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Chapter 21 Protists Do Now: Answer these in your notebooks 1- How do protists move? 2- How do protists obtain energy? 3- What domain and kingdom are they.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 21 Protists Do Now: Answer these in your notebooks 1- How do protists move? 2- How do protists obtain energy? 3- What domain and kingdom are they."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 21 Protists Do Now: Answer these in your notebooks 1- How do protists move? 2- How do protists obtain energy? 3- What domain and kingdom are they in?

2 Protist Diversity Most diverse of all organisms Mostly unicellular, some multicellular First group to evolve into multicellular & cell specialization Characteristics: Kingdom Protista, Domain Eukarya Plant-like, Animal- Like and Fungus-like Movement (flagella, cilia, pseudopodia) Live in water or damp soils Some parasitic

3 Protist Reproduction Asexual and Sexual Reproduction Asexually  spores Sexually  Unicellular or Multicellular

4 Sexual reproduction in Unicellular Protists –Unicellular- mitosisHaploid cell divides by mitosis, produces gametes Gametes fuse, forms diploid zygote MeiosisMeiosis forms haploid cells

5 Sexual Reproduction in Multicellular Protists Either through alternation of generations or conjugation 1- Alternation of Generations- 2 phases: Diploid & Haploid 2 phases: Diploid & Haploid 2- Conjugation- 2- Conjugation- temporary bridge between 2 protists, pass genetic information and forms a new “filament”

6 Types of Protists!!

7 Amoeba and their Pseudopodia Amoebas: Move & Eat by c cc cytoplasmic extensions – pseudopodia No cell wall or flagella Reproduce by fission (divisions) Can be parasitic

8 Algae Photosynthetic! Green Algae (chlorophyll) –Unicellular – freshwater –Multicellular- marine water Plankton! Red Algae (Red pigments) –Multicellular, live in deep oceans Brown Algae (brown pigments) –Large multicellular –Kelp

9 The Flagellates All use flagella Dinoflagellates –Unicellular, 2 flagella, heterotrophic or autotrophic –Red tides & “BioLum” Euglenoids – Unicellular, 2 flagella, heterotrophic and autotrophic –Eyespots

10 The Cilliates Cilia (movement & food) Unicellular heterotrophs Paramecium are ciliates

11 Draw the Protists! Ameoba Cilliate Euglena Label the structures !!

12 Topic 1: Other Protists Slime Molds –Cellular- individual, colonial and spores –Plasmodial- many nuclei Water mold & Downy Mildews- potato famine

13 “Dog Vomit” Slime Mold

14 Fuligo septica The blood like drops are liquefied fungal tissue

15 Slime Mold In A Fish Aquarium

16 Water mold on dead larval mayfly/stonefly

17 Topic 1: Parasitic Protists!! SporozoansSporozoans –Parasitic –Non-motile, unicellular –Asexual and sexual –Diseases like malaria

18 Topic 2: Good and Bad Protists Good- –D–Digestive tracts –P–Plankton- oxygen and food –R–Recycle chemicals back into environment Bad –D–D–D–Diseases Malaria- P PP Plasmodium in mosquitoes –I–Infected mosquito bites human and transmits sporozoite –S–Sporozoite infects liver cells and produces merozoits –M–Merozoites infect red blood cells

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