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Computational Systems Biology

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1 Computational Systems Biology
Array CGH for constitutional disorders: from diagnosis to disease gene discovery Computational Systems Biology

2 Array CGH: from diagnosis to gene discovery
Patients with congenital & acquired disorders Location of chromosomal imbalances CGH microarrays Molecular karyotyping Statistical analysis Map chromosomal abnormalities Improved diagnosis Discover new disease causing genes and explain their function Prioritized candidate genes Validation Databasing "The Center of Human Genetics is involved in the development of array-CGH and among the first to clinically implement this novel technology which enables the identification of chromosomal imbalances. This technology has sped up the discovery of chromosomal anomalies causal for human developmental and acquired disorders. The identification of chromosomal imbalances pinpoints the location of disease causing genes. To stay at the forefront of unraveling the molecular causes of these disorders and stay at the forefront of the gene discovery process it is essential (1) to improve further the array CGH data analysis proces, (2) enable in silico assignment of gene function and (3) to develop novel bioinformatic data extraction tools to unravel functional interactions among genes involved in human development. By doing so SymBioSys will prioritize candidate genes to fuel and direct future biological research "

3 Part I: Array Comparative Genomic Hybridization (array CGH)

4 Array CGH Child with e.g. heart defect and learning disabilities
Sample is collected and sent to genetic center

5 Cytogenetic diagnostic
2-3% of live birth with major congenital anomaly 15-25% recognized genetic causes 8-12% environmental factors 20-25% multifactorial 40-60% unknown 15-20% of those resolved by array CGH Importance of diagnosis Usually limited therapeutic impact BUT Reduce family distress End of “diagnostic odyssey” Estimate risk of recurrence De novo aberration vs. familial mutation Knowledge of disorder evolution (life planning) Prevent complications Future therapies (e.g., fragile-X, Rett + gene therapy)

6 Deletion del(22)(q12.2) Patient Pulmonary valve stenosis Cleft uvula
Mild dysmorphism Mild learning difficulties High myopia

7 Deletion del(22)(q12.2) Deletion on Chromosome 22
~0.8Mb Deletion contains NF2 NF2  acoustic neurinomas Benign tumor, BUT Hard to diagnose Severe complications

8 The challenge: identifying recurrent imbalances and disease genes

9 The imbalances are scattered across the genome

10 Genotype-phenotype correlation

11 Array CGH: from diagnosis to gene discovery
Processing of array CGH data Databasing and mining of patient descriptions Genotype-phenotype correlation Candidate gene prioritization Experimental validation of candidate genes

12 Part II: Candidate gene prioritization

13 Candidate gene prioritization
High-throughput genomics Data analysis Candidate genes ? Information sources Candidate prioritization Validation Identify key genes and their function Integration of multiple types of information

14 Prioritization by text mining
ENSG ENSG ... ENSG ENSG ENSG If we then count the actual number of co-occurences of WHSC1 and Microcephaly, we might find a higher number than expected by chance. This overrepresentation implies a putative link between gene and concept. Microcephaly overrepresented in document set for WHSC1 gene

15 Prioritization by example
Several cardiac abnormalities mapped to 3p22-25 Atrioventricular septal defect Dilated cardiomyopathy Brugada syndrome Candidate genes (“test set”) 3p22-25, 210 genes Known genes (“training set”) 10-15 genes: NKX2.5, GATA4, TBX5, TBX1, JAG1, THRAP, CFC1, ZFPM2, PTPN11, SEMA3E Congenital heart defects (CHD) High scoring genes ACVR2, SHOX2 - linked to heterotaxy and Turner syndrome (often associated with CHD) Plexin-A1 - reported as essential for chick cardiac morphogenesis Wnt5A, Wnt7A – neural crest guidance

16 Prioritization by virtual pulldown

17 Endeavour
Aerts et al. Nature Biotechnology

18 Prioritization by text mining in DECIPHER
A screenshot of gene prioritisation in decipher. This is a patient carrying an aberration in the Prader Willi/Angelman region.

