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Cellular Energy  Catalyst:  What does ATP stand for?  Describe what cells need ATP for.  What type of energy is ATP?  Describe where the energy in.

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Presentation on theme: "Cellular Energy  Catalyst:  What does ATP stand for?  Describe what cells need ATP for.  What type of energy is ATP?  Describe where the energy in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cellular Energy  Catalyst:  What does ATP stand for?  Describe what cells need ATP for.  What type of energy is ATP?  Describe where the energy in ATP is stored.  Explain how the energy in ATP can be released. Write in complete sentences! Don’t talk during the Catalyst!

2 Agenda  Be all that you can be.  Is it worth it? Let me work it – Using ATP! REVIEW!  Photosynthesis  BRAIN GAIN  EQ

3 Announcements  Homework: Complete worksheet from today  Unit Test: THURSDAY  Progress Report grades are in the computer.

4 Objectives WRITE THESE AT THE TOP OF YOUR NOTES By the end of today, SWBAT…  Write the balanced equation for photosynthesis  Explain the role of water, carbon dioxide, sugar, and sunlight in photosynthesis

5 Cellular Energy  Key Point #1: Cells need energy in the form of ATP to do work  If energy is not in the form of ATP, then it must be changed into ATP before a cell can use it  ATP is the form of energy that lets cells do what they want Cells need ATP to grow, Muscle cells need ATP to contract, Brain cells need ATP to think, etc.

6 How ATP Works  ATP = adenosine triphosphate  The energy of ATP is stored in the bonds of the phosphate molecules Chemical energy = energy stored in chemical bonds  Break off the last phosphate, and energy is released Becomes ADP


8 Chemical Reactions  Key Point #1: Chemical reactions REARRANGE reactants into products.  Reactants = Materials you START with in a chemical reaction.  Products = Materials you FINISH with in a chemical reaction.  Photosynthesis is a specific chemical reaction that, using energy from the sun, rearranges its reactants into its products. PHOTOSYNTHESIS is a CHEMICAL REACTION

9 Photosynthesis  Key Point #2: Photosynthesis converts solar energy from the Sun into chemical energy in glucose.  Glucose = a type of sugar  Happens in the chloroplasts  Plant cells only

10 The Equation  What do plants need to grow?  Water, carbon dioxide, sunlight  What is made by photosynthesis?  Glucose

11 The Equation  Key Point #3: The reactants of photosynthesis are carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight. The products are glucose and oxygen.  Carbon dioxide = CO 2  Water = H 2 O  Glucose = C 6 H 12 O 6  Oxygen = O 2

12 Unbalanced CO 2 + H 2 O + sun  C 6 H 12 O 6 + O 2

13 BALANCED! 6CO 2 + 6H 2 O + sun  C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6O 2 REACTANTSPRODUCTS

14 Practice Groups. White boards. 60 seconds.

15 Practice Why do cells need energy?

16 Practice Cells use energy in the form of ______.

17 Practice What type of energy does ATP have?

18 Practice Where is the energy in ATP stored?

19 Practice How is the energy in ATP released?

20 Practice What happens in photosynthesis? (Sum it up.)

21 Practice Where does photosynthesis occur?

22 Practice What type of cells do photosynthesis?

23 Practice Where does photosynthesis occur?

24 Practice Why can’t cells stop after photosynthesis, and just use sugar for energy?

25 Independent Practice Work hard, get smart.

26 ATP Key Point Wrap-Up  Key Point #1: Cells need energy in the form of ATP to do work

27 Photosynthesis Key Point Wrap-Up  Key Point #1: Chemical reactions REARRANGE reactants into products.  Key Point #2: Photosynthesis converts solar energy from the sun into chemical energy in glucose.  Key Point #3: The reactants of photosynthesis are carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight. The products are glucose and oxygen.

28 Exit Questions  Below is the unbalanced equation for photosynthesis. Balance it.  CO 2 + H 2 O + sunlight C 6 H 12 O 6 + O 2  What are the reactants in photosynthesis?  What are the products in photosynthesis? Write in complete sentences! Don’t talk during the Exit Question!

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