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Announcements TEST Monday Feb. 9th – Will cover ALL of Unit 1 – Colonial America QUIZ Corrections (Hand back today) – to be completed by Friday. On a sheet.

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Presentation on theme: "Announcements TEST Monday Feb. 9th – Will cover ALL of Unit 1 – Colonial America QUIZ Corrections (Hand back today) – to be completed by Friday. On a sheet."— Presentation transcript:

1 Announcements TEST Monday Feb. 9th – Will cover ALL of Unit 1 – Colonial America QUIZ Corrections (Hand back today) – to be completed by Friday. On a sheet of notebook paper, correct the answer you missed (using your notes) and staple together. Turn into late bin. Available Friday during lunch for help.

2 Notebook Checks TURN INTO ME ASAP if you haven’t already.
I am available Friday during lunch to help you. This is an instructional resource and portfolio it is mandatory for you to complete. It will jeopardize your success in this class if you do not complete it. Most people have the notebook set up correctly! Yay good job!

3 Notebook Checks Common Problems:
Right hand sides incomplete- If you miss notes, copy immediately when you return or use my website. Left hand sides missing – all left hand sides must show application of info on right! If you need an idea just ask! Left hand sides lacking effort- drawling a picture is not always enough- explain your picture if it is not obvious. ALL pictures must be colored (if it is only a picture) This is a “Set up” grade. Next time I evaluate your notebook it will be based on effort/creativity/application on the left sides!!

4 Plymouth & Massachusetts Bay Colony
The Pilgrims and Puritans

5 Review English Colonists came to America for many reasons.
They came to explore, to make money, to spread and practice their religion freely, and to live on land of their own. Roanoke was settled by Sir Walter Raleigh's in an attempt to increase the land held by the British Empire Jamestown was settled by the Virginia Company of London in hopes of turning a profit from Gold and Silver.

6 Review Religious Persecution in England Review
(See notes on Board & Reading)

7 Plymouth Background: In the 1500s England broke away from the Roman Catholic Church and created a new church called the Church of England. Everyone in England had to belong to the church.

8 Plymouth There was a group of people called Separatists that wanted to separate from the Church of England. The Separatists, under the leadership of William Bradford, decided to leave England and start a settlement of their own so that they could practice their religion freely. Bradford went to the Virginia Company and asked them for permission to establish a new colony in Virginia. The Virginia Company agreed, so the Pilgrims set sail on the Mayflower in September 1620 towards Virginia.

9 Document One, “A Description of New England” written by Captain John Smith describing the area around Cape Cod, Massachusetts, considered at that time to be “Northern Virginia.” After reading the document explain why the Separatists decided to move to “Northern Virginia.”

10 (LEFT) Document 1 Questions
Why would John Smith want “fatherless children” and young married couples to settle in America? How would they be helping King and country by leaving England for America? What can people expect when they come to America? Do you think that John Smith was exaggerating the benefits or was he being truthful? How do you know?

11 Document 2 The Mayflower was blown off course during a storm in the Atlantic and reached land at Cape Cod. Some believe that the ship did not stray off course and that the Separatists intended to settle well north of the Virginia colony so that they would not be subject to the government established for Virginia

12 Document 2 Questions Why did the Pilgrims believe that the Mayflower Compact was necessary? By signing the Mayflower Compact what were the Pilgrims agreeing to do? If you had been one of the Pilgrims on the Mayflower would you have signed the agree- ment? Why or why not?

13 Mayflower Compact The Pilgrims had a long and difficult journey across the Atlantic Ocean. A storm blew them off course so instead of landing in Virginia, they landed further north in Cape Cod. The Pilgrims decided to settle in this area and called it Plymouth. There was a problem with them staying; there was no form of government to follow. The Virginia Company had given the Pilgrims a charter to settle in Virginia. The charter was not valid for Plymouth. The men aboard the Mayflower decided that they would write a plan of government for their colony. The plan of government became known as the Mayflower Compact. The men agreed to consult each other about the laws for the colony, and they promised to work together to make the colony succeed. All the men signed the document. Women were not allowed to participate.