19 Novel DiGeorge candidate
D. Lambrechts, P. Carmeliet, KUL Cardiovascular Biol. TBX1 critical gene in typical 3Mb aberration Atypical 2Mb deletion (58 candidates)

20 YPEL1 YPEL1 is expressed in the pharyngeal arches during arch development YPEL1KD zebrafish embryos exhibit typical DGS-like features DiGeorge syndrome is characterized by pharyngeal arch, cardiovascular, thymus and parathyroid defects and craniofacial anomalies Figure 2 Expression of ypel1 in the pharyngeal arches in zebrafish embryos. All panels show whole-mount in situ hybridization analysis of ypel1 or tbx1 expression in zebrafish embryos; the head of the embryo (anterior) is always facing left. (a) Dorsal view of the anterior half of a 3-somite stage (11 hpf) zebrafish embryo, showing ypel1 expression in the lateral plate mesoderm (arrows). (b) Lateral view of the head and trunk region of a 28 hpf zebrafish embryo, revealing ypel1 expression in the pharyngeal arch primordia (black arrow). (c-f) Dorsal view at 28 hpf, showing expression of ypel1 (c,d) and tbx1 (e,f) in the pharyngeal arches. (d) Black arrows delineate the pharyngeal arch primordium. ypel1 appears to mark neural crest cells, since these cells normally occupy the region between the arch epithelium and mesodermal core. ypel1 is also expressed in the head, ear (white arrow), and fin bud (red arrow). (f) White arrow and asterisk denote the second pharyngeal (hyoid) arch, where expression of tbx1 is restricted to the epithelium and mesodermal core. (g,h) Lateral view at 3 dpf showing ypel1 expression in the pharyngeal arches 3 to 6 (also termed aortic arches or AA3-AA6). Panels d,f,h depict an enlarged view. Scale bar: 10 µm Figure 3 Ypel1KD zebrafish embryos exhibit typical DGS-like features. Panels a,c,e,g,i show control embryos, while panels b,d,f,h,j show ypel1KD embryos. In all panels, the head of the embryo is facing to the left. (a,b) Lateral view of the head in live embryos at 4 dpf. The lower jaw is clearly visible in the control, whereas ypel1KD embryos show an underdeveloped lower jaw (mandibular arch). Note: lower jaw is not visible due to masking by flared gill arch tissue in ypel1KD embryos. fig. will be replaced with frontal view Pericardial edema is also apparent, most likely as a result of malformed aortic arch arteries. (c,d) Lateral view of the aortic arch arteries (AAA3-AAA6), stained by tie1 whole mount in situ hybridization, in 3 dpf zebrafish embryos: 18 of 60 ypel1KD embryos but only 1 of 41 control embryos exhibited AAA defects (P<0.05), ranging from isolated vessel narrowing to complete disorganization, individual missing AAAs as in the case of the embryo shown (missing AAA3), or underdevelopment of all AAAs. Occasionally, all AAs were missing. fig. will be replaced with more severe AAA defect (e,f) Ventral view of the pharyngeal arch cartilage using alcian blue stain at 3 dpf. In ypel1KD embryos, the jaw arches were severely malformed with the mandibular arch often reduced in size. The pharyngeal arch cartilage also showed reduced or absent staining. Of the 67 ypel1KD embryos scored, 52 exhibited craniofacial defects (P<0.05) while all 55 controls appeared normal. (g,h) Whole mount rag2 (ref ) in situ staining, revealing that the thymus was hypoplastic or even absent in 35 of the 74 ypel1KD embryos, while all 57 control embryos possessed normal rag2 thymic expression at 3 dpf (P<0.05). (i,j) Whole mount gcm2 (ref ) in situ staining of 3 dpf embryos, revealing that development of the parathyroid (gill arches - see Supplementary Note 4) was impaired in ypel1KD embryos, as evidenced by strongly reduced gcm2 staining in 25 out of 66 ypel1KD embryos, while parathyroid development was normal in all of the 41 control-injected embryos (P<0.05). Scale bar: 20 µm in panels a,b,g,h; 10 µm in panels e,f; 5 µm in panels c,d,I,j. Statistical calculations were performed using the Pearson Chi-squared test. For details on gene-specific and control morpholino oligonucleotides used, see Supplementary Figure 3 online.

21 Congenital heart disease genes
B. Thienpont, K. Devriendt, J. Vermeesch, KUL CME 60 patients without diagnosis Congenital heart defect & Chromosomal phenotype 2nd major congenital anomaly Or mental retardation/special education Or > 3 minor anomalies Array Comparative Genomic Hybridization 1 Mb resolution 11 anomalies detected 5 deletions 2 duplications 3 complex rearrangements 1 mosaic monosomy 7

22 Candidate regions 4 regions with known critical genes, 6 new regions, 80 candidate genes aberration gene del(5)(q23) ? del(5)(q35.1) NKX2.5 del(5)(q35.2qter) NSD1 del(14)(q22.1q23.1) del(22)(q12.2) dup(22)(q11) TBX1 dup(19)(p13.12p13.11) del(9)(q34.3qter),dup(20)(q13.33qter) NOTCH1, EHMT1 del(13)(q31.1q31.3),dup(13)(q31.3q33.2),inv(13) del(4)(q34.3q35.1),dup(4)(q34),inv(4) In the remaining regions no genes are known that cause CHD. Now, how can we go from these questionmarks to pinpointing the gene causing CHDs? Since these regions contain in between 20 and 200 genes, going over all of them individually is not very efficient. Therefore we chose to do an automatic gene prioritisation, using a tool called “endeavour”. How does this work? I shall illustrate this for the del14q.

