National History Day How to: Creating a Performance

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1 National History Day How to: Creating a Performance

2 What is a Performance? A live dramatic presentation performed as an individual or group. Scripted Based on research Structured around thesis statement, supporting statements, and conclusion Tip: It is not just a recitation of a historical paper!

3 The Basics Check the Contest Rule Book for complete rules
Time limit: 10 minutes to perform. 5 minutes to set up and break down. Media: Only the performers can operate it. Costumes: Create own, have one made, rent, borrow. Do not have to be expensive to be accurate. Live performance: Don’t be afraid! Everyone watching is there to support you.

4 What Makes a Performance Different?
Presented live. You have to develop a strong narrative so that your story unfolds in a dramatic and visually interesting way. You wear costumes and have props. Have to memorize your script.

5 What does your project need to “do”?
Tell a story Reveal change over time Consider historical perspective Provide context Ask questions Draw conclusions Find facts

6 How do I choose a topic? Brainstorm topics related to the theme.
Learn what historical resources are nearby. Think through controversial topics. Choose something you think is interesting!

7 How do I research my topic?
Start with secondary sources They help you understand your topic more completely. Will point you toward primary sources. Help you pick the specific themes and key questions you want to address and ask. Can I use websites? Yes, but don’t do all your research there.

8 How do I research my topic?
Primary sources! NHD defines these as materials directly related to a topic by time or participation. Sources can be both primary and secondary depending on how it’s used. Look in the footnotes and bibliographies of secondary sources to find them. Talk to a librarian, historian, teacher, or archivist!

9 Evaluating your sources
Not all primary sources are primary to your topic. Think about these questions: What type of source is it? What is the date? Who created it? Where was it produced?

10 What do I put in a performance?
Remember you only have 10 minutes. Does it fit the theme? Does it further the story you’re telling? Is it visually interesting? How many characters will you need to tell your story? Does it convey the importance of the events or theory?

11 Your “Script” A 10 minute performance = roughly 5 double-spaced pages.
Clear thesis and strong supporting points. Historical accuracy. Range of emotion. Action! This is a performance. Compelling narrative with conflict and resolution. Strong conclusion. Do you need audio/visual aids? Edit, double check, rewrite. Check out the library or ask your teacher for examples.

12 What should my performance look like?
Consider your sets and props. You only have 5 minutes to set up. Doesn’t need to be elaborate to tell your story. Consider where you will stand, move, or relate to your set. Consider your costumes. Consult original photographs or costume guides. You must be the one making all the decisions about it. Sometimes simple is better. Have fun with it!

13 Your Annotated Bibliography and Citations
Bibliography: List of sources typed that you consulted in creating your performance. Keep a working bibliography as you research. Annotations: Brief descriptions of how the source was useful to your research. For both annotations and citations refer use the MLA or Turabian style manuals. Kate L. Turabian, A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations. Joseph Gibaldi, MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers.

14 Tips! Watch your posture, gestures, motion, and voice. Do not rush!
Memorize the action, emotion, and content with the words. Focus on certain characters rather than narrating an entire biography or timeline. Establish your scene right away. Again, less can be more! Your research, argument, and solid script are the most important. The performance stands alone: Judges should be able find all your information in the performance. Practice, practice, practice. Alone and in front of an audience.

15 But, what if I have questions?
That’s easy, contact: Cheryl Caskey at or ext.4461. Or, visit: Or, visit: Or, visit:

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