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Embryonic Stem Cells An introduction to the science, ethics and legislation.

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Presentation on theme: "Embryonic Stem Cells An introduction to the science, ethics and legislation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Embryonic Stem Cells An introduction to the science, ethics and legislation

2 What is a stem cell? n Stem cells can become other types of cells n Stem cells can also divide indefinitely  stem cell line n Pluripotent vs multipotent stem cells Reproduced by Permission of Professor Rathjen of the University of Adelaide

3 Embryonic vs adult stem cells n ES cells are pluripotent n AS cells found in small amounts throughout body n Most AS cells appear to be multipotent  ES cells come from ICM of blastocyst Reproduced by permission of the NIH

4 Why all the fuss? n Stem cells may be able to replace damaged cells in the body n Today: lymphoma, leukemia n Future? Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, diabetes... n Promising animal studies Reproduced by permission of The Providence Journal Courtesy of The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research

5 Sources of ES cells n ES cell lines n Excess embryos from IVF clinics n Embryos created for research by IVF n Therapeutic cloning Reproduced by permission of the NIH

6 Cloning n Purpose of therapeutic cloning is to harvest ES cells for treatment  blastocyst destroyed n Purpose of reproductive cloning is to make new person  blastocyst implanted in uterus Reproduced by permission of the NIH

7 Ethical debate n Harvesting ES cells destroys the blastocyst n “This is murder” Reproduced by permission of Dave Catrow and Copley News Service

8 Ethical debate, cont’d n ES cell research requires human cells n Could create a commercial market for human cells n “This devalues life” Courtesy of Kevin Siers, The Charlotte Observer © 2001

9 Ethical debate, cont’d n “If excess IVF embryos are being discarded anyway, they should be put to good use” Reprinted by permission of Chip Bok and Creators Syndicate, Inc.

10 Ethical debate, cont’d n “Therapeutic cloning is a slippery slope - it will lead to reproductive cloning” Reproduced by permission of Gary Markstein and Copley News Service

11 Governing ES cell research

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