A Project Sponsored by the McCormick Foundation LINC Consortium Meeting August 9, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "A Project Sponsored by the McCormick Foundation LINC Consortium Meeting August 9, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Project Sponsored by the McCormick Foundation LINC Consortium Meeting August 9, 2011

2 Welcome and Introductions 1.Introduction of faculty/staff 2.Introduction of LINC staff and consultants

3 Why Is This Important? Increased public investment in early childhood calls for sustained results – Avoiding fade out – Push up/push down concept Early childhood to early elementary years are important – Short and long term results of early childhood – Children not reading by third grade face a 90% chance of dropping out of high school

4 Building the Foundation for Alignment Child Parent Centers – Chicago Head Start and Pre School for All requirements Early Childhood RTTT Program Data and Assessment Integration – – P-20 Longitudinal Data System – Illinois Kindergarten Individual Development Survey P-12 Principal Endorsement

5 New Legislation & Rules P.A. 096-0903 created a P-12 Principal Certification Sec. 30.30 d) 1). Each program shall offer curricula that address student learning and school improvement and focus on :1) all grade levels (i.e., preschool through grade 12); 4) all students with specific attention on students with special needs (e.g., students with disabilities, ELL, gifted students, and students in early childhood programs) Sec. 30.40 a) The internship portion of the program shall be conducted at one or more public or nonpublic schools to enable the candidate to be exposed to and participate in a variety of school leadership situations and settings and 1) consist of the following components: A) Engagement in instructional activities that involve teachers at all grade levels (i.e., preschool through grade 12), including teachers in both general education, special education, bilingual education and gifted education settings

6 New Legislation & Rules Sec 30.45 Assessment of the Internship: Assessing candidate knowledge and performance on competencies using the outcomes rubric in 4 assessment areas. These assessments only apply to candidate performance in the internship—not their performance on class content or in class associated field-based experiences. Assessment areas 1-3 do not specifically address learning experiences early childhood, special education, or bilingual education, but that does not prohibit their inclusion into the assessment process. Area 4 specifically assesses candidates performance related to individualized education programs including developing programs for students with disabilities and English Language Learners.

7 New Legislation & Rules Sec. 30.50 Coursework requirements 2) State and federal laws, regulations and case law regarding programs for students with disabilities and English Language Learners 5) Understanding literacy skills required for student learning that are developmentally appropriate (early literacy through adolescent literacy)… 6) Understanding numeracy skills and working collaboratively across content areas to improve problem-solving and number sense at all grade levels

8 Purpose of the Grant Two-year project to provide technical assistance in redesign of P-12 Principal Preparation Programs – Part 1: Consortium Approach to Redesigning P-12 Preparation Programs – Part 2: Building Statewide Support and Capacity – Part 3: Building Leadership Preparation Capacity and Support Proposed project timeline: June 1, 2011 – May 30, 2013

9 Essential Design Elements 1.Alignment with district/school needs 2.Joint selective admission in collaboration with partner districts 3.Bridging university degree programs into a cohesive P-12 leadership program (e.g., educational leadership, early childhood, special education) 4.Creating program cohesion through shared faculty decision making and sequential instruction at program and course level 5.Requirement of field experiences in early childhood settings, ELL, and special education services and programs 6.Integration of leading edge early childhood and P-3 materials and resources 7.Developing a clear metric to measure success

10 Services Contract Funds Collaborative Services – Webinars – Listserv and other resource sharing opportunities – Quarterly meetings – Just-in-time technical support LINC Curriculum module

11 Structure of LINC Module Content StrandFocus 1. Birth -12 as a Continuum and Single System One system; one continuum Successful transitions 2. Basics of Early Childhood Programming Foundations of EC Models of EC 3. Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Across the Continuum Curriculum and instruction to meet diverse needs of learners Data-driven decision making at different levels 4. Relationship and Communication: Family-School Partnerships Building relationships with families, staff and community

12 LINC Curriculum Module Module will be available on the LINC website (www.leadershiplinc.ilstu.edu) in fall 2011www.leadershiplinc.ilstu.edu Instructors or faculty members will be required to participate in a one hour webinar training that will provide information about the structure of the module, the content, and possible uses

13 Services Program Self Assessment (EDC Quality Measures)

14 Services Principal Preparation Alignment Tool – School Leadership Standards in Use and Statute – Glossary of Terms and Acronyms – Aspiring Principal Framework – Core Competency Dictionary – Development Benchmarks – Illinois Principal Preparation Tool Guide – Internship Assessment Rubric – LPPW tool

15 Resources EDC Quality Measures SREB Scoring Guide for Core Conditions and Indicators of Program Redesign Books

16 Needs Assessment Work done to date by institution Further assistance needed

17 Next Steps – LINC Consortium Steering Committee – Setting next meeting dates – Webinar topics – Toolkit

18 Contact Information Lisa Hood lhood@ilstu.edu Erika Hunt elhunt@ilstu.edu

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