OUTSOURCING Golf Accounting Solutions. Why outsource? TO IMPROVE YOUR BOTTOM LINE The Premise underlying the need is TIME. Hiring, training, marketing,

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Presentation on theme: "OUTSOURCING Golf Accounting Solutions. Why outsource? TO IMPROVE YOUR BOTTOM LINE The Premise underlying the need is TIME. Hiring, training, marketing,"— Presentation transcript:

1 OUTSOURCING Golf Accounting Solutions

2 Why outsource? TO IMPROVE YOUR BOTTOM LINE The Premise underlying the need is TIME. Hiring, training, marketing, community, tournaments, service, course conditioning, golf course projects, expenses, bills to pay, checks to sign, payroll, membership, events calendar, staying clean, inventory, merchandising, buying, advertising. Family. Outsource to gain expertise and to take care of certain portions of your operation.

3 The 80/20 principle and 80/20 thinking can be applied to the premises of time, efficiency and the need to outsource. The basics of the 80/20 principle are that in any one product line 20% of the products in that line create 80% of the revenues and profitability of that line. Applied to Golf, 20% of our customers create 80% of our revenues. Applied to our time and running our operations 20% of our efforts create 80% of our results. We know this time needs to be focused on Training, Customer Service, and Sales & Marketing. Gain control while freeing up time.

4 GAS business performance management tools provide you with the means to accurately predict and assess performance by revenue and cost center at your club. You can gauge and measure key performance indicators and see declining balances in all cost centers. KNOW WHERE YOU STAND, during the month. This is PRO-ACTIVE MANAGEMENT.

5 How it Works We Replace your onsite Bookkeeper with financial systems and tools that an administrative assistant, assistant manager, manager in training can operate. POS Sales Reports Match GL accounts in Forecast Template and Budget Templates Your Daily Over Short Calculations Feed the Forecasting Tool This Tool Warehouses your Operations for the month Daily Reconciliations, Payroll, Months Budget, Prior Years Actual Creates This Months Revenues Trend, Declining Balances by Cost Center & YOUR FORECAST for the Month. You will know your results before the end of the Month You have a full blown P&L statement by the day that Forecasts your month end.

6 Financial Reports Forecasting current Months Results Balance Sheet Departmentalized Profit and Loss Trailing Twelve Months Report Reforecast Current Year

7 Create More time for marketing and Operations by eliminating accounting oversight. Reduce your onsite labor costs, administrative fees, including payroll burden, and health insurance. Eliminate your accounting IT infrastructure, software, and training needs. Insulate your self from turnover. Have your statements every month on time with no excuses. Have confidence that your numbers are an accurate depiction of your Operations Lower your costs while increasing control!

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