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Population Ecology. What is Ecology? Study of organisms, their environment and interactions Different types of ecology Not environmentalists!

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Presentation on theme: "Population Ecology. What is Ecology? Study of organisms, their environment and interactions Different types of ecology Not environmentalists!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Population Ecology

2 What is Ecology? Study of organisms, their environment and interactions Different types of ecology Not environmentalists!

3 What is Ecology? Abiotic factors: –Water –Sun –Temperature –Wind –Soil –Disturbance

4 What is Ecology? Organismal responses: –Physiological – acclimation –Anatomical –Behavioral

5 Population Ecology Characteristics of Populations Described by demographics –Size –Age structure –Density –Dispersion pattern

6 Dispersion – Clumped Common Patchy resources clumpedclumped


8 Dispersion – Random Uniform conditions

9 Dispersion – Uniform Harsh competition


11 Determining Population Size Direct counts Sampling –Plants –Mark and recapture

12 Changes in Population Size Adds: –Births – Immigration Subtract: –Death –emigration

13 Exponential Growth

14 Limits on Growth Environmental conditions Limiting factors: Predation, food supply, etc.

15 Carrying Capacity (K) Sustainable resource supply for a population

16 Logistic Growth As size of the population increases, rate of reproduction decreases When the population reaches carrying capacity, population growth ceases


18 Density-Dependent Controls Disease, predation, competition, toxicity of waste

19 Density-Independent Controls Natural disasters, climate events

20 LE 18-20a Decreasing birth rate with increasing density

21 LE 18-20b Increasing death rate with increasing density

22 LE 18-22 Exponential growth Sudden decline

23 Human Population Growth 6 billion Average annual increase is 1.26% Increase exponentially

24 Human Population Growth

25 Future Growth 2 Million yrs for population to reach 1 billion Only 12 yrs to reach 5 th billion 1.26% growth is not sustainable

26 Ecological Footprints 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 02 4 68 121416 Available ecological capacity (ha per person) Ecological footprint (ha per person) Japan UK Spain Germany Netherlands Norway USA World China India Sweden Canada Australia New Zealand Figure 36.9B Traffic in downtown Cairo, Egypt Manhattan, New York City Refugee camp in Zaire Figure 36.9C

27 Age Structure Diagrams Show age distribution of a population Rapid Growth Slow Growth Zero Growth Negative Growth



30 Resource Consumption U. S. has 4.7% world’s population India has 16% U.S. uses 25% of processed minerals and energy and produces 25% of global pollution India is mere 3%

31 Life History Patterns Patterns of survival and reproduction

32 Survivorship Curves Graph of age-specific survivorship

33 Type I – K selected

34 Type II

35 Type III – r selected

36 Table 18.2

37 Life Tables Population is divided into age categories Birth rates and mortality risks are calculated for each age category

38 Table 18.1

39 Life Tables

40 Question of the Day

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