Please come in and take your seats quietly !!!!!.

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Presentation on theme: "Please come in and take your seats quietly !!!!!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Please come in and take your seats quietly !!!!!

2 Piedmont Open Middle School Dee Gardner, Principal Jackie Barone, Robert Cox Assistant Principals August 2011 Students Rights and Responsibilities Handbook and Expectations

3 Code of Conduct We will be Responsible. We will be Respectful. We will be Safe. These words need to be the focus of EVERYTHING we do!

4 Team Leaders – Bell/Booth Counselor – Delaney IB Coordinator – Johnston Instruction AP – Barone Discipline AP - Cox

5 Discipline Plan Remember the Levels of Discipline D= Democracy (Ultimate Goal) C= Comformity (Acceptable) B= Bullying/Bothering (Unacceptable) A= Anarchy (Unacceptable)

6 Tardy Procedures Tardiness: It is important that you are on time for each and every class. ***Parents will be contacted by Connect-Ed when students are tardy ***Please be aware that tardies to school will result in contact with parents and consequences from the teachers, counselors and/or administration

7 Dress Code - Highlights  No SAGGING pants  No hats, scarves, do-rags, sunglasses, or bandannas are to be worn on campus  No tight or excessively short/revealing clothes  Skirts cannot be shorter than fingertip  No pajamas or blankets  No spaghetti straps, tank tops or strapless tops ( no shoulders seen)  Leggings must be worn underneath torn jeans (no skin on thigh seen)  No silly bands or rubber bands  Shoes appropriate for physical activity

8 Electronic Devices Cell phones are permitted, but they must be TURNED OFF and CONCEALED. This includes while you are on the bus as it is school property (This does not mean they are on silent or vibrate mode.) No IPODS, CD players, PSPs, Nintendos or any electronic devices on campus. (We will not investigate thefts of these items.)

9 Tier I & II Violations Insubordination: Failure to comply with authorized direction of any school personnel is prohibited. General Disruption: ANY behaviors that disrupt the learning environment…  Offensive language and or gestures  Excessive Talking  Horseplaying  Rude Noises

10 Tier I & II Interventions –Teacher Interventions –Team Interventions –Administrative Interventions In-School Suspension (ISS) Out-of-School Suspension (OSS) Revocation (sent to home school)

11 Yellow Pages Violations Tier III, IV, V All of the violations found in the yellow pages may result in an out-of-school suspension from school and a request for long/term suspension or exclusion

12 Physical Aggressive Actions Verbal Confrontation/Provocation Remember - DON’T DO IT!!! Hitting, Biting, Spitting, Shoving, Kicking or Throwing Objects Fighting (immediate suspension)

13 Self Defense The act of shielding yourself from being hit. Hitting a person back is not self defense; it is retaliation that will be considered fighting.

14 Inappropriate Sexual Behavior Inappropriate touching –Kissing –Excessive hugging Offensive touching –Unwanted touching of an offensive manner Sexual harassment –Unwanted verbal or physical conduct of sexual nature Consensual sexual activity –Both parties are willing

15 Weapons TOY knife or gun Knife, razor blade, or box cutter Gun— includes cap pistol, pellet gun,or any look-alike gun Laser pointers (even if a part of a pen) Consequence for possession of ANY type of weapon on school property is a long-term suspension or exclusion.

16 Gang Activity Clothing/Gang Paraphernalia Communication (gestures, handshakes, etc.) Vandalism (tagging with symbols or slogans) Recruitment

17 Consequences for Tier III, IV, V Tier III—11 to 30 days Tier IV—up to 365 days Tier V—expulsion

18 Got GRIT?

19 The End

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