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Copyright Guidelines An In-service for Middle An In-service for Middle School Teachers School Teachers By Bethany Worrell By Bethany Worrell.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright Guidelines An In-service for Middle An In-service for Middle School Teachers School Teachers By Bethany Worrell By Bethany Worrell."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright Guidelines An In-service for Middle An In-service for Middle School Teachers School Teachers By Bethany Worrell By Bethany Worrell

2 Help!! Have you ever been confused about a resource’s copyright? Can you copy it? Is it okay? Here are a few “Do’s” and “Don’ts” of following copyright guidelines in today’s society.

3 Internet Do:  Download images for student projects and lessons.  Download sound files and video for use in multimedia projects. Don’t:  Repost images onto the Internet without permission. (You can post the link to the legitimate image)

4 Print Materials (Books, periodicals, pamphlets, newspapers, etc.) Do:  Make multiple copies for classroom use.  Copy a chart, graph, cartoon, or picture. Multiple Copies Limited:  Poems: less than 250 words  Article, story, or essay: less than 2,500 words. Don’t:  Copy anthologies, compilations, & collective works.

5 Music (Records, cassettes, CDs, audio clips) Do:  Up to 10% of a copyright composition can be used as part of a multimedia program. Don’t:  Make any copies without an educational purpose.

6 CD-ROMs Do:  To have multiple users or multiple copies of the disc at multiple workstations, obtain a site or network license Interesting Fact: Unlike other formats, the physical CD-ROM is purchased, but it is the actual content that is licensed for use

7 Software Do:  Obtain a site license agreement to use it at more than one computer.  Install on multiple machines Don’t:  Use the backup copy at the same time as the original.

8 Video (for viewing) Do:  Use DVDs in face-to-face instruction if it is part of the curriculum.  Make copies for archival purposes. Don’t:  Use for entertainment or reward.

9 Video (for integration into multimedia projects) Do:  Allow students to use portions as long as they are 10 percent of the whole or 3 minutes.

10 E-Books Do:  Sign a licensing agreement for e-books that are purchased. Don’t:  Break the copyright restrictions stated in the agreement.

11 E-Journals Do:  Allow students to make one copy of an article for research. Don’t:  Make multiple copies for classroom use unless copyright permission from the publisher is obtained.

12 Graphic Materials (Posters, graphs, cartoons, drawings, etc.) Do:  Copy graphic materials in periodicals: one chart, graph, diagram, drawing, cartoon, or picture per periodical. Don’t:  Copy study prints or art prints.

13 Illustrations & Photographs Don’t:  Use more than 5 images by a single artist.  Use more than 15 images or 10 percent from a collection.

14 Newspapers & Periodicals Do:  Copy a chart, graph, diagram, cartoon, picture, or article for instructional use. Don’t Forget:  Word limits: 250 words for poetry and 2,500 words for articles.  Creation of anthologies, compilations, & collective works is a no-no!

15 Online Databases Do: Consult license agreements for fair use policy.

16 Textbooks Don’t: Copy workbooks, exercises, tests, or other consumable works.

17 Websites Do:  Obtain permission to make more than one copy for personal use if you do not find a notice saying you can reproduce it.  Adhere to the licensing agreement if you subscribe. Don’t:  Assume you can copy material!

18 Conclusion  It is important that you, as teachers, be aware of copyright guidelines to be sure that you are following them.  If you have questions about a medium’s copyright information, ask your Library Media Specialist!

19 References Bishop, K. (2007). The collection program in schools: Concepts, practices, and information sources. Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited.

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