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Adult Medical-Surgical Nursing Neurology Module: Spinal Disc Lesion.

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Presentation on theme: "Adult Medical-Surgical Nursing Neurology Module: Spinal Disc Lesion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adult Medical-Surgical Nursing Neurology Module: Spinal Disc Lesion

2 Disc Lesion: Description A protrusion or herniation of the cartilaginous intervertebral disc putting pressure on nerve roots of the spinal cord Most common sites are the cervical or lumbar spine

3 Disc Lesion: Aetiology “Wear and tear” Injury: major or minor Lifting, coughing, sneezing increasing localised pressure causing herniation

4 Disc Lesion: Clinical Manifestations A shooting pain down the nerve. Most commonly: From the back down the leg (Sciatica) From the neck down one or both arms Numbness and tingling of the extremities Limping, difficulty and pain on stretching and straightening limb

5 Disc Lesion: Diagnosis Patient history and clinical picture MRI (main diagnostic tool) CT scan Myelogram (invasive and less used now)

6 Disc Lesion: Management Surgery (micro-surgery): Discectomy: removal of the herniating disc Laminectomy: removal of the lamina of the vertebra to remove pressure on the nerve root

7 Disc Lesion: Nursing Considerations (Demonstrate pre-op): Breathing exercises Post-op alignment of the patient: “log- rolling” technique for position change How to get in and out of bed once mobile Collar or corset to immobilise the area Anti-embolism stockings Usually up to toilet 1 st day post-op but no sitting in a chair (raised toilet seat)

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