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More DBMS research needed for Dependability Relevance/Authorization/Security Hans-J. Schek, Institute of Information Systems ETH Zürich and UMIT Innsbruck.

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Presentation on theme: "More DBMS research needed for Dependability Relevance/Authorization/Security Hans-J. Schek, Institute of Information Systems ETH Zürich and UMIT Innsbruck."— Presentation transcript:

1 More DBMS research needed for Dependability Relevance/Authorization/Security Hans-J. Schek, Institute of Information Systems ETH Zürich and UMIT Innsbruck

2 Dependability Example E-Health, Health Monitoring: –Distributed information system, many components that can fail or behave wrongly (sensors, power supply, signal processing, availability of health records, authorization service) –Automated processes that must excecute under all circumstances and must overcome failures of all kinds (hardware, software, emergency...) How can we design/verify/safely execute such systems that we can depend on them?

3 Relevance/Authorization/Security We can record our life and replay it. What parts are relevant to whom and who may replay (parts)of my life? Special case: life-long e-health record –Who owns the data Hospitals, doctors, patients? Do we cary our health record with us, implanted? –What must be seen by whom and who authorizes access? –What mechanisms do I have to grant selective access to doctors. Problem: I do not understand all my data

4 Background: Health care in the information society, a prognosis for the year 2013 by Reinhold Haux et al.(from Int. Journal of Medical Informatics 66 (2002) –Comprehensive electronic patient record for direct patient care and patient group analyses –Health information system architecture for cooperative, patient- centered and cross-institutional care –Medical knowledge centers for world-wide use and tools for medical data mining –Multi-functional mobile ICT tools for patient care

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