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The Theory and Practice of Translation Presented by WEI Jianhua (Baker) School of Foreign Languages Guangdong Institute of Petrochemical Technology E-mail:

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2 The Theory and Practice of Translation Presented by WEI Jianhua (Baker) School of Foreign Languages Guangdong Institute of Petrochemical Technology E-mail: Cell Phone: 15113658088

3 Unit One Introduction 第一章 翻译的历史 1.1 The Definition & Nature of Translation ( 翻译的定义和性质 )定义和性质 ——Why do we l have the class of translation? Why do we l have the class of translation?Why do we l have the class of translation? English-Chinese Written Translation. Copyright (C) 2012 by Wei Jianhua. All Rights Reserved Teaching Courseware

4 Translation is of great importance in learning a foreign language: —— Many of those who learn English will be English-Chinese translators in the future. —— It is very necessary for us to have a good command of both the source language and the target language, and of the theories and techniques in translation. —— Without knowing the theories and techniques, one will most likely take a roundabout course in the translation work. Translation is of great importance in learning a foreign language: —— Many of those who learn English will be English-Chinese translators in the future. —— It is very necessary for us to have a good command of both the source language and the target language, and of the theories and techniques in translation. —— Without knowing the theories and techniques, one will most likely take a roundabout course in the translation work.source languagetarget languagesource languagetarget language 返回 English-Chinese Written Translation. Copyright (C) 2012 by Wei Jianhua. All Rights Reserved

5 source language n. —— The language from which a translation is to be made. (被译出的语言) source language n. —— The language from which a translation is to be made. (被译出的语言) English-Chinese Written Translation. Copyright (C) 2012 by Wei Jianhua. All Rights Reserved

6 target language n. 1 、 The language into which a text written in another language is to be translated. (目标语言 ; 用另一种语言写成的文件 ; 将被翻译成的语言) 2 、 A language that a nonnative speaker is in the process of learning. (目标语言 ; 一个人正在 学习的一种非母语语言) 3 、 Also called: object language English-Chinese Written Translation. Copyright (C) 2012 by Wei Jianhua. All Rights Reserved

7 What is translation? _______________________________________________ Translation : English-Chinese Written Translation. Copyright (C) 2012 by Wei Jianhua. All Rights Reserved

8 What is translation? An activity of reproducing in one language the ideas which have been expressed in another language B. Eugine Nida (尤金 · 奈达, American translation theorist ): Translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source-language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. (Nida & Taber: The Theory and Practice of Translation) (翻译是把一种语言所表达的思想用另一种语言重新表达出来的活动。) ( 所谓翻译, 是指从语义到文体在译文中用最贴切最自然的对等语 去再现原文的信息。 ) Translation : English-Chinese Written Translation. Copyright (C) 2012 by Wei Jianhua. All Rights Reserved

9 Translation in the West 1.2 Translation in the West I. How Translation Came into Being A. People used to speak a same language? C. Translation seemed impossible in the past, but needed in foreign exchanges. B. How comes that there are so many languages in the world? D. Writing or guessing is a kind of translating. Writing or guessing is a kind of translating. 返回 English-Chinese Written Translation. Copyright (C) 2012 by Wei Jianhua. All Rights Reserved

10 —— As a matter of fact, guessing what other people mean is also a kind of translating. —— As a matter of fact, guessing what other people mean is also a kind of translating. 返回 ——To write is to translate what one is thinking of or understanding. ——To write is to translate what one is thinking of or understanding. English-Chinese Written Translation. Copyright (C) 2012 by Wei Jianhua. All Rights Reserved

11 返回 1.3 Translation in China ( 翻译在中国 ) ● Translation cause in China has a history of about 2,000 years. ● In the Zhou Dynasty : 五方之民,言语不通,嗜欲不同,大其志,通 其欲,东方曰 “ 寄 ” , 南方曰 “ 象 ” ,西方曰 “ 狄醍 ” ,北方曰 “ 译 ” 。 —— 选自《礼记》( Rites ) ● Up to 150 AD, in the last few years of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Buddhist Scripture was translated and was handed down till today from that time. ●隋书 says “ 翻译最为通解, which are the earliest two characters ( 翻译 ) in Chinese history. English-Chinese Written Translation. Copyright (C) 2012 by Wei Jianhua. All Rights Reserved

12 ● In the Tang Dynasty, translation was quite popular. There was a famous monk named Xuan Zang ( 玄奘 ), who had been to India and stayed there for 17 years. ——Having returned home, he translated many books of Buddhism into Chinese. ——It was Tang Xuanzang who became in Chinese history the first person that translated some of Lao Zi’s books into Sanskrit ( 梵文 ) , an ancient Indic language that is the language of Hinduism and the Vedas ( 吠陀经 ) and is the classical literary language of India. English-Chinese Written Translation. Copyright (C) 2012 by Wei Jianhua. All Rights Reserved

13 ● By the end of the Qing Dynasty : Yan Fu ( 严复 ) , president of Yanjing University ( 燕京 大学 ) , and a great translator and professor, introduced a large number of foreign books into the Chinese people by means of translation. He also put forward the well- known criteria for translation, that is —— Faithfulness, comprehensibility and elegance ( 信、达、 雅 ). English-Chinese Written Translation. Copyright (C) 2012 by Wei Jianhua. All Rights Reserved

14 返回 ● Translation is for inter-lingual (语际语言学的) communication, bridges the gulf between different-tongue speakers, and reproduces and spreads the message in the original language. ● Translation permits knowledge to be transmitted to different corners of the world and to succeeding generations. ● Translation gives information, reveals feelings and affects people’s thought or behavior. Without translation, the worldwide civilization would not be possible. English-Chinese Written Translation. Copyright (C) 2012 by Wei Jianhua. All Rights Reserved

15 ● The English-Chinese translation proves to be a valuable aid to the English learner because it gives him or her a better understanding of the English language and the Chinese language. It helps the English major brush up his or her English used as either the source language or the target language. English-Chinese Written Translation. Copyright (C) 2012 by Wei Jianhua. All Rights Reserved

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