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Kurt Vonnegut.  20 th century American writer  Genre: novel/short story, satire/dark humor/science fiction  Soldier & POW in Dresden  Slaughterhouse-Five,

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Presentation on theme: "Kurt Vonnegut.  20 th century American writer  Genre: novel/short story, satire/dark humor/science fiction  Soldier & POW in Dresden  Slaughterhouse-Five,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Kurt Vonnegut

2  20 th century American writer  Genre: novel/short story, satire/dark humor/science fiction  Soldier & POW in Dresden  Slaughterhouse-Five, Breakfast of Champions, Cat’s Cradle

3  Audio Book Audio Book  Takes place in the future, year 2081  Everyone is finally equal  No one is extraordinary

4  2081 Trailer 2081 Trailer  Film Film

5  With your partner(s), come to a consensus: What is individuality? Are the people in “Harrison Bergeron” really ‘finally equal’? Can we ever actually be completely equal? Is saying everyone is special just another way of saying nobody’s special? Is saying everyone is special just another way of saying nobody’s special?

6  Create a two-column list that identifies how an individual could be above average and the handicap that would nullify this ability or quality Above Average Quality/Ability Handicap that Nullifies BeautyWear a mask Physical StrengthWear heavy and cumbersome weights

7  In 2081, the government has issued the 211 th, 212 th, and 213 th Amendments that have finally made everyone equal. Adopting the language of the Constitution, write one of these Amendments in the language of our Constitution:  You should also include a list of specific handicaps and which attributes they are meant to diminish. “AMENDMENT XV Passed by Congress February 26, 1869. Ratified February 3, 1870. Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude-- Section 2. The Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.”


9  Between the five short stories we have read (The Masque of the Red Death, The Last Leaf, The Ransom of Red Chief, Those Three Wishes, and Harrison Bergeron) write about which one was your favorite and why  For your explanation, refer specifically to the text at least three times  OPTIONAL: Sketch in your notebook a possible cover design for the short story

10  Discuss your favorite short story, why you chose that story, share your various examples  For all five stories, write in your notes: Author and something about the author 3-5 sentence synopsis Character list Setting Literary element

11  Get into groups according to favorite short story  First discuss why you chose that story and share your various examples  Come up with a literary element example  Then, discuss the other three short stories and come up with an example of a literary element from each  Each group member should record the literary elements in their notes

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