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RELIGION AND EXPERIENCE The Transfiguration of Christ.

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1 RELIGION AND EXPERIENCE The Transfiguration of Christ

2 Research projects: 15 minutes to design posters for class presentations Resources: Handout – The Argument from Religious Experience. Text book – Philosophy of Religion for A level Group 1 Explain religious experience as an argument for the existence of God (p. 35 Phil of Rel) Group 2 Explain the problems of verification of religious experiences (p.37/38 Phil of Rel) Group 3 Explain William James’ 4 characteristics (p. 25 Phil of Rel) Group 4 Explain James’ different types of conversion, and state examples (p.32/33 Phil of Rel)

3 Religious Experience as Argument for existence of God God is ‘personal being to believers’ But if God revealed himself too frequently it would jeopardise free will Therefore God manifests occasionally and privately (Swinburne) Principle of Credulity: we must accept what appears to be the case unless we have evidence which suggests otherwise

4 Problems of verification of religious experience: (objective versus subjective) Individual rather than groups undergo experiences Only have personal testimony Very personal response Experience depends of respective religion faith Drugs and alcohol produce similar effects

5 William James: characterisation of religious experience Ineffability: experience cannot be described in human terms Noetic quality: certain knowledge is gained through revelation, not sensory perception Transiency; experience is out of proportion, in terms of time and space Passivity: experience is out of control of individual

6 CONVERSION: often seen as miraculous and permanent TYPES: –Volitional (conscious choice) –Self surrender (involuntary) EXAMPLES: –Intellectual conversion (inner conflict) –Moral conversion (life style) –Social conversion (subconscious incubation)

7 To meet exam criteria you will be expected to evaluate strengths and weakness’ of James’ argument, and to talk in detail about Paul’s conversion: So for homework: Read William James’ handout : Strength and Weakness of James’ argument for Religious Experience Read conversion of St Paul handout – make detailed notes as revision exercise

8 NEXT WEEK : You will be set a mock foundation paper to complete in class – UNDER EXAM CONDITIONS So come prepared with pens and paper This is to give you practice for your AS Foundation paper for the Study of Religion

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