23 Cis-regulatory module
del(14)(q22.1q23.1) ? Gene prioritization Expression data KEGG pathways Protein domains Cis-regulatory module BLAST Protein interactions Pubmed textmining BMP4 1.CNIH DACT1 BMP4 RTN1 KIAA1344 EXOC5 2. DAAM1 PTGER2 DLG7 OTX2 3. KIAA1344 PTGDR ARID4A WDHD1 4. CGRRF1 SOCS4 KIAA0586 CDKN3 TIMM9 5. DDHD1 STYX PSMA3 SAMD4 ERO1L KTN1 6. ACTR10 PSMC6 7. CDKN3 FBXO34 8. RTN1 GNPNAT1 9. FBXO34 TBPL2 10. CNIH 11. PLEKHC1 GCH1 12. DDHD1 PLEKHC1 13. 14. BMP4 15. GCH1 GMFB 16. KTN1 GPR135 ACTR10 80. Haploinsufficiency of some

24 Biological validation
Candidates currently being validated in zebrafish Screen about 50 candidates for heart expression at different developmental stages Morpholino knockdowns of candidates expressed in hearts Screen for heart phenotypes

25 Array CGH: from diagnosis to gene discovery
Patients with congenital & acquired disorders Location of chromosomal imbalances CGH microarrays Molecular karyotyping Statistical analysis Map chromosomal abnormalities Improved diagnosis Discover new disease causing genes and explain their function Prioritized candidate genes Validation Databasing "The Center of Human Genetics is involved in the development of array-CGH and among the first to clinically implement this novel technology which enables the identification of chromosomal imbalances. This technology has sped up the discovery of chromosomal anomalies causal for human developmental and acquired disorders. The identification of chromosomal imbalances pinpoints the location of disease causing genes. To stay at the forefront of unraveling the molecular causes of these disorders and stay at the forefront of the gene discovery process it is essential (1) to improve further the array CGH data analysis proces, (2) enable in silico assignment of gene function and (3) to develop novel bioinformatic data extraction tools to unravel functional interactions among genes involved in human development. By doing so SymBioSys will prioritize candidate genes to fuel and direct future biological research "

26 Some achievements Publications Guidelines for array CGH
Aerts S et al. Gene prioritization through genomic data fusion. Nat Biotechnol May;24(5): Balikova I et al., Autosomal dominant microtia linked to five tandem copies of copy number variable region at Chromosome 4p16. Am J Hum Genet in press. Lage K et al. A human phenome-interactome network of protein complexes implicated in genetic disorders. Nat Biotechnol Mar;25(3): Guidelines for array CGH Vermeesch J et al. Guidelines for molecular karyotyping in constitutional genetic diagnosis. Eur J Med Genet Nov;15(11): Strategic Basic Research (SBO) project Molecular karyotyping K.U.Leuven, U.Gent, VUB €2,800,000 (4 years) Development of new applications of array CGH technology FP7 proposal on bioinformatics for congenital heart defects Visibility European Cytogenetics association – molecular karyotyping workgroup INSERM workshop array CGH (La Londe les Maures, FR, Sep 07) Numerous keynote lectures Contacts with all major array CGH companies

27 Salmonella sys. biology
Partners involved Joris Vermeesch array CGH technology Koen Devriendt congenital heart defects Hilde Van Esch mental retardation Thierry Voet - array CGH technology Femke Hannes genotype-phenotype correlation Bernard Thienpont CHD disease genes Jeroen Breckpot Irina Balikova eye defects Liesbeth Backx mental retardation genes Boyan Dimitrov skeletal disorders An Crepel microcephaly & autism Caroline Robberechts fertility Evelyne Vanneste - single cell array CGH Yves Moreau gene prioritization Roland Barriot knowledge mining Francesca Martella array CGH statistics Sonia Leach gene networks Steven Van Vooren text mining Bert Coessens - array CGH data mgt. Leo Tranchevent Endeavour Yu Shi prioritization algorithms Daniela Nitsch - prioritization algorithms Peter Konings statistical genetics CNVs Gene prioritization Module discovery Network inference Human genetics Endocrinology Salmonella sys. biology Probabilistic models CME-UZ ESAT-SCD BioStat Legendo ESAT-SCD

28 Challenges ahead From genes to networks The $1000 genome
Data big bang Phenotypic genome annotation by data fusion Sanger sequencing Next-gen sequencing


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