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Strategic Planning for the Reproductive Health and Population Sector: An Introduction The Strategic Mindset.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Planning for the Reproductive Health and Population Sector: An Introduction The Strategic Mindset."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Planning for the Reproductive Health and Population Sector: An Introduction The Strategic Mindset

2 Learning Objectives Understand the distinction between strategic and non-strategic approach Define strategic planning

3 Session Outline Why be strategic? What is strategic planning? Why develop a strategic plan? Why is it important for the RH and population sector?

4 Strategic vs. Non-Strategic Non-Strategic –Anecdotal –Ad hoc –Reactive –Whimsical Strategic –Analytical –Systematic –Proactive –Realistic

5 Why Be Strategic? Programs/sectors have to –Make trade-offs –Do more with less –Get the most bang for the buck –Adapt to changing situations

6 What Is Strategic Planning? Strategic planning is the process of determining what a sector intends to be in the future and how it will get there Present Future How What/where

7 It is an ongoing process of…. Analysis Planning Action Strategic Planning

8 Why Develop a Strategic Plan? To improve performance To stimulate forward thinking and clarify future direction To reduce barriers to effective RH programs To make the best use of resources To influence rather than to be influenced

9 Dynamic and unpredictable environment Why Is Strategic Planning Important for the RH/Population Sector? Declining donor support Health Sector Reforms Decentralization Alternative financing Privatization Increasing inequalities HIV/AIDS Pandemic Reproductive Health/ Population Sector Competing Priorities Increasing literacy and awareness

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