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Anemia Inadequate number of red blood cells, hemoglobin or both.

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Presentation on theme: "Anemia Inadequate number of red blood cells, hemoglobin or both."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anemia Inadequate number of red blood cells, hemoglobin or both.
Signs/Symptoms: Fatigue, dyspnea (difficulty breathing), rapid heart rate

2 Causes Blood loss Iron deficiency-cannot form hemoglobin Sickle-cell
Enlarged erythrocytes Injury to or destruction of bone marrow

3 Treatments Blood transfusion Iron supplements Vitamin B12 injections

4 Aneurysm Ballooning out, or saclike formation on an artery wall
Causes: Disease, congenital defects, injuries, high blood pressure Any condition that causes arterial walls to weaken or deteriorate can result in an aneurysm.


6 Signs/Symptoms: Pain Pressure Rupture: hemorrhaging and death Sometimes there are no symptoms Common sites: Cerebral, aortal, abdominal arteries

7 Treatment Surgically removing the damaged area of blood vessel and replacing it with a plastic graft or another blood vessel.


9 Arteriosclerosis Hardening or thickening of the arterial walls, resulting in a loss of elasticity and contractility Causes high blood pressure (hypertension), and can lead to an aneurysm

10 Atherosclerosis Fatty plaque (cholesterol) lines the walls of the arteries causing blockage Causes a decrease in blood flow If plaque breaks loose, it can circulate through the bloodstream as emboli. Treatment: angioplasty, atherectomy, stent, low cholesterol diet, bypass if complete blockage

11 Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)
Heart muscle do not beat adequately to supply the blood needs of the body. Symptoms: Edema, dyspnea, pallor, weak and rapid pulse, cough with pink, frothy sputum. Treatment: Diuretics, oxygen therapy, bedrest, low-sodium diet

12 Embolus Foreign substance circulating in the bloodstream.
Can be air, blood clot, bacterial clump, fat, etc. Can enter an artery or capillary that is too small and cause blockage

13 140/90 Hypertension High blood pressure
Systolic pressure higher than 140 Diastolic pressure higher than 90. 140/90

14 Causes

15 Treatment Antihypertensive drugs Limit stress Avoid tobacco
Low sodium/low fat diet

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