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Application of Percents

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1 Application of Percents
Textbook pages

2 Warm up Write each percent as a decimal and as a fraction in SIMPLEST FORM! 105% % % 4. 0.5% % %

3 Application of % Vocab What is sales tax?
The sales tax is a percent of the purchase price.(Tax Rate) Sales Tax= tax rate(%) x purchase price A desk you plan to buy costs $ In the state where are shopping, the sales tax rate is 6%. What will you pay for the desk? Sales Tax= 0.06 x Sales tax= 9.60 Total purchase= purchase price + sales tax = Answer is $169.59

4 Check for understanding
The store has a bigger desk that cost $ You have only $200 to spend. Do you have enough money for the bigger desk? The sales tax rate is 6%. Find the payment for the purchase of $37.50 with a sales tax rate of 4%.

5 Application of % What is a tip? What is the standard tipping rate?
A tip is a percent of a bill that you give to the person providing a service. The standard tipping rate is 10% to 20%. 10% -poor service 15% average service 20% excellent service

6 Application of % tip Suppose you treat a friend to lunch. The total cost of the food items is $9.68. There is a 7% sales tax that will be added to you food and you want to leave a 20% tip for excellent service. How much will the total bill be? ** Highlight/underline important info** Step 1:find sales tax sales tax= tax rate x purchase price Step 2: Find the tip tip= % tip x purchase price Step 3: Add everything purchase price + tip+ sales tax

7 Check for understanding
Find 127% of $9.68. Is your answer the same as the answer in the previous example? Explain. You order a pizza for home delivery. There is a 5% delivery fee, and you want to give the driver a 20% tip. If the pizza costs $12.60, how much should you pay the driver?

8 Application of % commission
What is commission? Jobs that pay commission- realtor, jewelry sales, Buckle clothing, telemarketing, Sales representative at companies and many more. Some sales jobs pay you a percent of the amount you sell. This percent is called a commission. A commission may be paid in addition to a salary.

9 Application of % commission
Commission= commission rate x sales Find the commission on a $500 sale, with a commission rate of 12.5% x 500  change % into a decimal 62.5 The commission is $62.50 for a $500 sale.

10 Application of % commission
A sales person receives a salary of $650 each week, plus a commission of 4% of all sales. In one week , his sales are $1,250. What does the sales person earn that week? Total earnings= salary + commission Salary=$650 Commission = 0.04 x 1,250 Commission = 50 Total earning= Total= $700

11 Check for understanding
A sales person has a weekly salary of $800 and a commission rate of 3.5% of sales. Find the salesperson’s earnings for a week when sales are $1.400

Next time you go out to eat calculate your waiter or waitresses tip for your parents. Take a Piece of notebook paper with you and work out their tip. Show your work. Have your parents and your server sign off your work. Replace low quiz grade!!!

13 Homework assignment 3/13/13
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