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1 st Part Write down the first thing that comes to mind when I show you the following images of color.

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Presentation on theme: "1 st Part Write down the first thing that comes to mind when I show you the following images of color."— Presentation transcript:


2 1 st Part Write down the first thing that comes to mind when I show you the following images of color.












14 2nd Part Write a paragraph describing your favorite color and why you like it so much. How does it make you feel?

15 Pink Delicacy –Subtlety Femininity –Reduction of anger

16 Red Stimulating –Exciting Passionate

17 Orange Value –Economy

18 Yellow Sunlight –Safety Happiness –Brightness

19 Green Nature –Serenity Friendliness –Being intellectual

20 Blue Coolness –Being soothing; –Like the sky, water, and ice; Trustworthiness –Friendliness » (Typically the #1 » favorite color.)

21 Purple Drama –Regalness

22 Black Sophistication –Formality Death

23 White Lightness –Airiness Purity –Cleanliness

24 Brown Warmth –Comfort Earthiness –Home »Nature

25 Gray Coolness Formality Oppressiveness

26 Warm Colors Increase work speed –Are stimulating, happy, & warm (Sun, fire, etc.)

27 Cool Colors Are relaxing, sad, & cool. –(Sky, water, grass, trees.)

28 Light colors Can be boring if used too much –Or too soft

29 Dark colors Get attention –Are bold Can overpower

30 Red Yellow Blue

31 Secondary colors Orange = (red and yellow) Green = (yellow and blue) Violet = (red and blue)

32 Tertiary colors Made by adding more of one color than the other. –For example: –red-orange, yellow-orange, yellow-green, blue-green, blue-violet, red-violet

33 Neutral colors Colors not found on the color wheel. –They include:

34 Color Schemes What is a scheme? –It is a plan, or orderly combination of related parts. –A color scheme is one or more related colors used together to create a mood/feeling in a room.

35 Monochromatic: –Different tints and shades of one color –Mood: Calm, boring, add interest through different textures

36 Analogous/Related 3 colors next to each other on the color wheel Mood: –relaxing if in same value –(i.e. light, medium, or dark).

37 Accented Neutral Neutral colors & 1 color from the color wheel. –Mood: »calm, with a little bit of excitement.

38 Complementary/Strong Contrast 2 colors opposite each other on the color wheel Mood: –stimulating, lively, bold, can overpower.

39 Triad 3 colors equal distance on the color wheel they form a triangle Mood: –energetic

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