contributions to the continuous growth in quality and activity of the UK creative industries? For the purposes of researching this question our definition of entrepreneurialism is the creation of new enterprises to make financial, social and/or cultural capital through the innovation and implementation of new ideas and methods.

4 Creating Entrepreneurship: entrepreneurship education for the creative industries The key research question informing this work is: How can UK Higher Education in art, design and media enhance its contributions to the continuous growth in quality and activity of the UK creative industries? For the purposes of researching this question our definition of entrepreneurialism is the creation of new enterprises to make financial, social and/or cultural capital through the innovation and implementation of new ideas and methods.

5 Creating Entrepreneurship: entrepreneurship education for the creative industries findings the research suggests there are 5 interrelated conditions for effective entrepreneurship education

6 Creating Entrepreneurship: entrepreneurship education for the creative industries findings the research shows there are 5 interrelated conditions for effective entrepreneurship education learning outcomes

7 Creating Entrepreneurship: entrepreneurship education for the creative industries findings the research shows there are 5 interrelated conditions for effective entrepreneurship education learning outcomes collaboration

8 Creating Entrepreneurship: entrepreneurship education for the creative industries findings the research shows there are 5 interrelated conditions for effective entrepreneurship education learning outcomes collaboration cultural change

9 Creating Entrepreneurship: entrepreneurship education for the creative industries findings the research shows there are 5 interrelated conditions for effective entrepreneurship education learning outcomes collaboration cultural change sustainability

10 Creating Entrepreneurship: entrepreneurship education for the creative industries findings the research shows there are 5 interrelated conditions for effective entrepreneurship education funding and investment learning outcomes collaboration cultural change sustainability

11 Creating Entrepreneurship: entrepreneurship education for the creative industries findings Over 80% of surveyed art, design and media departments have some form of purpose designed entreprepreneurship education programme. there are long lead times for working in industry to build experience and competencies for entrepreneurship. m projects and assessment could be better designed to test students ’ abilities to apply design skills in commercial settings. m learning outcomes

12 Creating Entrepreneurship: entrepreneurship education for the creative industries findings learning outcomes higher education institutions need to respond to local and regional opportunities

13 Creating Entrepreneurship: entrepreneurship education for the creative industries findings learning outcomes higher education institutions need to respond to local and regional opportunities industry activity is fast-moving and fast- changing

14 Creating Entrepreneurship: entrepreneurship education for the creative industries findings learning outcomes higher education institutions need to respond to local and regional opportunities students need to know what they have learned in order to apply knowledge effectively industry activity is fast-moving and fast- changing

15 Creating Entrepreneurship: entrepreneurship education for the creative industries findings students, recent graduates and creative industries will benefit from better links with higher education institutions and departments by: m Colaborations will build infrastructures for CPD and life-long-learning and build capacity for knowledge transfer; m Provide an environment for creative professionals and creative industries to form joint enterprises with HEIs. m collaboration

16 Creating Entrepreneurship: entrepreneurship education for the creative industries findings collaborations HE institutions offer time and space for reflection and build on commercial values

17 Creating Entrepreneurship: entrepreneurship education for the creative industries findings collaborations HE institutions offer time and space for reflection and build on commercial values industry gains access to new ideas, skills and technologies.

18 Creating Entrepreneurship: entrepreneurship education for the creative industries findings collaborations HE institutions offer time and space for reflection and build on commercial values students will situate their learning in a wide range of environments industry gains access to new ideas, skills and technologies.

19 Creating Entrepreneurship: entrepreneurship education for the creative industries findings student focus groups have demonstrated that overwhelmingly, their performance indicators for future success are more aligned with academic than commercial values. m audit and quality assurance processes are a barrier to forming effective collaborations. applied research in art, design and media has been steered towards the orthodoxies for academic research. cultural change

20 entrepreneurship education for the creative industries findings cultural change will enhance HEI opportunities to engage with industry and the wider community

21 entrepreneurship education for the creative industries emerging findings cultural change will enhance HEI opportunities to engage with industry and the wider community will encourage innovation between HEIs, students and industry

22 Creating Entrepreneurship: entrepreneurship education for the creative industries emerging findings cultural change will enhance HEI opportunities to engage with industry and the wider community new paradigms + values for assessment will enhance students ’ learning experience will encourage innovation between HEIs, students and industry

23 Creating Entrepreneurship: entrepreneurship education for the creative industries findings the current provision for entrepreneurship education in art, design and media departments is varied. Initiatives include straightforward teaching of skills, situated, problem and project-based learning, work- based and placement learning, collaborations with industry and extra-curricular support. sustainability

24 Creating Entrepreneurship: entrepreneurship education for the creative industries findings sustainability entrepreneurship education may assist in widening participation and internationalising the curriculum

25 Creating Entrepreneurship: entrepreneurship education for the creative industries findings sustainability entrepreneurship education may assist in widening participation and internationalising the curriculum new entrepreneurs and enterprises supported by HEIs = shared benefits + risk management

26 Creating Entrepreneurship: entrepreneurship education for the creative industries findings sustainability entrepreneurship education may assist in widening participation and internationalising the curriculum entrepreneurship education will support learning beyond the curriculum. new entrepreneurs and enterprises supported by HEIs = shared benefits + risk management

27 Creating Entrepreneurship: entrepreneurship education for the creative industries findings a more coherent vision for entrepreneurship education for art, design and media and its successful implementation could assist higher education in the delivery of its wider mission. Particularly in respect of key national agenda: Widening Participation; Continuous Professional Development and developing links with industry and the wider community. m funding and investment

28 Creating Entrepreneurship: entrepreneurship education for the creative industries findings funding and investment new paradigms for research and development may enhance HE opportunities for funding

29 Creating Entrepreneurship: entrepreneurship education for the creative industries findings funding and investment new paradigms for research and development may enhance HE opportunities for funding art, design, media communities have the capacity for innovative education

30 Creating Entrepreneurship: entrepreneurship education for the creative industries findings funding and investment new paradigms for research and development may enhance HE opportunities for funding funding targetted at entrepreneurship and innovation in HE + industry collaborations will benefit the economy art, design, media communities have the capacity for innovative education

31 Creating Entrepreneurship: entrepreneurship education for the creative industries enablers There are high levels of commitment and enthusiasm in art, design and media departments for enhancing entrepreneurship education, including: Purpose designed entrepreneurship modules. Integration with practice-based learning. Pedagogies that are well suited to enhanced entrepreneurship education for art, design and media students.

32 Creating Entrepreneurship: entrepreneurship education for the creative industries barriers despite significant levels of activity effectiveness is hampered by: lack of sufficiently differentiated policy instruments and guidance. conflation of entrepreneurship with creativity. conflation of entrepreneurship with employability. regulatory structures hinder effective communication between creative industry and higher education.

33 Creating Entrepreneurship: entrepreneurship education for the creative industries areas for recommendation there is a need to develop more appropriate definitions for entrepreneurship entrepreneurship is inherent to creative practice but needs to be explicit in the curriculum there is a need to reform funding and quality assurance mechanisms for art design and media higher education

34 Creating Entrepreneurship: entrepreneurship education for the creative industries entrepreneurship education for the creative industries the project is supported by the following organisations

35 Creating Entrepreneurship: entrepreneurship education for the creative industries David Clews Subject Centre Manager Higher Education Academy Art | Design | Media Subject Centre

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