14 The Pilgrims finally stepped foot on land in November of 1620
The Pilgrims finally stepped foot on land in November of This was not the best time to establish a colony. It was very difficult for the Pilgrims to find food and shelter in the middle of winter. By the time spring arrived, half of the colonists had died. When spring arrived the Pilgrims set out to plant crops and build their colony. They Pilgrims were told how to plant corn and other crops and how to trap animals for food and clothing by Samoset and Squanto. By fall the colony was saved and to celebrate their success they celebrated the first Thanksgiving.

15 Massachusetts Bay Colony


17 Review King James I threatened to force Puritans to accept the Church of England. In 1625 King James died and was followed by his son, Charles I who had even less liking for any religious dissenters. Many of the English Puritans were well educated. Some had become noted clergymen, some prosperous businessmen, and some served in the Parliament as members of the House of Commons. A number of the leading Puritans decided it would be wise to leave England before the king tried to force them to conform to the Church of England.

18 Puritans In 1630 another group left England in search of religious freedom. This group was called the Puritans. The Puritans wanted to leave the Church of England to become pure by getting rid of Catholic practices. The Puritans did not want to separate entirely from the Church of England; they wanted to make reforms or changes. King Charles I would threaten the Puritans with harsh punishments if they did not obey the Church of England; therefore, they sought freedom in America.

19 Massachusetts Bay Colony
The Puritans received a Land Grant from the Massachusetts Bay Company to settle land in New England and a Charter from the King John Winthrop led approximately 1,000 Puritans to America and established the Massachusetts Bay Colony. The colonists wanted to base the colony on the laws of God. They believed that God would protect them if they obeyed his laws.

20 Explanation of Charters
In 1628, a Puritan group of well-rounded businessmen created the Governor and Company of Massachusetts Bay to be a profitable investment in the colonies. The Council of New England authorized a land grant, allowing the company rights to the area between the Charles and Merrimack rivers to the Pacific Ocean westward. Seeking surplus protection for their endeavor, the Puritans requested and were granted a charter from England. In 1684, the royal charter was taken away, splitting the Massachusetts Bay Company and the colony. In 1691, Plymouth Colony and Maine were absorbed in a new royal charter.[4]

21 . Document Four, “The Divine Right to Occupy the Land,” a sermon preached by Rev. Cotton before John Winthrop and the first large group of Puritans that left for New England.

22 Document 4 Questions 1. If you were a Puritan getting ready to settle in New England how would you react to Rev. Cotton’s sermon? 2. What rights do you have from God to settle this new land? 3. How must you deal with the native people of North America? 4. What advice do you think Rev. Cotton would give Puritan settlers in New England after the Pequot War of 1636?

23 Model Colony Winthrop wanted to make this colony a model for all other colonies to follow. Like the other colonies, the Massachusetts Bay Colony established a government. All men who were church members were able to vote for governor and for representatives to the General Court. The General Court would then make laws for the good of the colony. AKA – Theocracy?

24 The Puritan colony was set up by persons escaping religious persecution in England.
The colonists had been promised that they would become freeholders and as members of the church and property owners they could vote on policy. There was no separation of church and state as we know it today in the United States. As long as settlers were members of a Puritan congregation they would have a voice in making policy for church and state. Why do you think the Puritans felt it was necessary to set up a religious community in America?

25 City Upon a hill Document Five, John Winthrop’s “A Model of Christian Charity” Discuss the meaning of the metaphor of a “City Upon a Hill.” A City upon a Hill is a phrase from the parable of Salt and Light in Jesus's Sermon on the Mount. In Matthew 5:14, he tells his listeners, "You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden." Winthrop's sermon gave rise to the widespread belief in American folklore that the United States of America is “God's country”

26 Document 5 Questions According to John Winthrop, what rules must settlers in this new colony follow? How are settlers to show their Christian charity? Why does he say that this colony is like “a city upon a hill?” How were Puritans to live? Why was the colony to be an example for others to follow? What will happen if settlers do not honor and serve God? What can you learn about Puritan beliefs from Winthrop’s “A Model of Christian Charity?” What evidence do you have from the study of the Puritan colony to determine if settlers followed Winthrop’s advice?

27 Roanoke Island, Jamestown, Plymouth, and Massachusetts Bay Colony were the earliest of the English settlements and they paved the way for future colonies to develop.

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